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A multiwavelength analysis of the clumpy FIR-bright sources in M33

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 نشر من قبل Giovanni Natale
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a multiwavelength study of a sample of far-infrared (FIR) sources detected on the Herschel broad--band maps of the nearby galaxy M33. We perform source photometry on the FIR maps as well as mid-infrared (MIR), H$alpha$, far-ultraviolet and integrated HI and CO line emission maps. By fitting MIR/FIR dust emission spectra, the source dust masses, temperatures and luminosities are inferred. The sources are classified based on their H$alpha$ morphology (substructured versus not-substructured) and on whether they have a significant CO detection ($S/N>$3$sigma$). We find that the sources have dust masses in the range 10$^2$-10$^4$~M$_odot$ and that they present significant differences in their inferred dust/star formation/gas parameters depending on their H$alpha$ morphology and CO detection classification. The results suggests differences in the evolutionary states or in the number of embedded HII regions between the subsamples. The source background--subtracted dust emission seems to be predominantly powered by local star formation, as indicated by a strong correlation between the dust luminosity and the dust-corrected H$alpha$ luminosity and the fact that the extrapolated young stellar luminosity is high enough to account for the observed dust emission. Finally, we do not find a strong correlation between the dust-corrected H$alpha$ luminosity and the dust mass of the sources, consistent with previous results on the breakdown of simple scaling relations at sub-kpc scales. However, the scatter in the relation is significantly reduced by correcting the H$alpha$ luminosity for the age of the young stellar populations in the star--forming regions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

68 - M.J. Fox 2001
We present the results of a multi-wavelength study of the 19 most significant sub-mm sources detected in the SCUBA 8-mJy survey. As described in Scott et al. (2001), this survey covers ~260 arcmin^2 using the sub-millimetre camera SCUBA, to a limitin g source detection limit S(850um) ~ 8 mJy. One advantage of this relatively bright flux-density limit is that accurate astrometric positions are potentially achievable for every source using existing radio and/or mm-wave interferometers. However, an associated advantage is that SED-based redshift constraints should be more powerful than in fainter sub-mm surveys. Here we therefore exploit the parallel SCUBA 450um data, in combination with existing radio and ISO data at longer and shorter wavelengths to set constraints on the redshift of each source. We also analyse new and existing optical and near-infrared imaging of our SCUBA survey fields to select potential identifications consistent with these constraints. Our derived SED-based redshift constraints, and the lack of statistically significant associations with even moderately bright galaxies allow us to conclude that all 19 sources lie at z > 1, and at least half of them apparently lie at z > 2.
Verifying that sub-mm galaxies (SMGs) are gravitationally lensed requires time-expensive observations with over-subscribed high-resolution observatories. Here, we aim to strengthen the evidence of gravitational lensing within the Herschel Bright Sour ces (HerBS) by cross-comparing their positions to optical (SDSS) and near-infrared (VIKING) surveys, in order to search for the foreground lensing galaxy candidates. Resolved observations of the brightest HerBS sources have already shown that most are lensed, and a galaxy evolution model predicts that $sim$76% of the total HerBS sources are lensed, although with the SDSS survey we are only able to identify the likely foreground lenses for 25% of the sources. With the near-infrared VIKING survey, however, we are able to identify the likely foreground lenses for 57% of the sources, and we estimate that 82% of the HerBS sources have lenses on the VIKING images even if we cannot identify the lens in every case. We find that the angular offsets between lens and Herschel source are larger than that expected if the lensing is done by individual galaxies. We also find that the fraction of HerBS sources that are lensed falls with decreasing 500-micron flux density, which is expected from the galaxy evolution model. Finally, we apply our statistical VIKING cross-identification to the entire Herschel-ATLAS catalogue, where we also find that the number of lensed sources falls with decreasing 500-micron flux density.
