We present first results of a systematic study of the structure of the low energy limit of the one-loop photon-graviton amplitudes induced by massive scalars and spinors. Our main objective is the search of KLT-type relations where effectively two photons merge into a graviton. We find such a relation at the graviton-photon-photon level. We also derive the diffeomorphism Ward identity for the 1PI one graviton - N photon amplitudes.
We present the analytic form of the two-loop four-graviton scattering amplitudes in Einstein gravity. To remove ultraviolet divergences we include counterterms quadratic and cubic in the Riemann curvature tensor. The two-loop numerical unitarity appr
oach is used to deal with the challenging momentum dependence of the interactions. We exploit the algebraic properties of the integrand of the amplitude in order to map it to a minimal basis of Feynman integrals. Analytic expressions are obtained from numerical evaluations of the amplitude. Finally, we show that four-graviton scattering observables depend on fewer couplings than naively expected.
The extended-BMS algebra of asymptotically flat spacetime contains an SO(3,1) subgroup that acts by conformal transformations on the celestial sphere. It is of interest to study the representations of this subgroup associated with gravitons. To reduc
e the equation of motion to a Schrodinger-like equation it is necessary to impose a non-covariant gauge condition. Using these solutions, leading-order gauge invariant Weyl scalars are then computed and decomposed into families of unitary principal series representations. An invertible holographic mapping is constructed between these unitary principal series operators and massless spin-2 perturbations of flat spacetime.
We introduce a novel way to perform high-order computations in multi-Regge-kinematics in planar N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and generalize the existing factorization into building blocks at two loops to all loop orders. Afterwards, we will e
xplain how this framework can be used to easily obtain higher-loop amplitudes from existing amplitudes and how to relate them to amplitudes with higher number of legs.
We consider the one-loop five-graviton amplitude in type II string theory calculated in the light-cone gauge. Although it is not possible to explicitly evaluate the integrals over the positions of the vertex operators, a low-energy expansion can be o
btained, which can then be used to infer terms in the low-energy effective action. After subtracting diagrams due to known D^{2n}R^4 terms, we show the absence of one-loop R^5 and D^2R^5 terms and determine the exact structure of the one-loop D^4R^5 terms where, interestingly, the coefficient in front of the D^4R^5 terms is identical to the coefficient in front of the D^6R^4 term. Finally, we show that, up to D^6R^4 ~ D^4R^5, the epsilon_{10} terms package together with the t_8 terms in the usual combination (t_8t_8pm{1/8}epsilon_{10}epsilon_{10}).
We reconstruct the Lorentzian graviton propagator in asymptotically safe quantum gravity from Euclidean data. The reconstruction is applied to both the dynamical fluctuation graviton and the background graviton propagator. We prove that the spectral
function of the latter necessarily has negative parts similar to, and for the same reasons, as the gluon spectral function. In turn, the spectral function of the dynamical graviton is positive. We argue that the latter enters cross sections and other observables in asymptotically safe quantum gravity. Hence, its positivity may hint at the unitarity of asymptotically safe quantum gravity.