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Stellar black holes at the dawn of the universe

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 نشر من قبل Felix Mirabel
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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It is well established that between 380000 and 1 billion years after the Big Bang the Inter Galactic Medium (IGM) underwent a phase transformation from cold and fully neutral to warm (~10^4 K) and ionized. Whether this phase transformation was fully driven and completed by photoionization by young hot stars is a question of topical interest in cosmology. AIMS. We propose here that besides the ultraviolet radiation from massive stars, feedback from accreting black holes in high-mass X-ray binaries (BH-HMXBs) was an additional, important source of heating and reionization of the IGM in regions of low gas density at large distances from star-forming galaxies. METHODS. We use current theoretical models on the formation and evolution of primitive massive stars of low metallicity, and the observations of compact stellar remnants in the near and distant universe, to infer that a significant fraction of the first generations of massive stars end up as BH-HMXBs. The total number of energetic ionizing photons from an accreting stellar black hole in an HMXB is comparable to the total number of ionizing photons of its progenitor star. However, the X-ray photons emitted by the accreting black hole are capable of producing several secondary ionizations and the ionizing power of the resulting black hole could be greater than that of its progenitor. Feedback by the large populations of BH-HMXBs heats the IGM to temperatures of ~10^4 K and maintains it ionized on large distance scales. BH-HMXBs determine the early thermal history of the universe and mantain it as ionized over large volumes of space in regions of low density. This has a direct impact on the properties of the faintest galaxies at high redshifts, the smallest dwarf galaxies in the local universe, and on the existing and future surveys at radio wavelengths of atomic hydrogen in the early universe.

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104 - I.F. Mirabel 2010
Significant historic cosmic evolution for the formation rate of stellar black holes is inferred from current theoretical models of the evolution of massive stars, the multiple observations of compact stellar remnants in the near and distant universe, and the cosmic chemical evolution. The mean mass of stellar black holes, the fraction of black holes/neutron stars, and the fraction of black hole high mass X-ray binaries (BH-HMXBs)/solitary black holes increase with redshift. The energetic feedback from large populations of BH-HMXBs form in the first generations of star burst galaxies has been overlooked in most cosmological models of the reionization epoch of the universe. The powerful radiation, jets, and winds from BH-HMXBs heat the intergalactic medium over large volumes of space and keep it ionized until AGN take over. It is concluded that stellar black holes constrained the properties of the faintest galaxies at high redshifts. I present here the theoretical and observational grounds for the historic cosmic evolution of stellar black holes. Detailed calculations on their cosmic impact are presented elsewhere (Mirabel, Dijkstra, Laurent, Loeb, Pritchard, 2011).
55 - Zoltan Haiman 2019
Massive 10^6-10^10 Msun black holes (BHs) are ubiquitous in local galactic nuclei. They were common by the time the Universe is several Gyr old, and many of them were in place within the first 1~Gyr after the Big Bang. Their quick assembly has been a ttributed to mechanisms such as the rapid collapse of gas into the nuclei of early protogalaxies, accretion and mergers of stellar-mass BHs accompanying structure formation at early times, and the runaway collapse of early, ultra-dense stellar clusters. The origin of the early massive BHs remains an intriguing and long-standing unsolved puzzle in astrophysics. Here we discuss strategies for discerning between BH seeding models using electromagnetic observations. We argue that the most direct answers will be obtained through detection of BHs with masses M<10^5 Msun at redshifts z>10, where we expect them to first form. Reaching out to these redshifts and down to these masses is crucial, because BHs are expected to lose the memory of their initial assembly by the time they grow well above 10^5 Msun and are incorporated into higher-mass galaxies. The best way to detect 10^4-10^5 Msun BHs at high redshifts is by a sensitive X-ray survey. Critical constraining power is augmented by establishing the properties and the environments of their host galaxies in deep optical/IR imaging surveys. Required OIR data can be obtained with the JWST and WFIRST missions. The required X-ray flux limits (down to 10^{-19} erg/s/cm^2) are accessible only with a next-generation X-ray observatory which has both high (sub-1) angular resolution and high throughput. A combination of deep X-ray and OIR surveys will be capable of probing several generic markers of the BH seed scenarios, and resolving the long-stanging puzzle of their origin. These electromagnetic observations are also highly synergistic with the information from LISA on high-z BH mergers.
We estimate the 21 cm Radio Background from accretion onto the first intermediate-mass Black Holes between $zapprox 30$ and $zapprox 16$. Combining potentially optimistic, but plausible, scenarios for black hole formation and growth with empirical co rrelations between luminosity and radio-emission observed in low-redshift active galactic nuclei, we find that a model of black holes forming in molecular cooling halos is able to produce a 21 cm background that exceeds the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at $z approx 17$ though models involving larger halo masses are not entirely excluded. Such a background could explain the surprisingly large amplitude of the 21 cm absorption feature recently reported by the EDGES collaboration. Such black holes would also produce significant X-ray emission and contribute to the $0.5-2$ keV soft X-ray background at the level of $approx 10^{-13}-10^{-12}$ erg sec$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ deg$^{-2}$, consistent with existing constraints. In order to avoid heating the IGM over the EDGES trough, these black holes would need to be obscured by Hydrogen column depths of $ N_text{H} sim 5 times 10^{23} text{cm}^{-2}$. Such black holes would avoid violating contraints on the CMB optical depth from Planck if their UV photon escape fractions were below $f_{text{esc}} lesssim 0.1$, which would be a natural result of $N_text{H} sim 5 times 10^{23} text{cm}^{-2}$ imposed by an unheated IGM.
137 - A.D.Dolgov 2013
A mechanism of creation of stellar-like objects in the very early universe, from the QCD phase transition till BBN and somewhat later, is studied. It is argued that in the considered process primordial black holes with masses above a few solar masses up to super-heavy ones could be created. This may explain an early quasar creation with evolved chemistry in surrounding medium and the low mass cutoff of the observed black holes. It is also shown that dense primordial stars can be created at the considered epoch. Such stars could later become very early supernovae and in particular high redshift gamma-bursters. In a version of the model some of the created objects can consist of antimatter.
We present the analysis of a new near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of a recently discovered $z=6.621$ quasar PSO J006+39 in an attempt to explore the early growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). This NIR (rest-frame ultraviolet, UV) spectrum shows bl ue continuum slope and rich metal emission lines in addition to Ly$alpha$ line. We utilize the MgII line width and the rest frame luminosity $L_text{3000AA}$ to find the mass of SMBH ($M_text{BH}$) to be $sim 10^8 M_odot$, making this one of the lowest mass quasars at high redshift. The power-law slope index ($alpha_lambda$) of the continuum emission is $-2.94pm0.03$, significantly bluer than the slope of $alpha_lambda=-7/3$ predicted from standard thin disc models. We fit the spectral energy distribution (SED) using a model which can fit local SMBHs, which includes warm and hot Comptonisation powered by the accretion flow as well as an outer standard disc. The result shows that the very blue slope is probably produced by a small radial ($sim230$ gravitational radius, $R_text{g}$) extent of the standard accretion disc. All plausible SED models require that the source is super-Eddington ($L_text{bol}/L_text{Edd} gtrsim 9$), so the apparently small disc may simply be the inner funnel of a puffed up flow, and clearly the SMBH in this quasar is in a rapid growth phase. We also utilize the rest-frame UV emission lines to probe the chemical abundance in the broad line region (BLR) of this quasar. We find that this quasar has super solar metallicity through photoionization model calculations.
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