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The Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) Spectral Library: Cool Stars

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 نشر من قبل Michael Cushing
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a 0.8 -5 micron spectral library of 210 cool stars observed at a resolving power of R = lambda / Delta lambda ~ 2000 with the medium-resolution infrared spectrograph, SpeX, at the 3.0 m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The stars have well established MK spectral classifications and are mostly restricted to near-solar metallicities. The sample contains the F, G, K, and M spectral types with luminosity classes between I and V, but also includes some AGB, carbon, and S stars. In contrast to some other spectral libraries, the continuum shape of the spectra are measured and preserved in the data reduction process. The spectra are absolutely flux calibrated using Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry. Potential uses of the library include studying the physics of cool stars, classifying and studying embedded young clusters and optically obscured regions of the Galaxy, evolutionary population synthesis to study unresolved stellar populations in optically-obscured regions of galaxies, and synthetic photometry. The library is available in digital form from the IRTF website.

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The near-infrared (NIR) wavelength range offers some unique spectral features, and it is less prone to the extinction than the optical one. Recently, the first flux calibrated NIR library of cool stars from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) have become available, and it has not been fully exploited yet. We want to develop spectroscopic diagnostics for stellar physical parameters based on features in the wavelength range 1-5 micron. In this work we test the technique in the I and K bands. The study of the Y, J, H, and L bands will be presented in the following paper. An objective method for semi-empirical definition of spectral features sensitive to various physical parameters is applied to the spectra. It is based on sensitivity map--i.e., derivative of the flux in the spectra with respect to the stellar parameters at a fixed wavelength. New optimized indices are defined and their equivalent widths (EWs) are measured. A number of sensitive features to the effective temperature and surface gravity are re-identified or newly identified clearly showing the reliability of the sensitivity map analysis. The sensitivity map allows to identify the best bandpass limits for the line and nearby continuum. It reliably predicts the trends of spectral features with respect to a given physical parameter but not their absolute strengths. Line blends are easy to recognize when blended features have different behavior with respect to some physical stellar parameter. The use of sensitivity map is therefore complementary to the use of indices. We give the EWs of the new indices measured for the IRTF star sample. This new and homogeneous set of EWs will be useful for stellar population synthesis models and can be used to get element-by-element abundances for unresolved stellar population studies in galaxies.
Stellar population studies in the infrared (IR) wavelength range have two main advantages with respect to the optical regime: they probe different populations, because most of the light in the IR comes from redder and generally older stars, and they allow us to see through dust because IR light is less affected by extinction. Unfortunately, IR modeling work was halted by the lack of adequate stellar libraries, but this has changed in the recent years. Our project investigates the sensitivity of various spectral features in the 1--5,$mu$m wavelength range to the physical properties of stars ($T_{eff}$, [Fe/H], log g and aims to objectively define spectral indices that can characterize the age and metallicity of unresolved stellar populations. We implemented a method that uses derivatives of the indices as functions of $T_{eff}$, [Fe/H] or log g across the entire available wavelength range to reveal the most sensitive indices to these parameters and the ranges in which these indices work. Here, we complement the previous work in the I and K bands, reporting a new system of 14, 12, 22, and 12 indices for Y, J, H, and L atmospheric windows, respectively, and describe their behavior. Our analysis indicates that features sensitive to the effective temperature are present and measurable in all the investigated atmospheric windows at the spectral resolution and in the metallicity range of the IRTF library for a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 20-30. The surface gravity is more challenging and only indices in the H and J windows are best suited for this. The metallicity range of the stars with available spectra is too narrow to search for suitable diagnostics. For the spectra of unresolved galaxies, the defined indices are valuable tools in tracing the properties of the stars in the IR-dominant stellar populations.
111 - Islam Khan , Guy Worthey 2018
Libraries of stellar spectra find many uses in astrophysics, from photometric calibration to stellar population synthesis. We present low resolution spectra of 40 stars from 0.2 micrometers (ultraviolet) to 1.0 micrometers (near infrared) with excell ent fluxing. The stars include normal O-type stars, helium-burning stars, and post-asymptotic giant branch (PAGB) stars. Spectra were obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) installed in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) using three low resolution gratings, G230LB, G430L, and G750L. Cosmic ray hits and fringing in the red were corrected. A correction for scattered light was applied, significant only for our coolest stars. Cross-correlation was used to bring the spectra to a common, final, zero velocity wavelength scale. Finally, synthetic stellar spectra were used to estimate line of sight dust extinction to each star, and a five-parameter dust extinction model was fit, or a one-parameter fit in the case of low extinction. These spectra dovetail with the similar Next Generation Stellar Library (NGSL) spectra, extending the NGSLs coverage of stellar parameters, and extending to helium burning stars and stars that do not fuse. The fitted dust extinction model showed considerable variation from star to star, indicating variations in dust properties for different lines of sight. Interstellar absorption lines are present in most stars, notably MgII.
166 - A. Buzzoni 2010
We have investigated the relevant trend of the bolometric correction (BC) at the cool-temperature regime of red giant stars and its possible dependence on stellar metallicity. Our analysis relies on a wide sample of optical-infrared spectroscopic obs ervations, along the 3500A-2.5micron wavelength range, for a grid of 92 red giant stars in five (3 globular + 2 open) Galactic clusters, along the -2.2<[Fe/H]<+0.4 metallicity range. Bolometric magnitudes have been found within an internal accuracy of a few percent. Making use of our new database, we provide a set of fitting functions for the V and K BC vs. Teff and broad-band colors, valid over the interval 3300K<Teff<5000K, especially suited for Red Giants. No evident drift of both BC(V) and BC(K) with [Fe/H] is found. Things may be different, however, for the B-band correction, given a clear (B-V) vs. [Fe/H] correlation in place for our data, with metal-poor stars displaying a bluer (B-V) with respect to the metal-rich sample, for fixed Teff. Our empirical bolometric scale supports the conclusion that (a) BC(K) from the most recent studies are reliable within <0.1 mag over the whole color/temperature range considered in this paper, and (b) the same conclusion apply to BC(V) only for stars warmer than ~3800K. At cooler temperatures the agreement is less general, and MARCS models are the only ones providing a satisfactory match to observations.
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