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Large order Reynolds expansions for the Navier-Stokes equations

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 نشر من قبل Livio Pizzocchero
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
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We consider the Cauchy problem for the incompressible homogeneous Navier-Stokes (NS) equations on a d-dimensional torus, in the C^infinity formulation described, e.g., in [25]. In [22][25] it was shown how to obtain quantitative estimates on the exact solution of the NS Cauchy problem via the a posteriori analysis of an approximate solution; such estimates concern the interval of existence of the exact solution and its distance from the approximate solution. In the present paper we consider an approximate solutions of the NS Cauchy problem having the form u^N(t) = sum_{j=0}^N R^j u_j(t), where R is the mathematical Reynolds number (the reciprocal of the kinematic viscosity) and the coefficients u_j(t) are determined stipulating that the NS equations be satisfied up to an error O(R^{N+1}). This subject was already treated in [24], where, as an application, the Reynolds expansion of order N=5 in dimension d=3 was considered for the initial datum of Behr-Necas-Wu (BNW). In the present paper, these results are enriched regarding both the theoretical analysis and the applications. Concerning the theoretical aspect, we refine the approach of [24] following [25] and use the symmetries of the initial datum in building up the expansion. Concerning the applicative aspect we consider two more (d=3) initial data, namely, the vortices of Taylor-Green (TG) and Kida-Murakami (KM); the Reynolds expansions for the BNW, TG and KM data are performed via a Python program, attaining orders between N=12 and N=20. Our a posteriori analysis proves, amongst else, that the solution of the NS equations with anyone of the above three data is global if R is below an explicitly computed critical value. Our critical Reynolds numbers are below the ones characterizing the turbulent regime; however these bounds have a sound theoretical support, are fully quantitative and improve previous results of global existence.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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336 - Jean-Yves Chemin 2008
In three previous papers by the two first authors, classes of initial data to the three dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were presented, generating a global smooth solution although the norm of the initial data may be chosen arbitr arily large. The main feature of the initial data considered in the last paper is that it varies slowly in one direction, though in some sense it is ``well prepared (its norm is large but does not depend on the slow parameter). The aim of this article is to generalize the setting of that last paper to an ``ill prepared situation (the norm blows up as the small parameter goes to zero).The proof uses the special structure of the nonlinear term of the equation.
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In this paper, we investigate the convergence of the global large solution to its associated constant equilibrium state with an explicit decay rate for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional whole space. Suppose the initial dat a belongs to some negative Sobolev space instead of Lebesgue space, we not only prove the negative Sobolev norms of the solution being preserved along time evolution, but also obtain the convergence of the global large solution to its associated constant equilibrium state with algebra decay rate. Besides, we shall show that the decay rate of the first order spatial derivative of large solution of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations converging to zero in $L^2-$norm is $(1+t)^{-5/4}$, which coincides with the heat equation. This extends the previous decay rate $(1+t)^{-3/4}$ obtained in cite{he-huang-wang2}.
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