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Quantum Walks on Trees with Disorder: Decay, Diffusion, and Localization

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 نشر من قبل Frederick W. Strauch
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum walks have been shown to have impressive transport properties compared to classical random walks. However, imperfections in the quantum walk algorithm can destroy any quantum mechanical speed-up due to Anderson localization. We numerically study the effect of static disorder on a quantum walk on the glued trees graph. For small disorder, we find that the dominant effect is a type of quantum decay, and not quantum localization. For intermediate disorder, there is a crossover to diffusive transport, while a localization transition is observed at large disorder, in agreement with Anderson localization on the Cayley tree.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The phenomenon of localization usually happens due to the existence of disorder in a medium. Nevertheless, certain quantum systems allow dynamical localization solely due to the nature of internal interactions. We study a discrete time quantum walker which exhibits disorder free localization. The quantum walker moves on a one-dimensional lattice and interacts with on-site spins by coherently rotating them around a given axis at each step. Since the spins do not have dynamics of their own, the system poses the local spin components along the rotation axis as an extensive number of conserved moments. When the interaction is weak, the spread of the walker shows subdiffusive behaviour having downscaled ballistic tails in the evolving probability distribution at intermediate time scales. However, as the interaction gets stronger the walker gets exponentially localized in the complete absence of disorder in both lattice and initial state. Using a matrix-product-state ansatz, we investigate the relaxation and entanglement dynamics of the on-site spins due to their coupling with the quantum walker. Surprisingly, we find that even in the delocalized regime, entanglement growth and relaxation occur slowly unlike marjority of the other models displaying a localization transition.
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280 - C. M. Chandrashekar 2012
The time evolution of one- and two-dimensional discrete-time quantum walk with increase in disorder is studied. We use spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal broken periodicity of the unitary evolution as disorder to mimic the effect of disordered/ran dom medium in our study. Disorder induces a dramatic change in the interference pattern leading to localization of the quantum walks in one- and two-dimensions. Spatial disorder results in the decreases of the particle and position entanglement in one-dimension and counter intuitively, an enhancement in entanglement with temporal and spatio-temporal disorder is seen. The study signifies that the Anderson localization of quantum state without compromising on the degree of entanglement could be implement in a large variety of physical settings where quantum walks has been realized. The study presented here could make it feasible to explore, theoretically and experimentally the interplay between disorder and entanglement. This also brings up a variety of intriguing questions relating to the negative and positive implications on algorithmic and other applications.
76 - Kai Zhao , Wei-Shih Yang 2021
We consider the discrete time quantum random walks on a Sierpinski gasket. We study the hitting probability as the level of fractal goes to infinity in terms of their localization exponents $beta_w$ , total variation exponents $delta_w$ and relative entropy exponents $eta_w$ . We define and solve the amplitude Green functions recursively when the level of the fractal graph goes to infinity. We obtain exact recursive formulas for the amplitude Green functions, based on which the hitting probabilities and expectation of the first-passage time are calculated. Using the recursive formula with the aid of Monte Carlo integration, we evaluate their numerical values. We also show that when the level of the fractal graph goes to infinity, with probability 1, the quantum random walks will return to origin, i.e., the quantum walks on Sierpinski gasket are recurrent.
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