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Evolution of the superconducting energy gap structure concomitant with Fermi surface reconstruction in the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5

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 نشر من قبل Ruslan Prozorov
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The London penetration depth, $lambda (T)$ was measured in single crystals of Ce$_{1-x}R_x$CoIn$_5$, $R$=La, Nd and Yb down to 50~mK ($T_c/T sim$50) using a tunnel-diode resonator. In the cleanest samples $Delta lambda (T)$ is best described by the power law, $Delta lambda (T) propto T^{n}$, with $n sim 1$, consistent with line nodes. Substitutions of Ce with La, Nd and Yb lead to similar monotonic suppressions of $T_c$, however the effects on $Delta lambda(T)$ differ. While La and Nd doping results in an increase of the exponent to $n sim 2$, as expected for a dirty nodal superconductor, Yb doping leads to $n > 3$, inconsistent with nodes, suggesting a change from nodal to nodeless superconductivity where Fermi surface topology changes were reported, implying that the nodal structure and Fermi surface topology are closely linked.

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243 - Xiaowen Jia , Yan Liu , Li Yu 2011
High quality single crystals of heavy Fermion CeCoIn5 superconductor have been grown by flux method with a typical size of (1~2)mm x (1~2)mm x ~0.1 mm. The single crystals are characterized by structural analysis from X-ray diffraction and Laue diffr action, as well as compositional analysis. Magnetic and electrical measurements on the single crystals show a sharp superconducting transition with a transition temperature at Tc(onset) ~ 2.3 K and a transition width of ~0.15 K. The resistivity of the CeCoIn5 crystal exhibits a hump at ~45 K which is typical of a heavy Fermion system. High resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements of CeCoIn5 reveal clear Fermi surface sheets that are consistent with the band structure calculations when assuming itinerant Ce 4f electrons at low temperature. This work provides important information on the electronic structure of heavy Fermion CeCoIn5 superconductor. It also lays a foundation for further studies on the physical properties and superconducting mechanism of the heavy Fermion superconductors.
The thermal conductivity of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn_5 has been studied in a magnetic field rotating within the 2D planes. A clear fourfold symmetry of the thermal conductivity which is characteristic of a superconducting gap with node s along the (+-pi,+-pi)-directions is resolved. The thermal conductivity measurement also reveals a first order transition at H_c2, indicating a Pauli limited superconducting state. These results indicate that the symmetry most likely belongs to d_{x^2-y^2}, implying that the anisotropic antiferromagnetic fluctuation is relevant to the superconductivity.
We study bulk electronic states of superconducting topological insulator, which is the promising candidate for topological superconductor. Recent experiments suggest that the three-dimensional Fermi surface evolves into two-dimensional one. We show t hat the superconducting energy gap structure on the Fermi surface systematically changes with this evolution. It is clarified that the bulk electronic properties such as spin-lattice relaxation rate and specific heat depend on the shape of the Fermi surface and the type of the energy gap function. These results serve as a guide to determine the pairing symmetry of Cu$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$.
A yet unknown surface reconstruction of V3Si(001), which is most likely induced by carbon, is used to investigate the quasi-particle energy gap at the atomic scale by a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope. The width of the gap was virtually not a ltered at and close to carbon impurities, nor did it change at different sites of the reconstructed surface lattice. A remarkable modification of the spectroscopic signature of the gap was induced, however, upon moving the tip of the microscope into controlled contact with the superconductor. Spectroscopy of the resulting normal-metal -- superconductor junction indicated the presence of Andreev reflections.
We have succeeded in growing single crystals of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCo(In1-xZnx)5 with x<=0.07. Measurements of specific heat, electrical resistivity, dc magnetization and ac susceptibility revealed that the superconducting (SC) transi tion temperature Tc decreases from 2.25 K (x=0) to 1.8 K (x=0.05) by doping Zn into CeCoIn5. Furthermore, these measurements indicate a development of a new ordered phase below T_o ~ 2.2 K for x=>0.05, characterized by the reduced magnetization and electrical resistivity in the ordered phase, and the enhancement of specific heat at T_o. This phase transition can be also recognized by the shoulder-like anomaly seen at H_o ~ 55 kOe in the field variations of the magnetization at low temperatures, which is clearly distinguished from the superconducting critical fields Hc2=49 kOe for x=0.05 and 42 kOe for x=0.07. We suggest from these results that the antiferromagnetic (AFM) order is generated by doping Zn, and the interplay between the SC and AFM orders is realized in CeCo(In1-xZnx)5.
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