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Resummed small-x and first-moment evolution of fragmentation functions in perturbative QCD

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 نشر من قبل Andreas Vogt
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the splitting functions for the evolution of fragmentation distributions and the coefficient functions for single-hadron production in semi-inclusive electron-positron annihilation in massless perturbative QCD for small values of the momentum fraction and scaling variable x, where their fixed-order approximations are completely destabilized by huge double logarithms of the form alpha_s^n 1/x ln^(2n-a) x. Complete analytic all-order expressions in Mellin-N space are presented for the resummation of these terms at the next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. The poles for the first moments, related to the evolution of hadron multiplicities, and the small-x instabilities of the next-to-leading order splitting and coefficient functions are removed by this resummation, which leads to an oscillatory small-x behaviour and functions that can be used at N=1 and down to extremely small values of x. First steps are presented towards extending these results to the higher accuracy required for an all-x combination with the state-of-the-art next-to-next-to-leading order large-x results.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We define and study the properties of generalized beam functions (BFs) and fragmenting jet functions (FJFs), which are fully-unintegrated parton distribution functions (PDFs) and fragmentation functions (FFs) for perturbative k_T. We calculate at one loop the coefficients for matching them onto standard PDFs and FFs, correcting previous results for the BFs in the literature. Technical subtleties when measuring transverse momentum in dimensional regularization are clarified, and this enables us to renormalize in momentum space. Generalized BFs describe the distribution in the full four-momentum k_mu of a colliding parton taken out of an initial-state hadron, and therefore characterize the collinear initial-state radiation. We illustrate their importance through a factorization theorem for pp -> l^+ l^- + 0 jets, where the transverse momentum of the lepton pair is measured. Generalized FJFs are relevant for the analysis of semi-inclusive processes where the full momentum of a hadron, fragmenting from a jet with constrained invariant mass, is measured. Their significance is shown for the example of e^+ e^- -> dijet+h, where the perpendicular momentum of the fragmenting hadron with respect to the thrust axis is measured.
72 - Janko Binnewies 1997
We present new sets of fragmentation functions in next-to-leading order QCD that are determined from e+e- annihilation data of inclusive particle production. In addition to the O(alpha_s) unpolarized cross section the longitudinal cross section is al so used to extract the gluon fragmentation function from e+e- annihilation data. As the O(alpha_s) vanishes for longitudinal polarized photons (or Z bosons), the O(alpha_s^2) corrections are required to reduce the scale ambiguities. Recently, P.J. Rijken and W.L. van Neerven presented the longitudinal coefficient functions to next-to-leading order. We confirm part of their results in this thesis and complete the calculation by the results for the color class C_F*T_R that must be included for a consistent comparison with LEP1 data. The complete set of coefficient functions is then used together with novel data from ALEPH to determine the fragmentation functions for charged hadrons. This set, and also sets for charged pions, kaons, and D^* mesons as well as neutral kaons published previously, can then be employed to test QCD in e+e- annihilation, photoproduction, gamma-gamma collisions, p-p_bar scattering and DIS. Finally, we suggest how the improved knowledge on the fragmentation in particular of the gluon could be used to determine the gluon and charm content of the photon.
47 - John Collins 2016
Current all-orders proofs of factorization of hard processes are made by extracting the leading power behavior of Feynman graphs, i.e., by extracting asymptotics strictly order-by-order in perturbation theory. The resulting parton densities and fragm entation functions include non-perturbative effects. I show how there are missing elements in the proofs; these are related to and exemplified by string and cluster models of hadronization. The proofs rely on large rapidity differences between different parts of graphs for the process; but in reality large rapidity gaps are filled in
Collider experiments often exploit information about the quantum numbers of final state hadrons to maximize their sensitivity, with applications ranging from the use of tracking information (electric charge) for precision jet substructure measurement s, to flavor tagging for nucleon structure studies. For such measurements perturbative calculations in terms of quarks and gluons are insufficient, and non-perturbative track functions describing the energy fraction of a quark or gluon converted into a subset of hadrons (e.g. charged hadrons), must be incorporated. Unlike fragmentation functions, track functions describe correlations between hadrons, and therefore satisfy complicated non-linear evolution equations whose structure has so far eluded calculation beyond the leading order. In this Letter we develop an understanding of track functions, and their interplay with energy flow observables, beyond the leading order, allowing them to be used in state-of-the-art perturbative calculations for the first time. We identify a shift symmetry in the evolution of their moments that fixes their structure, and we explicitly compute the evolution of the first three moments at next-to-leading order, allowing for the description of up to three-point energy correlations. We then calculate the two-point energy correlator on charged particles at $O(alpha_s^2)$, illustrating explicitly that infrared singularities in perturbation theory are absorbed by moments of the track functions, and also highlighting how these moments seamlessly interplay with modern techniques for perturbative calculations. Our results extend the boundaries of traditional perturbative QCD, enabling precision perturbative predictions for energy flow observables sensitive to the quantum numbers of hadronic states.
We present the first open-source analysis of fragmentation functions (FFs) of charged pions (entitled IPM-xFitter) computed at next-to-leading order (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) accuracy in perturbative QCD using the xFitter framewo rk. This study incorporates a comprehensive and up-to-date set of pion production data from single-inclusive annihilation (SIA) processes, as well as the most recent measurements of inclusive cross-sections of single pion by the BELLE collaboration. The determination of pion FFs along with their theoretical uncertainties is performed in the Zero-Mass Variable-Flavor Number Scheme (ZM-VFNS). We also present comparisons of our FFs set with recent fits from the literature. The resulting NLO and NNLO pion FFs provide valuable insights for applications in present and future high-energy analysis of pion final state processes.
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