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Control of Networked Multiagent Systems with Uncertain Graph Topologies

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 نشر من قبل Tansel Yucelen
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Multiagent systems consist of agents that locally exchange information through a physical network subject to a graph topology. Current control methods for networked multiagent systems assume the knowledge of graph topologies in order to design distributed control laws for achieving desired global system behaviors. However, this assumption may not be valid for situations where graph topologies are subject to uncertainties either due to changes in the physical network or the presence of modeling errors especially for multiagent systems involving a large number of interacting agents. Motivating from this standpoint, this paper studies distributed control of networked multiagent systems with uncertain graph topologies. The proposed framework involves a controller architecture that has an ability to adapt its feed- back gains in response to system variations. Specifically, we analytically show that the proposed controller drives the trajectories of a networked multiagent system subject to a graph topology with time-varying uncertainties to a close neighborhood of the trajectories of a given reference model having a desired graph topology. As a special case, we also show that a networked multi-agent system subject to a graph topology with constant uncertainties asymptotically converges to the trajectories of a given reference model. Although the main result of this paper is presented in the context of average consensus problem, the proposed framework can be used for many other problems related to networked multiagent systems with uncertain graph topologies.

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In this paper, we investigate the role of a physical watermarking signal in quickest detection of a deception attack in a scalar linear control system where the sensor measurements can be replaced by an arbitrary stationary signal generated by an att acker. By adding a random watermarking signal to the control action, the controller designs a sequential test based on a Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) method that accumulates the log-likelihood ratio of the joint distribution of the residue and the watermarking signal (under attack) and the joint distribution of the innovations and the watermarking signal under no attack. As the average detection delay in such tests is asymptotically (as the false alarm rate goes to zero) upper bounded by a quantity inversely proportional to the Kullback-Leibler divergence(KLD) measure between the two joint distributions mentioned above, we analyze the effect of the watermarking signal variance on the above KLD. We also analyze the increase in the LQG control cost due to the watermarking signal, and show that there is a tradeoff between quick detection of attacks and the penalty in the control cost. It is shown that by considering a sequential detection test based on the joint distributions of residue/innovations and the watermarking signal, as opposed to the distributions of the residue/innovations only, we can achieve a higher KLD, thus resulting in a reduced average detection delay. Numerical results are provided to support our claims.
In this paper, we propose and analyze an attack detection scheme for securing the physical layer of a networked control system against attacks where the adversary replaces the true observations with stationary false data. An independent and identical ly distributed watermarking signal is added to the optimal linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control inputs, and a cumulative sum (CUSUM) test is carried out using the joint distribution of the innovation signal and the watermarking signal for quickest attack detection. We derive the expressions of the supremum of the average detection delay (SADD) for a multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) system under the optimal and sub-optimal CUSUM tests. The SADD is asymptotically inversely proportional to the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) under certain conditions. The expressions for the MIMO case are simplified for multi-input and single-output systems and explored further to distil design insights. We provide insights into the design of an optimal watermarking signal to maximize KLD for a given fixed increase in LQG control cost when there is no attack. Furthermore, we investigate how the attacker and the control system designer can accomplish their respective objectives by changing the relative power of the attack signal and the watermarking signal. Simulations and numerical studies are carried out to validate the theoretical results.
We derive an optimal control formulation for a nonholonomic mechanical system using the nonholonomic constraint itself as the control. We focus on Suslovs problem, which is defined as the motion of a rigid body with a vanishing projection of the body frame angular velocity on a given direction $boldsymbol{xi}$. We derive the optimal control formulation, first for an arbitrary group, and then in the classical realization of Suslovs problem for the rotation group $SO(3)$. We show that it is possible to control the system using the constraint $boldsymbol{xi}(t)$ and demonstrate numerical examples in which the system tracks quite complex trajectories such as a spiral.
Networked robotic systems, such as connected vehicle platoons, can improve the safety and efficiency of transportation networks by allowing for high-speed coordination. To enable such coordination, these systems rely on networked communications. This can make them susceptible to cyber attacks. Though security methods such as encryption or specially designed network topologies can increase the difficulty of successfully executing such an attack, these techniques are unable to guarantee secure communication against an attacker. More troublingly, these security methods are unable to ensure that individual agents are able to detect attacks that alter the content of specific messages. To ensure resilient behavior under such attacks, this paper formulates a networked linear time-varying version of dynamic watermarking in which each agent generates and adds a private excitation to the input of its corresponding robotic subsystem. This paper demonstrates that such a method can enable each agent in a networked robotic system to detect cyber attacks. By altering measurements sent between vehicles, this paper illustrates that an attacker can create unstable behavior within a platoon. By utilizing the dynamic watermarking method proposed in this paper, the attack is detected, allowing the vehicles in the platoon to gracefully degrade to a non-communicative control strategy that maintains safety across a variety of scenarios.
In this paper the optimal control of alignment models composed by a large number of agents is investigated in presence of a selective action of a controller, acting in order to enhance consensus. Two types of selective controls have been presented: a n homogeneous control filtered by a selective function and a distributed control active only on a selective set. As a first step toward a reduction of computational cost, we introduce a model predictive control (MPC) approximation by deriving a numerical scheme with a feedback selective constrained dynamics. Next, in order to cope with the numerical solution of a large number of interacting agents, we derive the mean-field limit of the feedback selective constrained dynamics, which eventually will be solved numerically by means of a stochastic algorithm, able to simulate efficiently the selective constrained dynamics. Finally, several numerical simulations are reported to show the efficiency of the proposed techniques.
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