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OB Stars & Stellar Bowshocks in Cygnus-X: A Novel Laboratory Estimating Stellar Mass Loss Rates

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 نشر من قبل Henry A. (Chip) Kobulnicky
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use mid-IR images from the Spitzer Cygnus~X Legacy Survey to search for stellar bowshocks, a signature of early type runaway stars with high space velocities. We identify ten arc-shaped nebulae containing centrally located stars as candidate bowshocks. New spectroscopic observations of five stars show that all are late O to early B dwarfs. Our morphologically selected sample of bowshock candidates encompasses diverse physical phenomena. Three of the stars appear to be pre-main-sequence objects on the basis of rising SEDs in the mid-IR, and their nebulae may be photon-dominated regions (PDRs). Four objects have ambiguous classification. These may be partial dust shells or bubbles. We conclude that three of the objects are probable bowshocks, based on their morphological similarity to analytic prescriptions. Their nebular morphologies reveal no systematic pattern of orientations that might indicate either a population of stars ejected from or large-scale hydrodynamic outflows from Cyg OB2. The fraction of runaways among OB stars near Cyg OB2 identified either by radial velocity or bowshock techniques is ~0.5%, much smaller than the 8% estimated among field OB stars. We also obtained a heliocentric radial velocity for the previously known bowshock star, BD+43degr3654, of -66.2+/-9.4 km/s, solidifying its runaway status and implying a space velocity of 77+/-10 km/s. We use the principles of momentum-driven bowshocks to arrive at a novel method for estimating stellar mass loss rates. Derived mass loss rates range between 10^-7 and few x10^-6 solar masses/yr for the three O5V -- ~B2V stars identified as generating bowshocks. These values are at the upper range of, but broadly consistent with, estimates from other methods. (Abridged)

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Recent observations of the high-mass X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 have shown that both the companion star (41 solar masses) and the black hole (21 solar masses) are more massive than previously estimated. Furthermore, the black hole appears to be nearly m aximally spinning. Here we present a possible formation channel for the Cygnus X-1 system that matches the observed system properties. In this formation channel, we find that the orbital parameters of Cygnus X-1, combined with the observed metallicity of the companion, imply a significant reduction in mass loss through winds relative to commonly used prescriptions for stripped stars.
As the Stars and Stellar Evolution (SSE) panel is fully aware, the next decade will see major advances in our understanding of these areas of research. To quote from their charge, these advances will occur in studies of the Sun as a star, stellar ast rophysics, the structure and evolution of single and multiple stars, compact objects, SNe, gamma-ray bursts, solar neutrinos, and extreme physics on stellar scales. Central to the progress in these areas are the corresponding advances in laboratory astrophysics, required to fully realize the SSE scientific opportunities within the decade 2010-2020. Laboratory astrophysics comprises both theoretical and experimental studies of the underlying physics that produces the observed astrophysical processes. The 6 areas of laboratory astrophysics, which we have identified as relevant to the CFP panel, are atomic, molecular, solid matter, plasma, nuclear physics, and particle physics. In this white paper, we describe in Section 2 the scientific context and some of the new scientific opportunities and compelling scientific themes which will be enabled by advances in laboratory astrophysics. In Section 3, we discuss some of the experimental and theoretical advances in laboratory astrophysics required to realize the SSE scientific opportunities of the next decade. As requested in the Call for White Papers, Section 4 presents four central questions and one area with unusual discovery potential. Lastly, we give a short postlude in Section 5.
The rate at which massive stars eject mass in stellar winds significantly influences their evolutionary path. Cosmic rates of nucleosynthesis, explosive stellar phenomena, and compact object genesis depend on this poorly known facet of stellar evolut ion. We employ an unexploited observational technique for measuring the mass-loss rates of O- and early-B stars. Our approach, which has no adjustable parameters, uses the principle of pressure equilibrium between the stellar wind and the ambient interstellar medium for a high-velocity star generating an infrared bowshock nebula. Results for twenty bowshock-generating stars show good agreement with two sets of theoretical predictions for O5--O9.5 main-sequence stars, yielding $dot M=$1.3$times$10$^{-6}$ to 2$times$10$^{-9}$ solar masses per year. Although $dot M$ values derived for this sample are smaller than theoretical expectations by a factor of about two, this discrepancy is greatly reduced compared to canonical mass-loss methods. Bowshock-derived mass-loss rates are factors of ten smaller than H$alpha$-based measurements (uncorrected for clumping) for similar stellar types and are nearly an order of magnitude larger than P$^{4+}$ and some other UV absorption-line-based diagnostics. Ambient interstellar densities of at least several cm$^{-3}$ appear to be required for formation of a prominent infrared bowshock nebula. $dot M$ measurements for early-B stars are not yet compelling owing to the small number in our sample and the lack of clear theoretical predictions in the regime of lower stellar luminosities. These results may constitute a partial resolution of the extant weak-wind problem for late-O stars. The technique shows promise for determining mass-loss rates in the weak-wind regime.
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