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Berry phase and backbending

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 نشر من قبل Ring Peter
 تاريخ النشر 2012
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 تأليف P. Ring

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Backbending is a typical phenomenon in the rotational spectra of superfluid nuclei. It is caused by the rotational alignment of a pair of nucleons and depends on topological properties of the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov spectrum in the rotating frame characterized by diabolic points and Berry phases.

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اقرأ أيضاً

High spin states of 80Rb are studied via the fusion-evaporation reactions 65Cu+19F, 66Zn+18O and 68Zn+16O with the beam energies of 75 MeV, 76 MeV and 80 MeV, respectively. Twenty-three new states with twenty-eight new gamma transitions were added to the previously proposed level scheme, where the second negative-parity band is significantly pushed up to spins of 22^{-} and 15^{-} and two new sidebands are built on the known first negative-parity band. Two successive band crossings with frequencies 0.51 MeV and 0.61 MeV in the alpha=0 branch as well as another one in the alpha=1 branch of the second negative-parity band are observed for the first time. Signature
73 - Fang-Qi Chen , Q. B. Chen 2020
The yrast lines in Kr isotopes with $N=42$, 44, and 46 are investigated in a beyond mean field framework with both prolate-oblate coexistence and quasiparticle alignment taken into account. Quasiparticle orbitals with high-$j$ and low-$Omega$ on the oblate side are shown to be responsible for the sharp backbending observed in $^{82}$Kr, by driving the yrast shape from prolate to oblate. This suggests that quasiparticle alignment may not be neglected in the investigation of the shape evolution along the yrast line.
The backbending phenomenon in $^{48}$Cr has been investigated using the recently developed Projected Configuration Interaction (PCI) method, in which the deformed intrinsic states are directly associated with shell model (SM) wavefunctions. Two previ ous explanations, (i) $K=0$ band crossing, and (ii) $K=2$ band crossing have been reinvestigated using PCI, and it was found that both explanations can successfully reproduce the experimental backbending. The PCI wavefunctions in the pictures of $K=0$ band crossing and $K=2$ band crossing are highly overlapped. We conclude that there are no unique intrinsic states associated with the yrast states after backbending in $^{48}$Cr.
158 - Pierre Gosselin 2008
It has been recently found that the equations of motion of several semiclassical systems must take into account anomalous velocity terms arising from Berry phase contributions. Those terms are for instance responsible for the spin Hall effect in semi conductors or the gravitational birefringence of photons propagating in a static gravitational field. Intensive ongoing research on this subject seems to indicate that actually a broad class of quantum systems might have their dynamics affected by Berry phase terms. In this article we review the implication of a new diagonalization method for generic matrix valued Hamiltonians based on a formal expansion in power of $hbar$. In this approach both the diagonal energy operator and dynamical operators which depend on Berry phase terms and thus form a noncommutative algebra, can be expanded in power series in hbar $. Focusing on the semiclassical approximation, we will see that a large class of quantum systems, ranging from relativistic Dirac particles in strong external fields to Bloch electrons in solids have their dynamics radically modified by Berry terms.
The effect of Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) on Berry phase is studied using the perturbation approach and up to the first order of approximation. Thereinafter, the obtained results are extended to a quantum ring in which two types of spin-o rbit interactions, including Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions, can be felt by electrons. Comparing the final results with the accuracy of Berry phase detectors, one can find an upper bound on GUP parameter as $beta_{0}<10^{46}$ and $beta_{0}<10^{51}$ from Rashba and Dresselhaus interactions, respectively, in agreement with previous results.
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