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Fundamental Properties of Stars using Asteroseismology from Kepler & CoRoT and Interferometry from the CHARA Array

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Huber
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present results of a long-baseline interferometry campaign using the PAVO beam combiner at the CHARA Array to measure the angular sizes of five main-sequence stars, one subgiant and four red giant stars for which solar-like oscillations have been detected by either Kepler or CoRoT. By combining interferometric angular diameters, Hipparcos parallaxes, asteroseismic densities, bolometric fluxes and high-resolution spectroscopy we derive a full set of near model-independent fundamental properties for the sample. We first use these properties to test asteroseismic scaling relations for the frequency of maximum power (nu_max) and the large frequency separation (Delta_nu). We find excellent agreement within the observational uncertainties, and empirically show that simple estimates of asteroseismic radii for main-sequence stars are accurate to <~4%. We furthermore find good agreement of our measured effective temperatures with spectroscopic and photometric estimates with mean deviations for stars between T_eff = 4600-6200 K of -22+/-32 K (with a scatter of 97K) and -58+/-31 K (with a scatter of 93 K), respectively. Finally we present a first comparison with evolutionary models, and find differences between observed and theoretical properties for the metal-rich main-sequence star HD173701. We conclude that the constraints presented in this study will have strong potential for testing stellar model physics, in particular when combined with detailed modelling of individual oscillation frequencies.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a study of 33 {it Kepler} planet-candidate host stars for which asteroseismic observations have sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio to allow extraction of individual pulsation frequencies. We implement a new Bayesian scheme that is fle xible in its input to process individual oscillation frequencies, combinations of them, and average asteroseismic parameters, and derive robust fundamental properties for these targets. Applying this scheme to grids of evolutionary models yields stellar properties with median statistical uncertainties of 1.2% (radius), 1.7% (density), 3.3% (mass), 4.4% (distance), and 14% (age), making this the exoplanet host-star sample with the most precise and uniformly determined fundamental parameters to date. We assess the systematics from changes in the solar abundances and mixing-length parameter, showing that they are smaller than the statistical errors. We also determine the stellar properties with three other fitting algorithms and explore the systematics arising from using different evolution and pulsation codes, resulting in 1% in density and radius, and 2% and 7% in mass and age, respectively. We confirm previous findings of the initial helium abundance being a source of systematics comparable to our statistical uncertainties, and discuss future prospects for constraining this parameter by combining asteroseismology and data from space missions. Finally we compare our derived properties with those obtained using the global average asteroseismic observables along with effective temperature and metallicity, finding an excellent level of agreement. Owing to selection effects, our results show that the majority of the high signal-to-noise ratio asteroseismic {it Kepler} host stars are older than the Sun.
Stellar models applied to large stellar surveys of the Milky Way need to be properly tested against a sample of stars with highly reliable fundamental stellar parameters. We have established a program aiming to deliver such a sample. We present new f undamental stellar parameters of nine dwarfs that will be used as benchmarks for large stellar surveys. One of these stars is the solar-twin 18Sco, which is one of the Gaia-ESO benchmarks. The goal is to reach a precision of 1% in Teff. This precision is important for accurate determinations of the full set of fundamental parameters and abundances of stars observed by the surveys. We observed HD131156 (xiBoo), HD146233 (18Sco), HD152391, HD173701, HD185395 (thetaCyg), HD186408 (16CygA), HD186427 (16CygB), HD190360 and HD207978 (15Peg) using the high angular resolution optical interferometric instrument PAVO/CHARA. We derived limb-darkening corrections from 3D model atmospheres and determined Teff directly from the Stefan-Boltzmann relation, with an iterative procedure to interpolate over tables of bolometric corrections. Surface gravities were estimated from comparisons to Dartmouth stellar evolution model tracks. We collected spectroscopic observations from the ELODIE spectrograph and estimated metallicities ([Fe/H]) from a 1D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) abundance analyses of unblended lines of neutral and singly ionized iron. For eight of the nine stars, we measure the Teff less than 1%, and for one star better than 2%. We determined the median uncertainties in logg and Fe/H as 0.015dex and 0.05dex, respectively. This study presents updated fundamental stellar parameters of nine dwarfs that can be used as a new set of benchmarks. All parameters were based on consistently combining interferometric observations, 3D limb-darkening modelling and spectroscopic analysis. The next paper will extend our sample to metal-rich giants.
Benchmark stars are crucial as validating standards for current as well as future large stellar surveys of the Milky Way. However, the number of suitable metal-poor benchmarks is currently limited. We aim to construct a new set of metal-poor benchmar ks, based on reliable interferometric effective temperature ($T_text{eff}$) determinations and a homogeneous analysis with a desired precision of $1%$ in $T_text{eff}$. We observed ten late-type metal-poor dwarf and giants: HD2665, HD6755, HD6833, HD103095, HD122563, HD127243, HD140283, HD175305, HD221170, and HD224930. Only three of the ten stars (HD103095, HD122563, and HD140283) have previously been used as benchmarks. For the observations, we used the high angular resolution optical interferometric instrument PAVO at the CHARA array. We modelled angular diameters using 3D limb darkening models and determined $T_text{eff}$ directly from the Stefan-Boltzmann relation, with an iterative procedure to interpolate over tables of bolometric corrections. Surface gravities ($log(g)$) were estimated from comparisons to Dartmouth stellar evolution model tracks. We collected spectroscopic observations from the ELODIE and FIES spectrographs and estimated metallicities ($mathrm{[Fe/H]}$) from a 1D non-LTE abundance analysis of unblended lines of neutral and singly ionized iron. We inferred $T_text{eff}$ to better than $1%$ for five of the stars (HD103095, HD122563, HD127243, HD140283, and HD224930). The $T_text{eff}$ of the other five stars are reliable to between $2-3%$; the higher uncertainty on the $T_text{eff}$ for those stars is mainly due to their having a larger uncertainty in the bolometric fluxes. We also determined $log(g)$ and $mathrm{[Fe/H]}$ with median uncertainties of $0.03,mathrm{dex}$ and $0.09,mathrm{dex}$, respectively. These ten stars can, therefore, be adopted as a new, reliable set of metal-poor benchmarks.
We present interferometric observations of six O-type stars that were made with the Precision Astronomical Visible Observations (PAVO) beam combiner at the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array. The observations include multiple brackets for three targets, $lambda$~Ori~A, $zeta$~Oph, and 10~Lac, but there are only preliminary, single observations of the other three stars, $xi$~Per, $alpha$~Cam, and $zeta$~Ori~A. The stellar angular diameters range from 0.55 milliarcsec for $zeta$~Ori~A down to 0.11 mas for 10~Lac, the smallest star yet resolved with the CHARA Array. The rotational oblateness of the rapidly rotating star $zeta$ Oph is directly measured for the first time. We assembled ultraviolet to infrared flux measurements for these stars, and then derived angular diameters and reddening estimates using model atmospheres and an effective temperature set by published results from analysis of the line spectrum. The model-based angular diameters are in good agreement with observed angular diameters. We also present estimates for the effective temperatures of these stars derived by setting the interferometric angular size and fitting the spectrophotometry.
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