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Thermal conductivity of pure and Zn-doped LiCu_2O_2 single crystals

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 نشر من قبل X. F. Sun
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We report a study of the low-temperature thermal conductivity (kappa) of pure and Zn-doped LiCu_2O_2 single crystals. The kappa(T) of pure LiCu_2O_2 single crystal shows a double-peak behavior, with two peaks locating at 48 K and 14 K, respectively. The different dependences of the peaks on the Zn concentration indicate that the high-T peak is likely due to the phonon transport while the low-T one is attributed to the magnon transport in the spin spiral ordering state. In addition, the magnetic field can gradually suppress the low-T peak but does not affect the high-T one; this further confirms that the low-T peak is originated from the magnon heat transport.

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The trigonal compound EuMg2Bi2 has recently been discussed in terms of its topological band properties. These are intertwined with its magnetic properties. Here detailed studies of the magnetic, thermal, and electronic transport properties of EuMg2Bi 2 single crystals are presented. The Eu{+2} spins-7/2 in EuMg2Bi2 exhibit an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at a temperature TN = 6.7 K, as previously reported. By analyzing the anisotropic magnetic susceptibility chi data below TN in terms of molecular-field theory (MFT), the AFM structure is inferred to be a c-axis helix, where the ordered moments in the hexagonal ab-plane layers are aligned ferromagnetically in the ab plane with a turn angle between the moments in adjacent moment planes along the c axis of about 120 deg. The magnetic heat capacity exhibits a lambda anomaly at TN with evidence of dynamic short-range magnetic fluctuations both above and below TN. The high-T limit of the magnetic entropy is close to the theoretical value for spins-7/2. The in-plane electrical resistivity rho(T) data indicate metallic character with a mild and disorder-sensitive upturn below Tmin = 23 K. An anomalous rapid drop in rho(T) on cooling below TN as found in zero field is replaced by a two-step decrease in magnetic fields. The rho(T) measurements also reveal an additional transition below TN in applied fields of unknown origin that is not observed in the other measurements and may be associated with an incommensurate to commensurate AFM transition. The dependence of TN on the c-axis magnetic field Hperp was derived from the field-dependent chi(T), Cp(T), and rho(T) measurements. This TN(Hperp) was found to be consistent with the prediction of MFT for a c-axis helix with S = 7/2 and was used to generate a phase diagram in the Hperp-T plane.
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