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xPand: An algorithm for perturbing homogeneous cosmologies

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 نشر من قبل Cyril Pitrou
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we develop in detail a fully geometrical method for deriving perturbation equations about a spatially homogeneous background. This method relies on the 3+1 splitting of the background space-time and does not use any particular set of coordinates: it is implemented in terms of geometrical quantities only, using the tensor algebra package xTensor in the xAct distribution along with the extension for perturbations xPert. Our algorithm allows one to obtain the perturbation equations for all types of homogeneous cosmologies, up to any order and in all possible gauges. As applications, we recover the well-known perturbed Einstein equations for Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker cosmologies up to second order and for Bianchi I cosmologies at first order. This work paves the way to the study of these models at higher order and to that of any other perturbed Bianchi cosmologies, by circumventing the usually too cumbersome derivation of the perturbed equations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Scalar-tensor theories are frequently only consistent with fifth force constraints in the presence of a screening mechanism, namely in order to suppress an otherwise unacceptably large coupling between the scalar and ordinary matter. Here we investig ate precisely which subsets of Horndeski theories do not give rise to and/or require such a screening mechanism. We investigate these subsets in detail, deriving their form and discussing how they are restricted upon imposing additional bounds from the speed of gravitational waves, solar system tests and cosmological observables. Finally, we also identify what subsets of scalar-tensor theories precisely recover the predictions of standard (linearised) $Lambdatext{CDM}$ cosmologies in the quasi-static limit.
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In this paper we compute the CMB bispectrum for bouncing models motivated by Loop Quantum Cosmology. Despite the fact that the primordial bispectrum of these models is decaying exponentially above a large pivot scale, we find that the cumulative sign al-to-noise ratio of the bispectrum induced in the CMB from scales $ell < 30$ is larger than $10$ in all cases of interest and therefore can, in principle, be detected in the Planck data.
We present a phase-space analysis of the qualitative dynamics cosmologies where dark matter exchanges energy with the vacuum component. We find fixed points corresponding to power-law solutions where the different components remain a constant fractio n of the total energy density and given an existence condition for any fixed points with nonvanishing energy transfer. For some interaction models we find novel fixed points in the presence of a third noninteracting fluid with constant equation of state, such as radiation, where the interacting vacuum+matter tracks the evolution of the third fluid, analogous to tracker solutions previously found for self-interacting scalar fields. We illustrate the phase-plane behavior, determining the equation of state and stability of the fixed points in the case of a simple linear interaction model, for interacting vacuum and dark matter, including the presence of noninteracting radiation. We give approximate solutions for the equation of state in matter- or vacuum-dominated solutions in the case of small interaction parameters.
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