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Domain-wall free energy in Heisenberg ferromagnets

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 نشر من قبل Alessandro Vindigni
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider Gaussian fluctuations about domain walls embedded in one- or two-dimensional spin lattices. Analytic expressions for the free energy of one domain wall are obtained. From these, the temperature dependence of experimentally relevant spatial scales -- i.e., the correlation length for spin chains and the size of magnetic domains for thin films magnetized out of plane -- are deduced. Stability of chiral order inside domain walls against thermal fluctuations is also discussed.

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اقرأ أيضاً

116 - Jin Lan , Jiang Xiao 2021
In easy-plane ferromagnets, all magnetic dynamics are restricted in a specific plane, and the domain wall becomes massive instead of gyroscopic. Here we show that the interaction between domain wall and spin wave packet in easy-plane ferromagnets tak es analogy to two massive particles colliding via attraction. Due to mutual attraction, the penetration of spin wave packet leads to backward displacement of the domain wall, and further the penetration of continuous spin wave leads to constant velocity of domain wall. The underlying temporary exchange of momentum, instead of permanent transfer of linear and angular momenta, provides a new paradigm in magnonically driving domain wall.
Domain-wall free-energy $delta F$, entropy $delta S$, and the correlation function, $C_{rm temp}$, of $delta F$ are measured independently in the four-dimensional $pm J$ Edwards-Anderson (EA) Ising spin glass. The stiffness exponent $theta$, the frac tal dimension of domain walls $d_{rm s}$ and the chaos exponent $zeta$ are extracted from the finite-size scaling analysis of $delta F$, $delta S$ and $C_{rm temp}$ respectively well inside the spin-glass phase. The three exponents are confirmed to satisfy the scaling relation $zeta=d_{rm s}/2-theta$ derived by the droplet theory within our numerical accuracy. We also study bond chaos induced by random variation of bonds, and find that the bond and temperature perturbations yield the universal chaos effects described by a common scaling function and the chaos exponent. These results strongly support the appropriateness of the droplet theory for the description of chaos effect in the EA Ising spin glasses.
195 - M.A. Novotny , M. Kolesik , 1997
A model for single-domain uniaxial ferromagnetic particles with high anisotropy, the Ising model, is studied. Recent experimental observations have been made of the probability that the magnetization has not switched. Here an approach is described in which it is emphasized that a ferromagnetic particle in an unfavorable field is in fact a metastable system, and the switching is accomplished through the nucleation and subsequent growth of localized droplets. Nucleation theory is applied to finite systems to determine the coercivity as a function of particle size and to calculate the probability of not switching. Both of these quantities are modified by different boundary conditions, magnetostatic interactions, and quenched disorder.
The stability of the spin-glass phase against a magnetic field is studied in the three and four dimensional Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glasses. Effective couplings and effective fields associated with length scale L are measured by a numerical domai n-wall renormalization group method. The results obtained by scaling analysis of the data strongly indicate the existence of a crossover length beyond which the spin-glass order is destroyed by field H. The crossover length well obeys a power law of H which diverges as H goes to zero but remains finite for any non-zero H, implying that the spin-glass phase is absent even in an infinitesimal field. These results are well consistent with the droplet theory for short-range spin glasses.
We show that chiral symmetry breaking enables traveling domain wall solution for the conservative Landau-Lifshitz equation of a uniaxial ferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. In contrast to related domain wall models including stray-fie ld based anisotropy, traveling wave solutions are not found in closed form. For the construction we follow a topological approach and provide details of solutions by means of numerical calculations.
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