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The long-lasting activity of 3C 454.3. GASP-WEBT and satellite observations in 2008-2010

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 نشر من قبل Claudia M. Raiteri
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present multiwavelength observations of 3C 454.3 from April 2008 to March 2010. The radio to optical data are mostly from the GASP-WEBT, UV and X-ray data from Swift, and gamma-ray data from the AGILE and Fermi satellites. We improved the calibration of optical-UV data from the UVOT and OM instruments and estimated the Lyalpha flux to disentangle the contributions from different components in this spectral region. The observations reveal prominent variability above 8 GHz. In the optical-UV band, the variability amplitude decreases with increasing frequency due to a steadier radiation from both a broad line region and an accretion disc. The optical flux reaches nearly the same levels in the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 observing seasons; the mm one shows similar behaviour, whereas the gamma and X-ray flux levels rise in the second period. Two prominent gamma-ray flares in mid 2008 and late 2009 show a double-peaked structure, with a variable gamma/optical flux ratio. The X-ray flux variations seem to follow the gamma-ray and optical ones by about 0.5 and 1 d, respectively. We interpret the multifrequency behaviour in terms of an inhomogeneous curved jet, where synchrotron radiation of increasing wavelength is produced in progressively outer and wider jet regions, which can change their orientation in time. In particular, we assume that the long-term variability is due to this geometrical effect. By combining the optical and mm light curves to fit the gamma and X-ray ones, we find that the gamma (X-ray) emission may be explained by inverse-Comptonisation of synchrotron optical (IR) photons by their parent relativistic electrons (SSC process). A slight, variable misalignment between the synchrotron and Comptonisation zones would explain the increased gamma and X-ray flux levels in 2009-2010, as well as the change in the gamma/optical flux ratio during the outbursts peaks.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The gamma-ray-detected blazar 3C 454.3 exhibits dramatic flux and polarization variations in the optical and near-infrared bands. In December 2010, the object emitted a very bright outburst. We monitored it for approximately four years (including the 2010 outburst) by optical and near-infrared photopolarimetry. During the 2010 outburst, the object emitted two rapid, redder brightenings, at which the polarization degrees (PDs) in both bands increased significantly and the bands exhibited a frequency-dependent polarization. The observed frequency-dependent polarization leads us to propose that the polarization vector is composed of two vectors. Therefore, we separate the observed polarization vectors into short and long-term components that we attribute to the emissions of the rapid brightenings and the outburst that varied the timescale of days and months, respectively. The estimated PD of the short-term component is greater than the maximum observed PD and is close to the theoretical maximum PD. We constrain the bulk Lorentz factors and inclination angles between the jet axis and the line of sight from the estimated PDs. In this case, the inclination angle of the emitting region of short-term component from the first rapid brightening should be equal to 90$^{circ}$, because the estimated PD of the short-term component was approximately equal to the theoretical maximum PD. Thus, the Doppler factor at the emitting region of the first rapid brightening should be equal to the bulk Lorentz factor.
We focus on the exceptional flaring activity of 3C 454.3 in November 2010 and we discuss a theoretical framework addressing all data in their overall evolution. For two weeks the source has shown a plateau of enhanced GeV emission preceding a sudde n major flare lasting about 3 days before decaying. The gamma-ray flare onset is abrupt (about 6 hours), and is characterized by a prominent Compton dominance with the GeV flux exceeding the pre-flare values by a factor of 4-5, whereas the optical and X-ray fluxes increased only by a factor 2. We explore two alternatives. Case 1, with high-energy emission originating within the BLR; and Case 2, with most of it produced outside. We show that Case 1 has considerable problems in explaining the whole set of multifrequency data. Case 2, instead, leads to a consistent and interesting interpretation based on the enhanced inverse Compton radiation that is produced as the jet crashes onto a mirror cloud positioned at few parsec from the BH. This model explains the gamma-ray vs. optical/X-ray behavior of 3C 454.3, including the otherwise puzzling phenomena such as the prominent orphan optical flare, and the enhanced line emission with no appreciable gamma-ray counterpart that preceded the GeV flare. It also accounts for the delayed onset of the latter on top of the long plateau. Our modelling of the exceptional 3C 454.3 gamma-ray flare shows that, while emission inside the canonical BLR is problematic, major and rapid variations can be produced at parsec scales with moderate bulk Lorentz factors $Gammaapprox 15$.
Context. 3C 454.3 is a very active flat spectrum radio quasar (blazar) that has undergone a recent outburst in all observed bands, including the optical. Aims. In this work we explore the short-term optical variability of 3C 454.3 during its outbur st by searching for time delays between different optical bands. Finding one would be important for understanding the evolution of the spectrum of the relativistic electrons, which generate the synchrotron jet emission. Methods. We performed photometric monitoring of the object by repeating exposures in different optical bands (BVRI). Occasionally, different telescopes were used to monitor the object in the same band to verify the reliability of the smallest variations we observed. Results. Except on one occasion, where we found indications of a lag of the blue wavelengths behind the red ones, the results are inconclusive for most of the other cases. There were either no structures in the light curves to be able to search for patterns, or else different approaches led to different conclusions.
237 - S. Vercellone 2009
During the period July 2007 - January 2009, the AGILE satellite, together with several other space- and ground-based observatories monitored the activity of the flat-spectrum radio quasar 3C 454.3, yielding the longest multiwavelength coverage of thi s gamma-ray quasar so far. The source underwent an unprecedented period of very high activity above 100 MeV, a few times reaching gamma-ray flux levels on a day time scale higher than F=400 x 10^-8 ph cm^-2 s^-1, in conjunction with an extremely variable behavior in the optical R-band, even of the order of several tenth of magnitude in few hours, as shown by the GASP-WEBT light curves. We present the results of this long term multiwavelength monitoring campaign, with particular emphasis on the study of possible lags between the different wavebands, and the results of the modeling of simultaneous spectral energy distributions at different levels of activity.
We report on the second AGILE multiwavelength campaign of the blazar 3C 454.3 during the first half of December 2007. This campaign involved AGILE, Spitzer, Swift,Suzaku,the WEBT consortium,the REM and MITSuME telescopes,offering a broad band coverag e that allowed for a simultaneous sampling of the synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) emissions.The 2-week AGILE monitoring was accompanied by radio to optical monitoring by WEBT and REM and by sparse observations in mid-Infrared and soft/hard X-ray energy bands performed by means of Target of Opportunity observations by Spitzer, Swift and Suzaku, respectively.The source was detected with an average flux of~250x10^{-8}ph cm^-2s^-1 above 100 MeV,typical of its flaring states.The simultaneous optical and gamma-ray monitoring allowed us to study the time-lag associated with the variability in the two energy bands, resulting in a possible ~1-day delay of the gamma-ray emission with respect to the optical one. From the simultaneous optical and gamma-ray fast flare detected on December 12, we can constrain the delay between the gamma-ray and optical emissions within 12 hours. Moreover, we obtain three Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) with simultaneous data for 2007 December 5, 13, 15, characterized by the widest multifrequency coverage. We found that a model with an external Compton on seed photons by a standard disk and reprocessed by the Broad Line Regions does not describe in a satisfactory way the SEDs of 2007 December 5, 13 and 15. An additional contribution, possibly from the hot corona with T=10^6 K surrounding the jet, is required to account simultaneously for the softness of the synchrotron and the hardness of the inverse Compton emissions during those epochs.
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