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Model Wavefunctions for the Collective Modes and the Magneto-roton Theory of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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 نشر من قبل Bo Yang
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We construct model wavefunctions for the collective modes of fractional quantum Hall systems. The wavefunctions are expressed in terms of symmetric polynomials characterized by a root partition and a squeezed basis, and show excellent agreement with exact diagonalization results for finite systems. In the long wavelength limit, the model wavefunctions reduce to those predicted by the single-mode approximation, and remain accurate at energies above the continuum of roton pairs.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study how the stability of the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) is influenced by the geometry of band structure in lattice Chern insulators. We consider the Hofstadter model, which converges to continuum Landau levels in the limit of small fl ux per plaquette. This gives us a degree of analytic control not possible in generic lattice models, and we are able to obtain analytic expressions for the relevant geometric criteria. These may be differentiated by whether they converge exponentially or polynomially to the continuum limit. We demonstrate that the latter criteria have a dominant effect on the physics of interacting particles in Hofstadter bands in this low flux density regime. In particular, we show that the many-body gap depends monotonically on a band-geometric criterion related to the trace of the Fubini-Study metric.
85 - Igor N.Karnaukhov 2021
Applying a unified approach, we study integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) and fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) in the Hofstadter model with short range interaction between fermions. An effective field, that takes into account the interaction, is determined by both the amplitude and phase. Its amplitude is proportional to the interaction strength, the phase corresponds to the minimum energy. In fact the problem is reduced to the Harper equation with two different scales: the first is a magnetic scale (cell size corresponding to a unit quantum magnetic flux), the second scale (determines the inhomogeneity of the effective field) forms the steady fine structure of the Hofstadter spectrum and leads to the realization of fractional quantum Hall states. In a sample of finite sizes with open boundary conditions, the fine structure of the Hofstadter spectrum also includes the fine structure of the edge chiral modes. The subbands in a fine structure of the Hofstadter band (HB) are separated extremely small quasigaps. The Chern number of a topological HB is conserved during the formation of its fine structure. Edge modes are formed into HB, they connect the nearest-neighbor subbands and determine the fractional conductance for the fractional filling at the Fermi energies corresponding to these quasigaps.
192 - M.I. Dyakonov 2012
A simple one-dimensional model is proposed, in which N spinless repulsively interacting fermions occupy M>N degenerate states. It is argued that the energy spectrum and the wavefunctions of this system strongly resemble the spectrum and wavefunctions of 2D electrons in the lowest Landau level (the problem of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect). In particular, Laughlin-type wavefunctions describe ground states at filling factors v = N/M = 1(2m+1). Within this model the complimentary wavefunction for v = 1-1/(2m + 1) is found explicitly and extremely simple ground state wavefunctions for arbitrary odd-denominator filling factors are proposed.
155 - Steven H. Simon 2021
Certain fractional quantum Hall wavefunctions -- particularly including the Laughlin, Moore-Read, and Read-Rezayi wavefunctions -- have special structure that makes them amenable to analysis using an exeptionally wide range of techniques including co nformal field theory (CFT), thin cylinder or torus limit, study of symmetric polynomials and Jack polynomials, and so-called ``special parent Hamiltonians. This review discusses these techniques as well as explaining to what degree some other quantum Hall wavefunctions share this special structure. Along the way we will explore the physics of quantum Hall edges, entanglement spectra, quasiparticles, nonabelian braiding statistics, and Hall viscosity, among other topics. As compared to a number of other recent reviews, most of this review is written so as to {it not} rely on results from conformal field theory -- although a short discussion of a few key relations to CFT are included near the end.
A conceptual difficulty in formulating the density functional theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect is that while in the standard approach the Kohn-Sham orbitals are either fully occupied or unoccupied, the physics of the fractional quantum Ha ll effect calls for fractionally occupied Kohn-Sham orbitals. This has necessitated averaging over an ensemble of Slater determinants to obtain meaningful results. We develop an alternative approach in which we express and minimize the grand canonical potential in terms of the composite fermion variables. This provides a natural resolution of the fractional-occupation problem because the fully occupied orbitals of composite fermions automatically correspond to fractionally occupied orbitals of electrons. We demonstrate the quantitative validity of our approach by evaluating the density profile of fractional Hall edge as a function of temperature and the distance from the delta dopant layer and showing that it reproduces edge reconstruction in the expected parameter region.
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