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The current emission noise of a carbon nanotube quantum dot in the Kondo regime is measured at frequencies $ u$ of the order or higher than the frequency associated with the Kondo effect $k_B T_K/h$, with $T_K$ the Kondo temperature. The carbon nanotube is coupled via an on-chip resonant circuit to a quantum noise detector, a superconductor-insulator-superconductor junction. We find for $h u approx k_B T_K$ a Kondo effect related singularity at a voltage bias $eV approx h u $, and a strong reduction of this singularity for $h u approx 3 k_B T_K$, in good agreement with theory. Our experiment constitutes a new original tool for the investigation of the non-equilibrium dynamics of many-body phenomena in nanoscale devices.
We investigate a tunable two-impurity Kondo system in a strongly correlated carbon nanotube double quantum dot, accessing the full range of charge regimes. In the regime where both dots contain an unpaired electron, the system approaches the two-impu
Illumination of atoms by resonant lasers can pump electrons into a coherent superposition of hyperfine levels which can no longer absorb the light. Such superposition is known as dark state, because fluorescent light emission is then suppressed. Here
Most of the time, electronic excitations in mesoscopic conductors are well described, around equilibrium, by non-interacting Landau quasi-particles. This allows a good understanding of the transport properties in the linear regime. However, the role
We systematically study the coupling of longitudinal modes (shells) in a carbon nanotube quantum dot. Inelastic cotunneling spectroscopy is used to probe the excitation spectrum in parallel, perpendicular and rotating magnetic fields. The data is com
We study the Kondo effect in a CNT(left lead)-CNT(QD)-CNT(right lead) structure. Here CNT is a single-wall metallic carbon nanotube, for which 1) the valence and conduction bands of electrons with zero orbital angular momentum ($m=0$) coalesc at the