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Integrated Properties of AGB Stars in Unresolved Stellar Populations: Simple Stellar Populations and Star Clusters

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 نشر من قبل Ariane Lancon
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Ariane Lanc{c}on

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The evolution of AGB stars is notoriously complex. The confrontation of AGB population models with observed stellar populations is a useful alternative to the detailed study of individual stars in efforts to converge towards a reliable evolution theory. I review here the impact of studies of star clusters on AGB models and AGB population synthesis, deliberately leaving out any more complex stellar populations. Over the last 10 years, despite much effort, the absolute uncertainties in the predictions of the light emitted by intermediate age populations have not been reduced to a satisfactory level. Observational sample definitions, as well as the combination of the natural variance in AGB properties with small number statistics, are largely responsible for this situation. There is hope that the constraints may soon become strong enough, thanks to large unbiased surveys of star clusters, resolved colour-magnitude diagrams, and new analysis methods that can account for the stochastic nature of AGB populations in clusters.

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In this paper, I review to what extent we can understand the photometric properties of star clusters, and of low-mass, unresolved galaxies, in terms of population synthesis models designed to describe `simple stellar populations (SSPs), i.e., groups of stars born at the same time, in the same volume of space, and from a gas cloud of homogeneous chemical composition. The photometric properties predicted by these models do not readily match the observations of most star clusters, unless we properly take into account the expected variation in the number of stars occupying sparsely populated evolutionary stages, due to stochastic fluctuations in the stellar initial mass function. In this case, population synthesis models reproduce remarkably well the full ranges of observed integrated colours and absolute magnitudes of star clusters of various ages and metallicities. The disagreement between the model predictions and observations of cluster colours and magnitudes may indicate problems with or deficiencies in the modelling, and dioes not necessarily tell us that star clusters do not behave like SSPs. Matching the photometric properties of star clusters using SSP models is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for clusters to be considered simple stellar populations. Composite models, characterized by complex star-formation histories, also match the observed cluster colours.
Evidence that the multiple populations (MPs) are common properties of globular clusters (GCs) is accumulated over the past decades from clusters in the Milky Way and in its satellites. This finding has revived GC research, and suggested that their fo rmation at high redshift must have been a much-more complex phenomenon than imagined before. However, most information on MPs is limited to nearby GCs. The main limitation is that most studies on MPs rely on resolved stars, facing a major challenge to investigate the MP phenomenon in distant galaxies. Here we search for integrated colors of old GCs that are sensitive to the multiple-population phenomenon. To do this, we exploit integrated magnitudes of simulated GCs with MPs, and multi-band Hubble Space Telescope photometry of 56 Galactic GCs, where MPs are widely studied, and characterized as part of the UV Legacy Survey of Galactic GCs. We find that both integrated $C_{rm F275W,F336W,F438W}$ and $m_{rm F275W}-m_{rm F814W}$ colors strongly correlate with the iron abundance of the host GC. In second order, the pseudo two-color diagram built with these integrated colors is sensitive to the MP phenomenon. In particular, once removed the dependence from cluster metallicity, the color residuals depend on the maximum internal helium variation within GCs and on the fraction of second-generation stars. This diagram, which we define here for Galactic GCs, has the potential of detecting and characterizing MPs from integrated photometry of old GCs, thus providing the possibility to extend their investigation outside the Local Group.
We investigate the precision of the ages and metallicities of 21,000 mock simple stellar populations (SSPs) determined through full-spectrum fitting. The mock SSPs cover an age range of 6.8 $<$ log (age/yr) $<$ 10.2, for three wavelength ranges in th e optical regime, using both Padova and MIST isochrone models. Random noise is added to the model spectra to achieve S/N ratios between 10 to 100 per wavelength pixel. We find that for S/N $geq$ 50, this technique can yield ages of SSPs to an overall precision of $Delta,mbox{log(age/yr)} sim 0.1$ for ages in the ranges 7.0 $leq$ log (age/yr) $leq$ 8.3 and 8.9 $leq$ log (age/yr) $leq$ 9.4. For the age ranges of 8.3 $leq$ log (age/yr) $leq$ 8.9 and log (age/yr) $geq$ 9.5, which have significant flux contributions from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red giant branch (RGB) stars, respectively, the age uncertainty rises to about $pm 0.3$ dex. The precision of age and metallicity estimation using this method depends significantly on the S/N and the wavelength range used in the fitting. We quantify the systematic differences in age predicted by the MIST and Padova isochrone models, due to their different assumptions about stellar physics in various important (i.e., luminous) phases of stellar evolution, which needs to be taken in consideration when comparing ages of star clusters obtained using these popular models. Knowing the strengths and limitations of this technique is crucial in interpreting the results obtained for real star clusters and for deciding the optimal instrument setup before performing the observations.
137 - Miguel Chavez n 2009
We explore the properties of selected mid-ultraviolet (1900-3200 angstrom) spectroscopic indices of simple stellar populations (SSPs). We incorporate the high resolution UVBLUE stellar spectral library into an evolutionary population synthesis code, based on the most recent Padova isochrones. We analyze the trends of UV indices with respect to age and chemical composition. As a first test against observations, we compare our results with the empirical mid-UV spectral indices of Galactic globular clusters, observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). We find that synthetic indices exhibit a variety of properties, the main one being the slight age sensitivity of most of them for ages>2 Gyr. However, for high metallicity, two indices, Fe II 2332 and Fe II 2402, display a remarkably different pattern, with a sharp increase within the first two Gyr and, thereafter, a rapid decline. These indices clearly mark the presence of young (~1 Gyr) metal rich (Z > Z_sun) stellar populations. We complement existing UV indices of Galactic globular clusters with new measurements, and carefully identify a sub-sample of ten indices suitable for comparison with theoretical models. The comparison shows a fair agreement and, in particular, the strong trend of the indices with metallicity is well reproduced. We also discuss the main improvements that should be considered in future modelling concerning, among others, the effects of alpha-enhancement in the spectral energy distributions.
Determining the properties of old stellar populations (those with age >1 Gyr) has long involved the comparison of their integrated light, either in the form of photometry or spectroscopic indexes, with empirical or synthetic templates. Here we reeval uate the properties of old stellar populations using a new set of stellar population synthesis models, designed to incorporate the effects of binary stellar evolution pathways as a function of stellar mass and age. We find that single-aged stellar population models incorporating binary stars, as well as new stellar evolution and atmosphere models, can reproduce the colours and spectral indices observed in both globular clusters and quiescent galaxies. The best fitting model populations are often younger than those derived from older spectral synthesis models, and may also lie at slightly higher metallicities.
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