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The Deep SPIRE HerMES Survey: Spectral Energy Distributions and their Astrophysical Indications at High Redshift

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 نشر من قبل Drew Brisbin
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) on Herschel has been carrying out deep extragalactic surveys, one of whose aims is to establish spectral energy distributions (SED)s of individual galaxies spanning the infrared/submillimeter (IR/SMM) wavelength region. We report observations of the (IR/SMM) emission from the Lockman North field (LN) and Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey field North (GOODS-N). Because galaxy images in the wavelength range covered by Herschel generally represent a blend with contributions from neighboring galaxies, we present sets of galaxies in each field especially free of blending at 250, 350, and 500 microns. We identify the cumulative emission of these galaxies and the fraction of the far infrared cosmic background radiation they contribute. Our surveys reveal a number of highly luminous galaxies at redshift z ~< 3 and a novel relationship between infrared and visible emission that shows a dependence on luminosity and redshift.

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We present spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for 68 Herschel sources detected at 5-sigma at 250, 350 and 500 mu in the HerMES SWIRE-Lockman field. We explore whether existing models for starbursts, quiescent star-forming galaxies and for AGN dust tori are able to model the full range of SEDs measured with Herschel. We find that while many galaxies (~ 56 %) are well fitted with the templates used to fit IRAS, ISO and Spitzer sources, for about half the galaxies two new templates are required: quiescent (cirrus) models with colder (10-20 K) dust, and a young starburst model with higher optical depth than Arp 220. Predictions of submillimetre fluxes based on model fits to 4.5-24 mu data agree rather poorly with the observed fluxes, but the agreement is better for fits to 4.5-70 mu data. Herschel galaxies detected at 500 mu tend to be those with the very highest dust masses.
We present a method for selecting $z>4$ dusty, star forming galaxies (DSFGs) using Herschel/SPIRE 250/350/500 $mu m$ flux densities to search for red sources. We apply this method to 21 deg$^2$ of data from the HerMES survey to produce a catalog of 3 8 high-$z$ candidates. Follow-up of the first 5 of these sources confirms that this method is efficient at selecting high-$z$ DSFGs, with 4/5 at $z=4.3$ to $6.3$ (and the remaining source at $z=3.4$), and that they are some of the most luminous dusty sources known. Comparison with previous DSFG samples, mostly selected at longer wavelengths (e.g., 850 $mu m$) and in single-band surveys, shows that our method is much more efficient at selecting high-$z$ DSFGs, in the sense that a much larger fraction are at $z>3$. Correcting for the selection completeness and purity, we find that the number of bright ($S_{500,mu m} ge 30$ mJy), red Herschel sources is $3.3 pm 0.8$ deg$^{-2}$. This is much higher than the number predicted by current models, suggesting that the DSFG population extends to higher redshifts than previously believed. If the shape of the luminosity function for high-$z$ DSFGs is similar to that at $zsim2$, rest-frame UV based studies may be missing a significant component of the star formation density at $z=4$ to $6$, even after correction for extinction.
We have analysed the rest-frame far infrared (FIR) properties of a sample of massive (Mstar > 10^11Msun) galaxies at 2<z<3 in the GOODS (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey) North field using the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) instrument aboard the Herschel Space Observatory. To conduct this analysis we take advantage of the data from the HerMES key program. The sample comprises 45 massive galaxies with structural parameters characterised with HST NICMOS-3. We study detections at submm Herschel bands, together with Spitzer 24{mu}m data, as a function of the morphological type, mass and size. We find that 26/45 sources are detected at MIPS-24{mu}m and 15/45 (all MIPS-24{mu}m detections) are detected at SPIRE-250{mu}m, with disk-like galaxies more easily detected. We derive star formation rates (SFR) and specific star formation rates (sSFR) by fitting the spectral energy distribution (SED) of our sources, taking into account non-detections for SPIRE and systematic effects for MIPS derived quantities. We find that the mean SFR for the spheroidal galaxies (50-100 Msun*yr^-1) is substantially (a factor ~ 3) lower than the mean value presented by disk-like galaxies (250-300 Msun*yr^-1).
We present a study of the infrared properties for a sample of seven spectroscopically confirmed submillimeter galaxies at $z>$4.0. By combining ground-based near-infrared, Spitzer IRAC and MIPS, Herschel SPIRE, and ground-based submillimeter/millimet er photometry, we construct their Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) and a composite model to fit the SEDs. The model includes a stellar emission component at $lambda_{rm rest} <$ 3.5$ mu$m; a hot dust component peaking at $lambda_{rest} sim$ 5$,mu$m; and cold dust component which becomes significant for $lambda_{rm rest} >$ 50$,mu$m. Six objects in the sample are detected at 250 and 350$ mu$m. The dust temperatures for the sources in this sample are in the range of 40$-$80 K, and their $L_{rm FIR}$ $sim$ 10$^{13}$ L$_{odot}$ qualifies them as Hyper$-$Luminous Infrared Galaxies (HyperLIRGs). The mean FIR-radio index for this sample is around $< q > = 2.2$ indicating no radio excess in their radio emission. Most sources in the sample have 24$ mu$m detections corresponding to a rest-frame 4.5$ mu$m luminosity of Log$_{10}$(L$_{4.5}$ / L$_{odot}$) = 11 $sim$ 11.5. Their L$_{rm 4.5}$/$L_{rm FIR}$ ratios are very similar to those of starburst dominated submillimeter galaxies at $z sim$ 2. The $L_{rm CO}-L_{rm FIR}$ relation for this sample is consistent with that determined for local ULIRGs and SMGs at $z sim$ 2. We conclude that submillimeter galaxies at $z >$ 4 are hotter and more luminous in the FIR, but otherwise very similar to those at $z sim$ 2. None of these sources show any sign of the strong QSO phase being triggered.
165 - H. T. Nguyen , B. Schulz 2010
We report on the sensitivity of SPIRE photometers on the Herschel Space Observatory. Specifically, we measure the confusion noise from observations taken during the Science Demonstration Phase of the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey. Confus ion noise is defined to be the spatial variation of the sky intensity in the limit of infinite integration time, and is found to be consistent among the different fields in our survey at the level of 5.8, 6.3 and 6.8 mJy/beam at 250, 350 and 500 microns, respectively. These results, together with the measured instrument noise, may be used to estimate the integration time required for confusion-limited maps, and provide a noise estimate for maps obtained by SPIRE.
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