We present an unprecedented, deep study of the primordial low-mass X-ray binary population in an isolated, lower-metallicity environment. We perform followup observations of previously-identified X-ray binary candidates in the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy b y combining a second Chandra observation with Spitzer and Gemini photometry, as well as Gemini spectroscopy of selected targets. Of the original nine bright X-ray sources identified, we are able to classify all but one as quasars, active galactic nuclei, or background galaxies. We further discover four new X-ray sources in the second-epoch Chandra observation. Three of these new sources are background sources and one is a foreground flaring star. We have found that Sculptor is effectively devoid of X-ray sources above a few 1e34 erg/s. If Sculptor is able to retain primordial binaries at a similar rate to globular clusters, this implies that bright X-ray binaries observed in globular clusters in the present epoch are all formed dynamically.
Studying giant star-forming clumps in distant galaxies is important to understand galaxy formation and evolution. At present, however, observers and theorists have not reached a consensus on whether the observed clumps in distant galaxies are the sam e phenomenon that is seen in simulations. In this paper, as a step to establish a benchmark of direct comparisons between observations and theories, we publish a sample of clumps constructed to represent the commonly observed clumps in the literature. This sample contains 3193 clumps detected from 1270 galaxies at $0.5 leq z < 3.0$. The clumps are detected from rest-frame UV images, as described in our previous paper. Their physical properties, e.g., rest-frame color, stellar mass (M*), star formation rate (SFR), age, and dust extinction, are measured by fitting the spectral energy distribution (SED) to synthetic stellar population models. We carefully test the procedures of measuring clump properties, especially the method of subtracting background fluxes from the diffuse component of galaxies. With our fiducial background subtraction, we find a radial clump U-V color variation, where clumps close to galactic centers are redder than those in outskirts. The slope of the color gradient (clump color as a function of their galactocentric distance scaled by the semi-major axis of galaxies) changes with redshift and M* of the host galaxies: at a fixed M*, the slope becomes steeper toward low redshift, and at a fixed redshift, it becomes slightly steeper with M*. Based on our SED-fitting, this observed color gradient can be explained by a combination of a negative age gradient, a negative E(B-V) gradient, and a positive specific star formation rate gradient of the clumps. We also find that the color gradients of clumps are steeper than those of intra-clump regions. [Abridged]
[abridged] The Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescope surveys of the Frontier Fields (FF) provide extremely deep images around six massive, strong-lensing clusters of galaxies. The ALMA FF survey aims to cover the same fields at 1.1mm, with maps reaching (unlensed) sensitivities of $<$70$mu$Jy, in order to explore the properties of background dusty star-forming galaxies. We report on the multi-wavelength photometric analysis of all 12 significantly detected ($>$5$sigma$) sources in the first three FF clusters observed by ALMA, based on data from Hubble and Spitzer, the VLT and Herschel. We measure the total photometry in all available bands and determine the photometric redshifts and the physical properties of the counterparts via SED-fitting. In particular, we carefully estimate the FIR photometry using 1.1mm priors to limit the misidentification of blended FIR counterparts, which strongly affect some flux estimates in previous FIR catalogs. We identify robust near-infrared (NIR) counterparts for all 11 sources with K$_s$ detection, the majority of which are quite red, with eight having $F814W-K_sgtrsim 4$ and five having $F160W-[4.5]gtrsim3$. From the FIR point of view, all our objects have $z_{phot}$$sim$1--3, whereas based on the optical SED one object prefers a high-$z$ solution ($zgeq $7). Five objects among our sample have spectroscopic redshifts from the GLASS survey for which we can reproduce their SEDs with existing templates. This verification confirms the validity of our photometric redshift methodology. The mean redshift of our sample is $z_{phot}$=1.99$pm$0.27. All 1.1mm selected objects are massive (10.0$<log[M_{star}(M_{odot})]<$ 11.5), with high star formation rates ($<log[SFR(M_{odot}/yr)]> approx$1.6) and high dust contents (8.1 $<log[M_{dust} (M_{odot})]<$8.8), consistent with previous ALMA surveys.
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