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The NEXT-100 experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay searches (Conceptual Design Report)

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 نشر من قبل Justo Martin-Albo
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We propose an EASY (Electroluminescent ApparatuS of high Yield) and SOFT (Separated Optimized FuncTion) time-projection chamber for the NEXT experiment, that will search for neutrinoless double beta decay (bb0nu) in Xe-136. Our experiment must be competitive with the new generation of bb0nu searches already in operation or in construction. This requires a detector with very good energy resolution (<1%), very low background con- tamination (1E-4 counts/(keV bullet kg bullet y)) and large target mass. In addition, it needs to be operational as soon as possible. The design described here optimizes energy resolution thanks to the use of proportional electroluminescent amplification (EL); it is compact, as the Xe gas is under high pressure; and it allows the measurement of the topological signature of the event to further reduce the background contamination. The SOFT design uses different sensors for tracking and calorimetry. We propose the use of SiPMs (MPPCs) coated with a suitable wavelength shifter for the tracking, and the use of radiopure photomultipliers for the measurement of the energy and the primary scintillation needed to estimate the t0. This design provides the best possible energy resolution compared with other NEXT designs based on avalanche gain devices. The baseline design is an Asymmetric Neutrino Gas EL apparatus (ANGEL), which was already outlined in the NEXT LOI. ANGEL is conceived to be easy to fabricate. It requires very little R&D and most of the proposed solutions have already been tested in the NEXT-1 prototypes. Therefore, the detector can be ready by 2013. In this Conceptual Design Report (CDR) we discuss first the physics case, present a full design of the detector, describe the NEXT-1 EL prototypes and their initial results, and outline a project to build a detector with 100 kg of enriched xenon to be installed in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory in 2013.

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NEXT-100 is an electroluminescent high-pressure xenon gas time projection chamber that will search for the neutrinoless double beta ($beta beta 0 u$) decay of Xe-136. The detector possesses two features of great value for $beta beta 0 u$ searches: energy resolution better than 1% FWHM at the $Q$ value of Xe-136 and track reconstruction for the discrimination of signal and background events. This combination results in excellent sensitivity, as discussed in this paper. Material-screening measurements and a detailed Monte Carlo detector simulation predict a background rate for NEXT-100 of at most $4times10^{-4}$ counts keV$^{-1}$ kg$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$. Accordingly, the detector will reach a sensitivity to the bbonu-decay half-life of $2.8times10^{25}$ years (90% CL) for an exposure of 100 $mathrm{kg}cdotmathrm{year}$, or $6.0times10^{25}$ years after a run of 3 effective years.
105 - N. Lopez-March 2017
A high pressure xenon gas time projection chamber with electroluminescent amplification (EL HPGXe TPC) searching for the neutrinoless double beta ($0 ubetabeta$) decay offers: excellent energy resolution ($0.5-0.7%$ FWHM at the $Q_{betabeta}$), by am plifying the ionization signal with electroluminescent light, and tracking capabilities, as demonstrated by the NEXT collaboration using two kg-scale prototypes. The NEXT collaboration is building an EL HPGXe TPC capable of holding 100 kg (NEXT-100) of xenon isotopically enriched in ${{}^{136}rm Xe}$. The installation and commissioning of the NEXT-100 detector at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC) is planned for 2018. The current estimated background level for the NEXT-100 detector is of $4times10^{-4}$ counts/keV-kg-yr or less in the energy region of interest. Assuming an energy resolution of 0.75$%$ FWHM at the $Q_{betabeta}$ and a $0 ubetabeta$ signal efficiency of about 28$%$, this gives an expected sensitivity (at 90$%$ CL) to the $0 ubetabeta$ decay half life of $T^{0 u}_{1/2}>6.0times10^{25}$ yr for an exposure of 275 kg yr. A first phase of the NEXT experiment, called NEW, is currently being commissioned at the LSC. The NEW detector is a scale 1:2 in size (1:10 in mass) of the NEXT-100 detector using the same materials and photosensors and will be used to perform a characterization of the $0 ubetabeta$ backgrounds and a measurement of the standard double beta decay with neutrinos (${2 ubetabeta}$). An 8 sigma significance for the ${2 ubetabeta}$ signal in the NEW detector has been estimated for a 100-day run.
The Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC (NEXT) searches for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of Xe-136 using high-pressure xenon gas TPCs with electroluminescent amplification. A scaled-up version of this technology with about 1 tonne of enriched xenon could reach in less than 5 years of operation a sensitivity to the half-life of neutrinoless double-beta decay decay better than 1E27 years, improving the current limits by at least one order of magnitude. This prediction is based on a well-understood background model dominated by radiogenic sources. The detector concept presented here represents a first step on a compelling path towards sensitivity to the parameter space defined by the inverted ordering of neutrino masses, and beyond.
The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay (0${ u}{beta}{beta}$) would show that lepton number is violated, reveal that neutrinos are Majorana particles, and provide information on neutrino mass. A discovery-capable experiment covering the inv erted ordering region, with effective Majorana neutrino masses of 15 - 50 meV, will require a tonne-scale experiment with excellent energy resolution and extremely low backgrounds, at the level of $sim$0.1 count /(FWHM$cdot$t$cdot$yr) in the region of the signal. The current generation $^{76}$Ge experiments GERDA and the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR utilizing high purity Germanium detectors with an intrinsic energy resolution of 0.12%, have achieved the lowest backgrounds by over an order of magnitude in the 0${ u}{beta}{beta}$ signal region of all 0${ u}{beta}{beta}$ experiments. Building on this success, the LEGEND collaboration has been formed to pursue a tonne-scale $^{76}$Ge experiment. The collaboration aims to develop a phased 0${ u}{beta}{beta}$ experimental program with discovery potential at a half-life approaching or at $10^{28}$ years, using existing resources as appropriate to expedite physics results.
The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS) of INFN is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge. The signature of the signal is a monoenergetic peak at 2039 keV, the Q-value of the decay , Q_bb. To avoid bias in the signal search, the present analysis does not consider all those events, that fall in a 40 keV wide region centered around Q_bb. The main parameters needed for the neutrinoless double beta decay analysis are described. A background model was developed to describe the observed energy spectrum. The model contains several contributions, that are expected on the basis of material screening or that are established by the observation of characteristic structures in the energy spectrum. The model predicts a flat energy spectrum for the blinding window around Q_bb with a background index ranging from 17.6 to 23.8*10^{-3} counts/(keV kg yr). A part of the data not considered before has been used to test if the predictions of the background model are consistent. The observed number of events in this energy region is consistent with the background model. The background at Q-bb is dominated by close sources, mainly due to 42K, 214Bi, 228Th, 60Co and alpha emitting isotopes from the 226Ra decay chain. The individual fractions depend on the assumed locations of the contaminants. It is shown, that after removal of the known gamma peaks, the energy spectrum can be fitted in an energy range of 200 kev around Q_bb with a constant background. This gives a background index consistent with the full model and uncertainties of the same size.
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