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Minimum error discrimination problem for pure qubit states

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 نشر من قبل Boris Samsonov F
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Boris F Samsonov

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The necessary and sufficient conditions for minimization of the generalized rate error for discriminating among $N$ pure qubit states are reformulated in terms of Bloch vectors representing the states. For the direct optimization problem an algorithmic solution to these conditions is indicated. A solution to the inverse optimization problem is given. General results are widely illustrated by particular cases of equiprobable states and $N=2,3,4$ pure qubit states given with different prior probabilities.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Strategies to optimally discriminate between quantum states are critical in quantum technologies. We present an experimental demonstration of minimum error discrimination between entangled states, encoded in the polarization of pairs of photons. Alth ough the optimal measurement involves projecting onto entangled states, we use a result of Walgate et al. to design an optical implementation employing only local polarization measurements and feed-forward, which performs at the Helstrom bound. Our scheme can achieve perfect discrimination of orthogonal states and minimum error discrimination of non-orthogonal states. Our experimental results show a definite advantage over schemes not using feed-forward.
134 - H. Sugimoto , Y. Taninaka , 2012
We consider a state discrimination problem which deals with settings of minimum-error and unambiguous discrimination systematically by introducing a margin for the probability of an incorrect guess. We analyze discrimination of three symmetric pure s tates of a qubit. The measurements are classified into three types, and one of the three types is optimal depending on the value of the error margin. The problem is formulated as one of semidefinite programming. Starting with the dual problem derived from the primal one, we analytically obtain the optimal success probability and the optimal measurement that attains it in each domain of the error margin. Moreover, we analyze the case of three symmetric mixed states of a qubit.
We introduce a set of Bell inequalities for a three-qubit system. Each inequality within this set is violated by all generalized GHZ states. More entangled a generalized GHZ state is, more will be the violation. This establishes a relation between no nlocality and entanglement for this class of states. Certain inequalities within this set are violated by pure biseparable states. We also provide numerical evidence that at least one of these Bell inequalities is violated by a pure genuinely entangled state. These Bell inequalities can distinguish between separable, biseparable and genuinely entangled pure three-qubit states. We also generalize this set to n-qubit systems and may be suitable to characterize the entanglement of n-qubit pure states.
92 - L. Pereira , L. Zambrano , 2021
We introduce an inductive $n$-qubit pure-state estimation method. This is based on projective measurements on states of $2n+1$ separable bases or $2$ entangled bases plus the computational basis. Thus, the total number of measurement bases scales as $O(n)$ and $O(1)$, respectively. Thereby, the proposed method exhibits a very favorable scaling in the number of qubits when compared to other estimation methods. Monte Carlo numerical experiments show that the method can achieve a high estimation fidelity. For instance, an average fidelity of $0.88$ on the Hilbert space of $10$ qubits is achieved with $21$ separable bases. The use of separable bases makes our estimation method particularly well suited for applications in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers, where entangling gates are much less accurate than local gates. We experimentally demonstrate the proposed method in one of IBMs quantum processors by estimating 4-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states with a fidelity close to $0.875$ via separable bases. Other $10$-qubit separable and entangled states achieve an estimation fidelity in the order of $0.85$ and $0.7$, respectively.
291 - Elena R. Loubenets 2021
For the optimal success probability under minimum-error discrimination between $rgeq2$ arbitrary quantum states prepared with any a priori probabilities, we find new general analytical lower and upper bounds and specify the relations between these ne w general bounds and the general bounds known in the literature. We also present the example where the new general analytical bounds, lower and upper, on the optimal success probability are tighter than most of the general analytical bounds known in the literature. The new upper bound on the optimal success probability explicitly generalizes to $r>2$ the form of the Helstrom bound. For $r=2$, each of our new bounds, lower and upper, reduces to the Helstrom bound.
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