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Switching of swimming modes in Magnetospirillium gryphiswaldense

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 نشر من قبل Vincent Arnaud Martinez
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The microaerophilic magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense swims along magnetic field lines using a single flagellum at each cell pole. It is believed that this magnetotactic behavior enables cells to seek optimal oxygen concentration with maximal efficiency. We analyse the trajectories of swimming M. gryphiswaldense cells in external magnetic fields larger than the earths field, and show that each cell can switch very rapidly (in < 0.2 s) between a fast and a slow swimming mode. Close to a glass surface, a variety of trajectories was observed, from straight swimming that systematically deviates from field lines to various helices. A model in which fast (slow) swimming is solely due to the rotation of the trailing (leading) flagellum can account for these observations. We determined the magnetic moment of this bacterium using a new method, and obtained a value of (2.0 $pm$ 0.6) $times$ $10^{-16}$ Am$^2$. This value is found to be consistent with parameters emerging from quantitative fitting of trajectories to our model.

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The flexibility of the bacterial flagellar hook is believed to have substantial consequences for microorganism locomotion. Using a simplified model of a rigid flagellum and a flexible hook, we show that the paths of axisymmetric cell bodies driven by a single flagellum in Stokes flow are generically helical. Phase-averaged resistance and mobility tensors are produced to describe the flagellar hydrodynamics, and a helical rod model which retains a coupling between translation and rotation is identified as a distinguished asymptotic limit. A supercritical Hopf bifurcation in the flagellar orientation beyond a critical ratio of flagellar motor torque to hook bending stiffness, which is set by the spontaneous curvature of the flexible hook, the shape of the cell body, and the flagellum geometry, can have a dramatic effect on the cells trajectory through the fluid. Although the equilibrium hook angle can result in a wide variance in the trajectorys helical pitch, we find a very consistent prediction for the trajectorys helical amplitude using parameters relevant to swimming P. aeruginosa cells.
In a classic paper, Edward Purcell analysed the dynamics of flagellated bacterial swimmers and derived a geometrical relationship which optimizes the propulsion efficiency. Experimental measurements for wild-type bacterial species E. coli have reveal ed that they closely satisfy this geometric optimality. However, the dependence of the flagellar motor speed on the load and more generally the role of the torque-speed characteristics of the flagellar motor is not considered in Purcells original analysis. Here we derive a tuned condition representing a match between the flagella geometry and the torque-speed characteristics of the flagellar motor to maximize the bacterial swimming speed for a given load. This condition is independent of the geometric optimality condition derived by Purcell and interestingly this condition is not satisfied by wild-type E. coli which swim 2-3 times slower than the maximum possible speed given the amount of available motor torque. Our analysis also reveals the existence of an anomalous propulsion regime, where the swim speed increases with increasing load (drag). Finally, we present experimental data which supports our analysis.
Many microorganisms and artificial microswimmers use helical appendages in order to generate locomotion. Though often rotated so as to produce thrust, some species of bacteria such Spiroplasma, Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Spirochetes induce movement by deforming a helical-shaped body. Recently, artificial devices have been created which also generate motion by deforming their helical body in a non-reciprocal way (Mourran et al., Adv. Mater., 29, 1604825, 2017). Inspired by these systems, we investigate the transport of a deforming helix within a viscous fluid. Specifically, we consider a swimmer that maintains a helical centreline and a single handedness while changing its helix radius, pitch and wavelength uniformly across the body. We first discuss how a deforming helix can create a non-reciprocal translational and rotational swimming stroke and identify its principle direction of motion. We then determine the leading-order physics for helices with small helix radius before considering the general behaviour for different configuration parameters and how these swimmers can be optimised. Finally, we explore how the presence of walls, gravity, and defects in the centreline allow the helical device to break symmetries, increase its speed, and generate transport in directions not available to helices in bulk fluids.
We characterize cell motion in experiments and show that the transition to collective motion in colonies of gliding bacterial cells confined to a monolayer appears through the organization of cells into larger moving clusters. Collective motion by no n-equilibrium cluster formation is detected for a critical cell packing fraction around 17%. This transition is characterized by a scale-free power-law cluster size distribution, with an exponent $0.88pm0.07$, and the appearance of giant number fluctuations. Our findings are in quantitative agreement with simulations of self-propelled rods. This suggests that the interplay of self-propulsion of bacteria and the rod-shape of bacteria is sufficient to induce collective motion.
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