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Choix strategiques de la firme et contr^ole financier

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 نشر من قبل Jean-Claude Juhel
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jean-Claude Juhel

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Observation of the workings of productive organizations shows that the characteristics of a trade, backed by nature given to a technological environment, determine the productive combination implemented by the decision maker, and the structure of the operating cycle which is related. The choice of the production function and the choice of the ring structure strain the operating conditions under which the firms cash flow will evolve. New tools for financial control - leverage cash and operating cash surplus - provide the entrepreneur the information relevant to the efficiency of the strategic choices of the firm.

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اقرأ أيضاً

123 - Julie Rowlett 2020
This article is a brief presentation of results surrounding the fundamental gap. We begin by recalling Bakry-Emery geometry and demonstrate connections between eigenvalues of the Laplacian with the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We then s how a connection between the fundamental gap and Bakry-Emery geometry, concluding with a presentation of the key ideas in Andrewss and Clutterbucks proof of the fundamental gap conjecture. We conclude with a presentation of results for the fundamental gap of triangles and simplices.
150 - Jean-Claude Juhel 2010
The effect of leverage on liquidity is a tool for analysing the level of liquidity for a given production process. It measures the sensitivity of the level of liquidity that results from changes in the volume of production and unit operating margin. A commercial activity is liquid at the moment when all costs are covered by revenues. However, not all of the cash flows from production influence liquidity levels. The estimated costs do not directly influence the level of liquidity. Therefore, two indicators are to be taken into consideration: the elasticity of ongoing liquidity - fixed costs include estimated costs, and, the elasticity of immediate liquidity - fixed costs only include costs that are payable. The coefficients of leverage of ongoing liquidity and of leverage of immediate liquidity in relation to the operating margin have a behaviour that is identical to that calculated in relation to production. If the productive capacity remains unchanged, the regulation of the change in elasticity of the costs and of its influence on the unitary operating margin is the sole parameter available to the entrepreneur to maintain the liquidity of the company at the desired level. But, if the productive capacity is variable, the entrepreneur can use the volume of sales to control liquidity but then the transformation of the production process must be analysed so as to adjust the relevant elements to retain in the operating structure the degree of liquidity wished for.
We give a new definition, simpler but equivalent, of the abelian category of Banach-Colmez spaces introduced by Colmez, and we explain the precise relationship with the category of coherent sheaves on the Fargues-Fontaine curve. One goes from one cat egory to the other by changing the t-structure on the derived category. Along the way, we obtain a description of the pro-etale cohomology of the open disk and the affine space, of independent interest.
During the whole of 1874, Camille Jordan and Leopold Kronecker quar- relled vigorously over the organisation of the theory of bilinear forms. That theory promised a general and homogeneous treatment of numerous questions arising in various 19th-centu ry theoretical contexts, and it hinged on two theorems, stated independently by Jordan and Weierstrass, that would today be considered equivalent. It was, however, the perceived difference between those two theorems that sparked the 1874 controversy. Focusing on this quarrel allows us to explore the algebraic identity of the polynomial practices of the manipulations of forms in use before the advent of structural approaches to linear algebra. The latter approaches identified these practices with methods for the classification of similar matrices. We show that the prac- tices -- Jordans canonical reduction and Kroneckers invariant computation -- reflect identities inseparable from the social context of the time. Moreover, these practices reveal not only tacit knowledge, local ways of thinking, but also -- in light of a long history tracing back to the work of Lagrange, Laplace, Cau- chy, and Hermite -- two internal philosophies regarding the significance of generality which are inseparable from two disciplinary ideals opposing algebra and arithmetic. By interrogating the cultural identities of such practices, this study aims at a deeper understanding of the history of linear algebra without focusing on issues related to the origins of theories or structures.
103 - Olivier Marchal 2017
The goal of this Habilitation `a diriger des recherches is to present two different applications, namely computations of certain partition functions in probability and applications to integrable systems, of the topological recursion developed by B. E ynard and N. Orantin in 2007. Since its creation, the range of applications of the topological recursion has been growing and many results in different fields have been obtained. The first aspect that I will develop deals with the historical domain of the topological recursion: random matrix integrals. I will review the formalism of the topological recursion as well as how it can be used to obtain asymptotic $frac{1}{N}$ series expansion of various matrix integrals. In particular, a key feature of the topological recursion is that it can recover from the leading order of the asymptotic all sub-leading orders with elementary computations. This method is particularly well known and fruitful in the case of hermitian matrix integrals, but I will also show that the general method can be used to cover integrals with hard edges, integrals over unitary matrices and much more. In the end, I will also briefly mention the generalization to $beta$-ensembles. In a second chapter, I will review the connection between the topological recursion and the study of integrable systems having a Lax pair representation. Most of the results presented there will be illustrated by the case of the famous six Painleve equations. Though the formalism used in this chapter may look completely disconnected from the previous one, it is well known that the local statistics of eigenvalues in random matrix theory exhibit a universality phenomenon and that the encountered universal systems are precisely driven by some solutions of the Painlev{e} equations. As I will show, the connection can be made very explicit with the topological recursion formalism.
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