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Time duration of the parametric x-ray radiation

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 نشر من قبل Alexandra Gurinovich
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Time evolution of the parametric X-Ray radiation, produced by a relativistic charged particle passing through a crystal, is studied. The most attention is given to the cases when the radiation lasts much longer (t_{PXR} ~0.1 ns) than the the time t_p of the particle flight through the crystal (t_p ~ 1 ps). It is shown that such long duration of the radiation makes possible the detailed experimental investigation of the complicated time structure of the parametric X-ray pulses, generated by electron bunches, which are available with modern acceleration facilities.

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We investigate parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) under condition of the extremely asymmetric diffraction, when the ultra-relativistic electron bunch is moving in textit{vacuum} parallel to the crystal-vacuum interface, close to the crystal surface. Th is type of geometry coincides with the well known mechanism of generation of radiation, when the self-field of the particle beam interacts with the reflecting metal grating, namely the Smith-Purcell effect. We demonstrate that in this geometry the main contribution is given via a tail region of the beam distribution, which penetrates the crystal and X-rays are radiated along the normal to the crystal surface. We determine the electron beam characteristics, when this phenomenon can be observed. It is essential that in this geometry the majority of electrons does not undergo multiple scattering and consequently the characteristics of the particle beam are not changed, thus allowing the usage of the emitted X-rays for the purpose of non-destructive beam diagnostics, which can complement the traditional knife-edge method.
Numerous applications of M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy are related to a unique resolution of absorption spectra of resonant radiation in crystals, when the nucleus absorbs a photon without a recoil. However, the narrow nuclear linewidth renders efficient driving of the nuclei challenging, restricting precision spectroscopy, nuclear inelastic scattering and nuclear quantum optics. Moreover, the need for dedicated X-ray optics restricts access to only few isotopes, impeding precision spectroscopy of a wider class of systems. Here, we put forward a novel M{o}ssbauer source, which offers a high resonant photon flux for a large variety of Mossbauer isotopes, based on relativistic electrons moving through a crystal and emitting parametric Mossbauer radiation essentially unattenuated by electronic absorption. As a result, a collimated beam of resonant photons is formed, without the need for additional monochromatization. We envision the extension of high-precision M{o}ssbauer spectroscopy to a wide range of isotopes at accelerator facilities using dumped electron beams.
Parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) from relativistic electrons moving in a crystal along the crystal-vacuum interface is considered. In this geometry the emission of photons is happening in the regime of extremely asymmetric diffraction (EAD). In the E AD case the whole crystal length contributes to the formation of X-ray radiation opposed to Laue and Bragg geometries, where the emission intensity is defined by the X-ray absorption length. We demonstrate that this phenomenon should be described within the dynamical theory of diffraction and predict a radical increase of the PXR intensity. In particular, under realistic electron-beam parameters, an increase of two orders of magnitude in PXR-EAD intensity can be obtained in comparison with conventional experimental geometries of PXR. In addition we discuss in details the experimental feasibility of the detection of PXR-EAD.
Features of forward diffracted Parametric X-Radiation (PXR) were investigated at experiments with the 855 MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI employing a 410 micrometer thick tungsten single crystal. Virtual photons from the electron field are diffracted by the (10-1) plane at a Bragg angle of 3.977 degree. Forward emitted radiation was analyzed at an energy of 40 keV with the (111) lattice planes of a flat silicon single crystal in Bragg geometry. Clear peak structures were observed in an angular scan of the tungsten single crystal. The results were analyzed with a model which describes forward diffracted PXR under real experimental conditions. The experiments show that forward diffracted PXR may be employed to diagnose bending radii of lattice planes in large area single crystals.
A new method to generate short wavelength Free Electron Laser output with modulated polarisation at attosecond timescales is presented. Simulations demonstrate polarisation switching timescales that are four orders of magnitude faster than the curren t state of the art and, at X-Ray wavelengths, approaching the atomic unit of time of approximately $24$~attoseconds. Such polarisation control has significant potential in the study of ultra-fast atomic and molecular processes. The output alternates between either orthogonal linear or circularly polarised light without the need for any polarising optical elements. This facilitates operation at the high brightness X-ray wavelengths associated with FELs. As the method uses an afterburner configuration it would be relatively easy to install at exciting FEL facilities, greatly expanding their research capability.
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