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The location of the Crab pulsar emission region: Restrictions on synchrotron emission models

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 نشر من قبل Jesper Sollerman
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Recent observations of the Crab pulsar show no evidence for a spectral break in the infrared regime. It is argued that the observations are consistent with a power-law spectrum in the whole observable infrared - optical range. This is taken as the starting point for an evaluation of how self-consistent incoherent synchrotron models fare in a comparison with observations. Inclusion of synchrotron self-absorption proves important as does the restriction on the observed size of the emission region imposed by the relativistic beaming thought to define the pulse profile. It is shown that the observations can be used to derive two independent constraints on the distance from the neutron star to the emission region; in addition to a direct lower limit, an indirect measure is obtained from an upper limit to the magnetic field strength. Both of these limits indicate that the emission region is located at a distance considerably larger than the light cylinder radius. The implications of this result are discussed and it is emphasized that, in order for standard incoherent synchrotron models to fit inside the light cylinder, rather special physical conditions need to be invoked.

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121 - J. A. Eilek , T. H. Hankins 2016
We review our high-time-resolution radio observations of the Crab pulsar and compare our data to a variety of models for the emission physics. The Main Pulse and the Low-Frequency Interpulse come from regions somewhere in the high-altitude emission z ones (caustics) that also produce pulsed X-ray and gamma-ray emission. Although no emission model can fully explain these two components, the most likely models suggest they arise from a combination of beam-driven instabilities, coherent charge bunching and strong electromagnetic turbulence. Because the radio power fluctuates on a wide range of timescales, we know the emission zones are patchy and dynamic. It is tempting to invoke unsteady pair creation in high-altitude gaps as source of the variability, but current pair cascade models cannot explain the densities required by any of the likely models. It is harder to account for the mysterious High-Frequency Interpulse. We understand neither its origin within the magnetosphere nor the striking emission bands in its dynamic spectrum. The most promising models are based on analogies with solar zebra bands, but they require unusual plasma structures which are not part of our standard picture of the magnetosphere. We argue that radio observations can reveal much about the upper magnetosphere, but work is required before the models can address all of the data.
Aims: To investigate the extension of the very-high-energy spectral tail of the Crab pulsar at energies above 400 GeV. Methods: We analyzed $sim$320 hours of good quality data of Crab with the MAGIC telescope, obtained from February 2007 until April 2014. Results: We report the most energetic pulsed emission ever detected from the Crab pulsar reaching up to 1.5 TeV. The pulse profile shows two narrow peaks synchronized with the ones measured in the GeV energy range. The spectra of the two peaks follow two different power-law functions from 70 GeV up to 1.5 TeV and connect smoothly with the spectra measured above 10 GeV by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board of the Fermi satellite. When making a joint fit of the LAT and MAGIC data, above 10 GeV, the photon indices of the spectra differ by 0.5$pm$0.1. Conclusions: We measured with the MAGIC telescopes the most energetic pulsed photons from a pulsar to date. Such TeV pulsed photons require a parent population of electrons with a Lorentz factor of at least $5times 10^6$. These results strongly suggest IC scattering off low energy photons as the emission mechanism and a gamma-ray production region in the vicinity of the light cylinder.
The Crab pulsar is the only astronomical pulsed source detected above 100 GeV. The emission mechanism of very high energy gamma-ray pulsation is not yet fully understood, although several theoretical models have been proposed. In order to test the ne w models, we measured the light curve and the spectra of the Crab pulsar with high precision by means of deep observations. We analyzed 135 hours of selected MAGIC data taken between 2009 and 2013 in stereoscopic mode. In order to discuss the spectral shape in connection with lower energies, 4.6 years of Fermi-LAT data were also analyzed. The known two pulses per period were detected with a significance of 8.0 sigma and 12.6 sigma. In addition, significant bridge emission was found between the two pulses with 6.2 sigma. This emission can not be explained with the existing theories. These data can be used for testing new theoretical models.
569 - T. H. Hankins , J. A. Eilek 2007
Our high time resolution observations of individual pulses from the Crab pulsar show that both the time and frequency signatures of the interpulse are distinctly different from those of the main pulse. Main pulses can occasionally be resolved into sh ort-lived, relatively narrow-band nanoshots. We believe these nanoshots are produced by soliton collapse in strong plasma turbulence. Interpulses at centimeter wavelengths are very different. Their dynamic spectrum contains regular, microsecond-long emission bands. We have detected these bands, proportionately spaced in frequency, from 4.5 to 10.5 GHz. The bands cannot easily be explained by any current theory of pulsar radio emission; we speculate on possible new models.
Our high time resolution observations of individual giant pulses in the Crab pulsar show that both the time and frequency signatures of the interpulse are distinctly different from those of the main pulse. Giant main pulses can occasionally be resolv ed into short-lived, relatively narrow-band nanoshots. We believe these nanoshots are produced by soliton collapse in strong plasma turbulence. Giant interpulses are very different. Their dynamic spectrum contains narrow, microsecond-long emission bands. We have detected these proportionately spaced bands from 4.5 to 10.5 GHz. The bands cannot easily be explained by any current theory of pulsar radio emission; we speculate on possible new models.
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