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An alternative explanation of the dibaryon suggested by experiments at the WASA facility at the FZ Julich Cooler synchrotron

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 نشر من قبل David Bugg
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف D V Bugg

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A series of publications of the WASA collaboration culminates in a recent paper of Pricking, Bashkanov and Clement [1] claiming a dibaryon resonance at 2370 MeV. However, as explained here, there are logical flaws in this result. A natural alternative arises from the reaction pd -> N N*(1440)p_s where p_s is a spectator proton. There is supporting evidence from a recent experiment of Mielke et al. on dp -> 3He-piplus-piminus

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An exclusive measurement of the dd -> 3He n pi 0 reaction was carried at a beam momentum of p = 1.2 GeV/c using the WASA-at-COSY facility. For the first time data on the total cross section as well as differential distributions were obtained. The dat a are described with a phenomenological approach based on a combination of a quasi-free model and a partial wave expansion for three-body reaction. The total cross section is found to be sigma(tot) = (2.89 +- 0.01(stat) +- 0.06(sys) +- 0.29(norm)) mu b. The contribution of the quasi-free processes (with the neutron being target or beam spectator) accounts for 38% of the total cross section and dominates the differential distributions in specific regions of the phase space. The remaining part of the cross section can be described within a partial wave decomposition indicating the significance of p-wave contributions in the final state.
The WASA 4pi multidetector system, aimed at investigating light meson production in light ion collisions and eta meson rare decays at the CELSIUS storage ring in Uppsala is presented. A detailed description of the design, together with the anticipated and achieved performance parameters are given.
The luminosity for a WASA-at-COSY experiment involving the pd reaction at 2.14 GeV proton-beam energy is determined by the forward pd elastic scattering, which yields an average beam-on-target value of [5.2pm0.3(stat)pm0.3(syst)]*10^{30} s^{-1}cm^{-2 }. In addition, the forward pd elastic-scattering angular distribution is obtained with four-momentum transfer squared -t between 0.16 (GeV/c)^{2} and 0.78 (GeV/c)^{2} at this beam energy, which is compared with other experimental data and the pd double scattering model.
The excitation function for the $pdrightarrow$ $d p pi^{0}$ reaction has been measured by WASA-at-COSY experiment with the aim of searching for $^{3}hspace{-0.03cm}mbox{He}$-$eta$ mesic nuclei. The measurement in the vicinity of $eta$ meson productio n was performed using a ramped proton beam. The data analysis and interpretation was carried out with the assumption that the $eta$-mesic Helium decays via the formation of an intermediate N$^{*}$(1535) resonance. No direct signal of the $eta$-mesic nucleus is observed in the excitation function. We determine a new improved upper limit for the total cross section for the bound state production and decay in the $pdrightarrow$ $(^{3}hspace{-0.03cm}mbox{He}$-$eta)_{bound} rightarrow$ $d p pi^{0}$ process. It varies between 13 nb to 24 nb for the bound state with width in the range $Gamma in (5,50)$ MeV.
The LUNA (Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics) facility has been designed to study nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest. It is located deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy. Two electrostatic accelerators, w ith 50 and 400 kV maximum voltage, in combination with solid and gas target setups allowed to measure the total cross sections of the radiative capture reactions $^2$H(p,$gamma$)3He and $^{14}$N(p,$gamma$)$^{15}$O within their relevant Gamow peaks. We report on the gamma background in the Gran Sasso laboratory measured by germanium and bismuth germanate detectors, with and without an incident proton beam. A method to localize the sources of beam induced background using the Doppler shift of emitted gamma rays is presented. The feasibility of radiative capture studies at energies of astrophysical interest is discussed for several experimental scenarios.
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