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Lattice study of nuclear forces

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 نشر من قبل Noriyoshi Ishii
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
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Recent progress of lattice QCD study of nuclear forces (potentials) is reviewed. Scattering phase shift is an important observable for two particle system. In lattice QCD, phase shifts are calculated from long distance behavior of Bethe-Salpeter (BS) wave functions by Lueschers finite volume method. For applications to nuclear physics of multi-nucleon system, it is more advantageous to convert the information of phase shifts in the form of potentials. We therefore extend the method so as to generate the potentials from BS wave functions. These potentials are faithful to scattering phase shift by construction, because they can reproduce BS wave functions in which the information of phase shift is embeded in the long distance part.The method was first applied to the central potential in NN system. It is now applied to many objects, such as tensor potential, hyperon potentials, energy dependence of nuclear potentials, and investigations of the repulsive core at short distance.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a lattice QCD study for the cutoff effects on nuclear forces. Two-nucleon forces are determined from Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave functions using the HAL QCD method. Lattice QCD simulations are performed employing N_f = 2 clover fermion configurations at three lattice spacings of a = 0.108, 0.156, 0.215 fm on a fixed physical volume of L^3 x T = (2.5 fm)^3 x 5 fm with a large quark mass corresponding to m_pi = 1.1 GeV. We observe that while the discretization artifact appears at the short range part of potentials, it is suppressed at the long distance region. The cutoff dependence of the phase shifts and scattering length is also presented.
We present the latest lattice QCD results for baryon interactions obtained at nearly physical quark masses. $N_f = 2+1$ nonperturbatively ${cal O}(a)$-improved Wilson quark action with stout smearing and Iwasaki gauge action are employed on the latti ce of $(96a)^4 simeq (8.1mbox{fm})^4$ with $a^{-1} simeq 2.3$ GeV, where $m_pi simeq 146$ MeV and $m_K simeq 525$ MeV. In this report, we study the two-nucleon systems and two-$Xi$ systems in $^1S_0$ channel and $^3S_1$-$^3D_1$ coupled channel, and extract central and tensor interactions by the HAL QCD method. We also present the results for the $NOmega$ interaction in $^5S_2$ channel which is relevant to the $NOmega$ pair-momentum correlation in heavy-ion collision experiments.
307 - N.Ishii 2009
Two of recent progress in lattice QCD approach to nuclear force are reported. (i) Tensor force from quenched lattice QCD: By truncating the derivative expansion of inter-nucleon potential to the strictly local terms, we obtain central force V_C(r) an d tensor force V_T(r) separately from s-wave and d-wave components of Bethe-Salpeter wave function for two nucleon state with J^P=1^+. Numerical calculation is performed with quenched QCD on 32^4 lattice using the standard plaquette action at beta=5.7 with the standard Wilson quark action with kappa=0.1640, 0.1665, 0.1678. Preliminary results show that the depths of the resulting tensor force amount to 20 to 40 MeV, which is enhanced in the light quark mass region. (ii) Nuclear force from 2+1 flavor QCD with PACS-CS gauge configuration: Preliminary full QCD results are obtained by using 2+1 flavor gauge configurations generated by PACS-CS collaboration. The resulting potential has the midium range attraction of about 30 MeV similar to the preceding quenched calculations. However, the repulsive core at short distance is significantly stronger than the corresponding quenched QCD result.
206 - Takumi Doi , Sinya Aoki 2011
Three-nucleon forces (3NF) are investigated from two-flavor lattice QCD simulations. We utilize the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function to determine two-nucleon forces (2NF) and 3NF in the same framework. As a first exploratory study, we extract 3NF in which three nucleons are aligned linearly with an equal spacing. This is the simplest geometrical configuration which reduces the huge computational cost of calculating the NBS wave function. Quantum numbers of the three-nucleon system are chosen to be (I, J^P)=(1/2,1/2^+) (the triton channel). Lattice QCD simulations are performed using N_f=2 dynamical clover fermion configurations at the lattice spacing of a = 0.156 fm on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a large quark mass corresponding to m_pi= 1.13 GeV. We find repulsive 3NF at short distance in the triton channel. Several sources of systematic errors are also discussed.
We explore three-nucleon forces (3NF) from lattice QCD simulations. Utilizing the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave function, two-nucleon forces (2NF) and 3NF are determined on the same footing. Quantum numbers of the three-nucleon (3N) system are chos en to be (I, J^P)=(1/2,1/2^+) (the triton channel). The enormous computational cost is reduced by employing the simplest geometrical configuration, where 3N are aligned linearly with an equal spacing. We perform lattice QCD simulations using Nf=2 dynamical clover fermion configurations generated by CP-PACS Collaboration, at the lattice spacing of a = 0.156 fm on a 16^3 x 32 lattice with a large quark mass corresponding to m(pi) = 1.13 GeV. Repulsive 3NF is found at short distance.
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