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New generation electron-positron factories

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 نشر من قبل Mikhail Zobov
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Mikhail Zobov

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In 2010 we celebrated 50 years since commissioning of the first particle storage ring ADA in Frascati (Italy) that also became the first electron-positron collider in 1964. After that date the particle colliders have increased their intensity, luminosity and energy by several orders of magnitude. Namely, because of the high stored beam currents and high rate of useful physics events (luminosity) the modern electron-positron colliders are called factories. However, the fundamental physics has required luminosities by 1-2 orders of magnitudes higher with respect to those presently achieved. This task can be accomplished by designing a new generation of factories exploiting the potential of a new collision scheme based on the Crab Waist (CW) collision concept recently proposed and successfully tested at Frascati. In this paper we discuss the performance and limitations of the present generation electron-positron factories and give a brief overview of new ideas and collision schemes proposed for further collider luminosity increase. In more detail we describe the CW collision concept and the results of the crab waist collision tests in DAFNE, the Italian PHi-factory. Finally, we briefly describe most advanced projects of the next generation factories based on the CW concept: SuperB in Italy, SuperKEKB in Japan and SuperC-Tau in Russia.

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117 - V.I. Telnov 2013
Over the past two decades, the high energy physics community has been actively discussing and developing a number of post-LHC collider projects; however, none of them have been approved due to high costs and the uncertainty in post-LHC physics scenar ios. There have been great expectations of rich new physics in the 0.1-1 TeV mass region: the Higgs boson (one or several), supersymmetry, or perhaps new particles from the dark-matter family. It has been the general consensus that the best machine for the detailed study of new physics to be discovered at the LHC would be an energy-frontier linear e+e- collider. Physicists held their breath waiting for the results from the LHC. In summer 2012, two LHC detectors, ATLAS and CMS, announced the discovery of a Higgs boson with the mass of 126 GeV and (still) nothing else. The absence of new physics in the region below 1 TeV has changed the post-LHC collider R&D priorities and triggered a zoo of project proposals for the precision study of the 126 GeV Higgs boson, possibly with further upgrades to higher energies. This paper gives an overview of these projects; it is based largely on the reports presented at the first workshop on Higgs factories held at FNAL a few days prior to the present workshop in Protvino.
63 - E. Voutier 2017
The Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons (PEPPo) experiment has demonstrated the efficient transfer of polarization from electrons to positrons produced by the bremsstrahlung radiation of a polarized electron beam in a high-$Z$ target. Positro n polarization up to 82% has been measured for an initial electron beam momentum of 8.19 MeV/$c$, limited only by the electron beam polarization. Combined with the high intensity and high polarization performances of polarized electron sources, this technique extends efficient polarized positron capabilities from GeV to MeV electron accelerators. This presentation reviews the PEPPo proof-of-principle experiment and addresses the perspectives for future applications.
78 - J.E. Clendenin 2000
Recent advances in electron and positron sources have resulted in new capabilities driven in most cases by the increasing demands of advanced accelerating systems. Electron sources for brighter beams and for high average-current beams are described. The status and remaining challenges for polarized electron beams are also discussed. For positron sources, recent activity in the development of polarized positron beams for future colliders is reviewed. Finally, a new proposal for combining laser cooling with beam polarization is presented.
The discovery of the Higgs boson (and still nothing else) have triggered appearance of many proposals of Higgs factories for precision measurement of the Higgs properties. Among them there are several projects of photon colliders (PC) without e+e- in addition to PLC based on e+e- linear colliders ILC and CLIC. In this paper, following a brief discussion of Higgs factories physics program I give an overview of photon colliders based on linear colliders ILC and CLIC, and of the recently proposed photon-collider Higgs factories with no e+e- collision option based on recirculation linacs in ring tunnels.
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