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Utility Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks via CSMA-Based Algorithms

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Andrews
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We study algorithms for carrier and rate allocation in cellular systems with distributed components such as a heterogeneous LTE system with macrocells and femtocells. Existing work on LTE systems often involves centralized techniques or requires significant signaling, and is therefore not always applicable in the presence of femtocells. More distributed CSMA-based algorithms (carrier-sense multiple access) were developed in the context of 802.11 systems and have been proven to be utility optimal. However, the proof typically assumes a single transmission rate on each carrier. Further, it relies on the CSMA collision detection mechanisms to know whether a transmission is feasible. In this paper we present a framework for LTE scheduling that is based on CSMA techniques. In particular we first prove that CSMA-based algorithms can be generalized to handle multiple transmission rates in a multi-carrier setting while maintaining utility optimality. We then show how such an algorithm can be implemented in a heterogeneous LTE system where the existing Channel Quality Indication (CQI) mechanism is used to decide transmission feasibility.

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In this paper, we investigate the network utility maximization problem in FDMA systems. We summarize with a suite of criteria on designing utility functions so as to achieve the global optimization convex. After proposing the general form of the util ity functions, we present examples of commonly used utility function forms that are consistent with the criteria proposed in this paper, which include the well-known proportional fairness function and the sigmoidal-like functions. In the second part of this paper, we use numerical results to demonstrate a case study based on the criteria mentioned above, which deals with the subcarrier scheduling problem with dynamic rate allocation in FDMA system.
Quantum communication networks are emerging as a promising technology that could constitute a key building block in future communication networks in the 6G era and beyond. These networks have an inherent feature of parallelism that allows them to boo st the capacity and enhance the security of communication systems. Recent advances led to the deployment of small- and large-scale quantum communication networks with real quantum hardware. In quantum networks, entanglement is a key resource that allows for data transmission between different nodes. However, to reap the benefits of entanglement and enable efficient quantum communication, the number of generated entangled pairs must be optimized. Indeed, if the entanglement generation rates are not optimized, then some of these valuable resources will be discarded and lost. In this paper, the problem of optimizing the entanglement generation rates and their distribution over a quantum memory is studied. In particular, a quantum network in which users have heterogeneous distances and applications is considered. This problem is posed as a mixed integer nonlinear programming optimization problem whose goal is to efficiently utilize the available quantum memory by distributing the quantum entangled pairs in a way that maximizes the user satisfaction. An interior point optimization method is used to solve the optimization problem and extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system. Simulation results show the key design considerations for efficient quantum networks, and the effect of different network parameters on the network performance.
In this paper, we study the transport capacity of large multi-hop wireless CSMA networks. Different from previous studies which rely on the use of centralized scheduling algorithm and/or centralized routing algorithm to achieve the optimal capacity s caling law, we show that the optimal capacity scaling law can be achieved using entirely distributed routing and scheduling algorithms. Specifically, we consider a network with nodes Poissonly distributed with unit intensity on a $sqrt{n}timessqrt{n}$ square $B_{n}subsetRe^{2}$. Furthermore, each node chooses its destination randomly and independently and transmits following a CSMA protocol. By resorting to the percolation theory and by carefully tuning the three controllable parameters in CSMA protocols, i.e. transmission power, carrier-sensing threshold and count-down timer, we show that a throughput of $Thetaleft(frac{1}{sqrt{n}}right)$ is achievable in distributed CSMA networks. Furthermore, we derive the pre-constant preceding the order of the transport capacity by giving an upper and a lower bound of the transport capacity. The tightness of the bounds is validated using simulations.
177 - S.C. Liew , C. Kai , J. Leung 2007
This work started out with our accidental discovery of a pattern of throughput distributions among links in IEEE 802.11 networks from experimental results. This pattern gives rise to an easy computation method, which we term back-of-the-envelop (BoE) computation, because for many network configurations, very accurate results can be obtained within minutes, if not seconds, by simple hand computation. BoE beats prior methods in terms of both speed and accuracy. While the computation procedure of BoE is simple, explaining why it works is by no means trivial. Indeed the majority of our investigative efforts have been devoted to the construction of a theory to explain BoE. This paper models an ideal CSMA network as a set of interacting on-off telegraph processes. In developing the theory, we discovered a number of analytical techniques and observations that have eluded prior research, such as that the carrier-sensing interactions among links in an ideal CSMA network result in a system state evolution that is time-reversible; and that the probability distribution of the system state is insensitive to the distributions of the on and off durations given their means, and is a Markov random field. We believe these theoretical frameworks are useful not just for explaining BoE, but could also be a foundation for a fundamental understanding of how links in CSMA networks interact. Last but not least, because of their basic nature, we surmise that some of the techniques and results developed in this paper may be applicable to not just CSMA networks, but also to other physical and engineering systems consisting of entities interacting with each other in time and space.
This letter considers stochastic geometry modelling (SGM) for estimating the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) and throughput of CSMA networks. We show that, despite its compact mathematical formulation, SGM has serious limitations in ter ms of both accuracy and computational efficiency. SGM often severely underestimates the SINR versus ns-3 simulations, yet as it neglects the sensing overhead when mapping SINR to throughput, SGM usually overestimates the throughput substantially. We propose our hybrid model for CSMA, which we argue is a superior modelling approach due to being significantly more accurate and at least one order of magnitude faster to compute than SGM.
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