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The impact of the Kasatochi eruption on the Moons illumination during the August 2008 lunar eclipse

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 نشر من قبل Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Moons changeable aspect during a lunar eclipse is largely attributable to variations in the refracted unscattered sunlight absorbed by the terrestrial atmosphere that occur as the satellite crosses the Earths shadow. The contribution to the Moons aspect from sunlight scattered at the Earths terminator is generally deemed minor. However, our analysis of a published spectrum of the 16 August 2008 lunar eclipse shows that diffuse sunlight is a major component of the measured spectrum at wavelengths shorter than 600 nm. The conclusion is supported by two distinct features, namely the spectrums tail at short wavelengths and the unequal absorption by an oxygen collisional complex at two nearby bands. Our findings are consistent with the presence of the volcanic cloud reported at high northern latitudes following the 7-8 August 2008 eruption in Alaska of the Kasatochi volcano. The cloud both attenuates the unscattered sunlight and enhances moderately the scattered component, thus modifying the contrast between the two contributions.

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In order to study the solar corona during eclipses, a new telescope was constructed. Three coronal images were obtained simultaneously from one objective of the telescope as the coronal radiation passed through three polarisers (whose transmission di rections were turned through 0^{circ}, 60^{circ}, and 120^{circ} to the chosen direction); one image without polariser was also obtained. The telescope was used to observe the solar corona during the eclipse of 1 August 2008. We obtained distributions of the polarisation brightness, K-corona brightness, degree of the K-corona polarisation and total polarisation degree; polarisation direction depending on the latitude and radius in the plane of the sky was also obtained. We calculated radial distributions of electron density, depending on the latitude. Properties of all these distributions in different coronal structures were compared. We determined temperature of coronal plasma in different coronal structures on the assumption that there is a hydrostatic equilibrium.
We discuss here a lunar impact flash recorded during the total lunar eclipse that occurred on 2019 January 21, at 4h 41m 38.09 +- 0.01 s UT. This is the first time ever that an impact flash is unambiguously recorded during a lunar eclipse and discuss ed in the scientific literature, and the first time that lunar impact flash observations in more than two wavelengths are reported. The impact event was observed by different instruments in the framework of the MIDAS survey. It was also spotted by casual observers that were taking images of the eclipse. The flash lasted 0.28 seconds and its peak luminosity in visible band was equivalent to the brightness of a mag. 4.2 star. The projectile hit the Moon at the coordinates 29.2 +- 0.3 $^{circ}$S, 67.5 +- 0.4 $^{circ}$W. In this work we have investigated the most likely source of the projectile, and the diameter of the new crater generated by the collision has been calculated. In addition, the temperature of the lunar impact flash is derived from the multiwavelength observations. These indicate that the blackbody temperature of this flash was of about 5700 K.
On 7th August 2019, an impact flash lasting $sim1$s was observed on Jupiter. The video of this event was analysed to obtain the lightcurve and determine the energy release and initial mass. We find that the impactor released a total energy of $96-151 $ kilotons of TNT, corresponding to an initial mass between $190-260$ metric tonnes with a diameter between $4-10$m. We developed a fragmentation model to simulate the atmospheric breakup of the object and reproduce the lightcurve. We model three different materials: cometary, stony and metallic at speeds of $60$, $65 $ and $70$ km/s to determine the material makeup of the impacting object. The slower cases are best fit by a strong, metallic object while the faster cases require a weaker material.
Dynamical scenarios of terrestrial planets formation involve strong perturbations of the inner part of the solar system by the giant-planets, leading to enhanced impact velocities and subsequent collisional erosion. We quantitatively estimate the eff ect of collisional erosion on the resulting composition of Earth, and estimate how it may provide information on the dynamical context of its formation. We simulate and quantify the erosion of Earths crust in the context of Solar System formation scenarios, including the classical model and Grand Tack scenario that invokes orbital migration of Jupiter during the gaseous disk phase (Walsh et al., 2011; Raymond et al., 2018). We find that collisional erosion of the early crust is unlikely to produce an excess of about 6% of the Sm/Nd ratio in terrestrial rock samples compared to chondrites for most simulations. Only Grand Tack simulations in which the last giant impact on Earth occurred later than 50 million years after the start of Solar System formation can account for such an offset. However, this time frame is consistent with current cosmochemical and dynamical estimates of the Moon forming impact (Chyba, 1991; Walker, 2009; Touboul et al.,2007, 2009, 2015; Pepin and Porcelli, 2006; Norman et al., 2003; Nyquist et al., 2006; Boyet et al.,2015). Such a late fractionation in the Sm/Nd ratio is unlikely to be responsible for a 20-ppm $^{142}$Nd excess in terrestrial rocks due to the half life of the radiogenic system. Additionally, such a large and late fractionation in the Sm/Nd ratio would accordingly induce non-observed anomalies in the $^{143}$Nd/$^{144}$Nd ratio. Considering our results, the Grand Tack model with a late Moon-forming impact cannot be easily reconciled with the Nd isotopic Earth contents.
163 - Enric Palle 2009
Of the 342 planets discovered so far orbiting other stars, 58 transit the stellar disk, meaning that they can be detected by a periodic decrease in the starlight flux. The light from the star passes through the atmosphere of the planet, and in a few cases the basic atmospheric composition of the planet can be estimated. As we get closer to finding analogues of Earth, an important consideration toward the characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres is what the transmission spectrum of our planet looks like. Here we report the optical and near-infrared transmission spectrum of the Earth, obtained during a lunar eclipse. Some biologically relevant atmospheric features that are weak in the reflected spectrum (such as ozone, molecular oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and methane) are much stronger in the transmission spectrum, and indeed stronger than predicted by modelling. We also find the fingerprints of the Earths ionosphere and of the major atmospheric constituent, diatomic nitrogen (N2), which are missing in the reflected spectrum.
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