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Unveiling a two-dimensional electron gas with universal subbands at the surface of SrTiO3

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 نشر من قبل Andr\\'es Felipe Santander-Syro
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Similar to silicon that is the basis of conventional electronics, strontium titanate (SrTiO3) is the bedrock of the emerging field of oxide electronics. SrTiO3 is the preferred template to create exotic two-dimensional (2D) phases of electron matter at oxide interfaces, exhibiting metal-insulator transitions, superconductivity, or large negative magnetoresistance. However, the physical nature of the electronic structure underlying these 2D electron gases (2DEGs) remains elusive, although its determination is crucial to understand their remarkable properties. Here we show, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), that there is a highly metallic universal 2DEG at the vacuum-cleaved surface of SrTiO3, independent of bulk carrier densities over more than seven decades, including the undoped insulating material. This 2DEG is confined within a region of ~5 unit cells with a sheet carrier density of ~0.35 electrons per a^2 (a is the cubic lattice parameter). We unveil a remarkable electronic structure consisting on multiple subbands of heavy and light electrons. The similarity of this 2DEG with those reported in SrTiO3-based heterostructures and field-effect transistors suggests that different forms of electron confinement at the surface of SrTiO3 lead to essentially the same 2DEG. Our discovery provides a model system for the study of the electronic structure of 2DEGs in SrTiO3-based devices, and a novel route to generate 2DEGs at surfaces of transition-metal oxides.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy suggests the formation of a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) on the TiO2 terminated surface of undoped SrTiO3 single crystals annealed at temperature lower than 400 {deg}C in ultra high vacuum conditions. Low energy electron diffraction indicates that the 2D metallic SrTiO3 surface is not structurally reconstructed, suggesting that non-ordered oxygen vacancies created in the annealing process introduce carriers leading to an electronic reconstruction. The experimental results are interpreted in a frame of competition between oxygen diffusion from the bulk to the surface and oxygen loss from the surface itself.
Conventional two-dimensional electron gases are realized by engineering the interfaces between semiconducting compounds. In 2004, Ohtomo and Hwang discovered that an electron gas can be also realized at the interface between large gap insulators made of transition metal oxides [1]. This finding has generated considerable efforts to clarify the underlying microscopic mechanism. Of particular interest is the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 system, because it features especially striking properties. High carrier mobility [1], electric field tuneable superconductivity [2] and magnetic effects [3], have been found. Here we show that an orbital reconstruction is underlying the generation of the electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 n-type interface. Our results are based on extensive investigations of the electronic properties and of the orbital structure of the interface using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. In particular we find that the degeneracy of the Ti 3d states is fully removed, and that the Ti 3dxy levels become the first available states for conducting electrons.
220 - Z. Q. Liu , W. Lu , S. W. Zeng 2014
We report very large bandgap enhancement in SrTiO3 (STO) films (fabricated by pulsed laser deposition below 800 {deg}C), which can be up to 20% greater than the bulk value, depending on the deposition temperature. The origin is comprehensively invest igated and finally attributed to Sr/Ti antisite point defects, supported by density functional theory calculations. More importantly, the bandgap enhancement can be utilized to tailor the electronic and magnetic phases of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in STO-based interface systems. For example, the oxygen-vacancy-induced 2DEG (2DEG-V) at the interface between amorphous LaAlO3 and STO films is more localized and the ferromagnetic order in the STO-film-based 2DEG-V can be clearly seen from low-temperature magnetotransport measurements. This opens an attractive path to tailor electronic, magnetic and optical properties of STO-based oxide interface systems under intensive focus in the oxide electronics community. Meanwhile, our study provides key insight into the origin of the fundamental issue that STO films are difficult to be doped into the fully metallic state by oxygen vacancies.
72 - W. Niu , Y. Zhang , Y. L. Gan 2017
Herein, we reported giant tunability of the physical properties of 2DEGs at the spinel/perovskite interface of {gamma}-Al2O3/SrTiO3 (GAO/STO). By modulating the carrier density thus the band filling with ionic-liquid gating, the system experiences a Lifshitz transition at a critical carrier density of 3E13 cm-2, where a remarkably strong enhancement of Rashba spin-orbit interaction and an emergence of Kondo effect at low temperatures are observed. Moreover, as the carrier concentration depletes with decreasing gating voltage, the electron mobility is enhanced by more than 6 times in magnitude, leading to the observation of clear quantum oscillations. The great tunability of GAO/STO interface by EDLT gating not only shows promise for design of oxide devices with on-demand properties, but also sheds new light on the electronic structure of 2DEG at the non-isostructural spinel/perovskite interface.
The interfaces between two condensed phases often exhibit emergent physical properties that can lead to new physics and novel device applications, and are the subject of intense study in many disciplines. We here apply novel experimental and theoreti cal techniques to the characterization of one such interesting interface system: the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed in multilayers consisting of SrTiO$_3$ (STO) and GdTiO$_3$ (GTO). This system has been the subject of multiple studies recently and shown to exhibit very high carrier charge densities and ferromagnetic effects, among other intriguing properties. We have studied a 2DEG-forming multilayer of the form [6 unit cells STO/3 unit cells of GTO]$_{20}$ using a unique array of photoemission techniques including soft and hard x-ray excitation, soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission, core-level spectroscopy, resonant excitation, and standing-wave effects, as well as theoretical calculations of the electronic structure at several levels and of the actual photoemission process. Standing-wave measurements below and above a strong resonance have been introduced as a powerful method for studying the 2DEG depth distribution. We have thus characterized the spatial and momentum properties of this 2DEG with unprecedented detail, determining via depth-distribution measurements that it is spread throughout the 6 u.c. layer of STO, and measuring the momentum dispersion of its states. The experimental results are supported in several ways by theory, leading to a much more complete picture of the nature of this 2DEG, and suggesting that oxygen vacancies are not the origin of it. Similar multi-technique photoemission studies of such states at buried interfaces, combined with comparable theory, will be a very fruitful future approach for exploring and modifying the fascinating world of buried-interface physics and chemistry.
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