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The minimum rank of a sign pattern matrix with a 1-separation

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 نشر من قبل Hein van der Holst
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
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A sign pattern matrix is a matrix whose entries are from the set ${+,-,0}$. If $A$ is an $mtimes n$ sign pattern matrix, the qualitative class of $A$, denoted $Q(A)$, is the set of all real $mtimes n$ matrices $B=[b_{i,j}]$ with $b_{i,j}$ positive (respectively, negative, zero) if $a_{i,j}$ is + (respectively, $-$, 0). The minimum rank of a sign pattern matrix $A$, denoted $mr(A)$, is the minimum of the ranks of the real matrices in $Q(A)$. Determination of the minimum rank of a sign pattern matrix is a longstanding open problem. For the case that the sign pattern matrix has a 1-separation, we present a formula to compute the minimum rank of a sign pattern matrix using the minimum ranks of certain generalized sign pattern matrices associated with the 1-separation.

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A emph{sign pattern (matrix)} is a matrix whose entries are from the set ${+, -, 0}$. The emph{minimum rank} (respectively, emph{rational minimum rank}) of a sign pattern matrix $cal A$ is the minimum of the ranks of the real (respectively, rational) matrices whose entries have signs equal to the corresponding entries of $cal A$. A sign pattern $cal A$ is said to be emph{condensed} if $cal A$ has no zero row or column and no two rows or columns are identical or negatives of each other. In this paper, a new direct connection between condensed $m times n $ sign patterns with minimum rank $r$ and $m$ point--$n$ hyperplane configurations in ${mathbb R}^{r-1}$ is established. In particular, condensed sign patterns with minimum rank 3 are closed related to point--line configurations on the plane. It is proved that for any sign pattern $cal A$ with minimum rank $rgeq 3$, if the number of zero entries on each column of $cal A$ is at most $r-1$, then the rational minimum rank of $cal A$ is also $r$. Furthermore, we construct the smallest known sign pattern whose minimum rank is 3 but whose rational minimum rank is greater than 3.
This is a foundational paper in tropical linear algebra, which is linear algebra over the min-plus semiring. We introduce and compare three natural definitions of the rank of a matrix, called the Barvinok rank, the Kapranov rank and the tropical rank . We demonstrate how these notions arise naturally in polyhedral and algebraic geometry, and we show that they differ in general. Realizability of matroids plays a crucial role here. Connections to optimization are also discussed.
68 - Wayne Barrett 2006
Our main result is a sharp bound for the number of vertices in a minimal forbidden subgraph for the graphs having minimum rank at most 3 over the finite field of order 2. We also list all 62 such minimal forbidden subgraphs. We conclude by exploring how some of these results over the finite field of order 2 extend to arbitrary fields and demonstrate that at least one third of the 62 are minimal forbidden subgraphs over an arbitrary field for the class of graphs having minimum rank at most 3 in that field.
A {it sign pattern matrix} is a matrix whose entries are from the set ${+,-, 0}$. The minimum rank of a sign pattern matrix $A$ is the minimum of the ranks of the real matrices whose entries have signs equal to the corresponding entries of $A$. It is shown in this paper that for any $m times n$ sign pattern $A$ with minimum rank $n-2$, rational realization of the minimum rank is possible. This is done using a new approach involving sign vectors and duality. It is shown that for each integer $ngeq 9$, there exists a nonnegative integer $m$ such that there exists an $ntimes m$ sign pattern matrix with minimum rank $n-3$ for which rational realization is not possible. A characterization of $mtimes n$ sign patterns $A$ with minimum rank $n-1$ is given (which solves an open problem in Brualdi et al. cite{Bru10}), along with a more general description of sign patterns with minimum rank $r$, in terms of sign vectors of certain subspaces. A number of results on the maximum and minimum numbers of sign vectors of $k$-dimensional subspaces of $mathbb R^n$ are obtained. In particular, it is shown that the maximum number of sign vectors of $2$-dimensional subspaces of $mathbb R^n$ is $4n+1$. Several related open problems are stated along the way.
This paper tackles the problem of robust covariance matrix estimation when the data is incomplete. Classical statistical estimation methodologies are usually built upon the Gaussian assumption, whereas existing robust estimation ones assume unstructu red signal models. The former can be inaccurate in real-world data sets in which heterogeneity causes heavy-tail distributions, while the latter does not profit from the usual low-rank structure of the signal. Taking advantage of both worlds, a covariance matrix estimation procedure is designed on a robust (compound Gaussian) low-rank model by leveraging the observed-data likelihood function within an expectation-maximization algorithm. It is also designed to handle general pattern of missing values. The proposed procedure is first validated on simulated data sets. Then, its interest for classification and clustering applications is assessed on two real data sets with missing values, which include multispectral and hyperspectral time series.
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