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Assessment of urban ecosystem resilience using the efficiency of hybrid social-physical complex networks

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 نشر من قبل Massimo Cavallaro
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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One of the most important tasks of urban and hazard planning is to mitigate the damages and minimize the costs of the recovery process after catastrophic events. The rapidity and the efficiency of the recovery process are commonly referred to as resilience. Despite the problem of resilience quantification has received a lot of attention, a mathematical definition of the resilience of an urban community, which takes into account the social aspects of a urban environment, has not yet been identified. In this paper we provide and test a methodology for the assessment of urban resilience to catastrophic events which aims at bridging the gap between the engineering and the ecosystem approaches to resilience. We propose to model a urban system by means of different hybrid social-physical complex networks, obtained by enriching the urban street network with additional information about the social and physical constituents of a city, namely citizens, residential buildings and services. Then, we introduce a class of efficiency measures on these hybrid networks, inspired by the definition of global efficiency given in complex network theory, and we show that these measures can be effectively used to quantify the resilience of a urban system, by comparing their respective values before and after a catastrophic event and during the reconstruction process. As a case study, we consider simulated earthquakes in the city of Acerra, Italy, and we use these efficiency measures to compare the ability of different reconstruction strategies in restoring the original performance of the urban system.

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Cities are complex systems comprised of socioeconomic systems relying on critical services delivered by multiple physical infrastructure networks. Due to interdependencies between social and physical systems, disruptions caused by natural hazards may cascade across systems, amplifying the impact of disasters. Despite the increasing threat posed by climate change and rapid urban growth, how to design interdependencies between social and physical systems to achieve resilient cities have been largely unexplored. Here, we study the socio-physical interdependencies in urban systems and their effects on disaster recovery and resilience, using large-scale mobility data collected from Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria. We find that as cities grow in scale and expand their centralized infrastructure systems, the recovery efficiency of critical services improves, however, curtails the self-reliance of socio-economic systems during crises. Results show that maintaining self-reliance among social systems could be key in developing resilient urban socio-physical systems for cities facing rapid urban growth.
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