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Stability conditions for fermionic Ising spin-glass models in the presence of a transverse field

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 نشر من قبل F\\'abio Zimmer
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The stability of spin-glass (SG) phase is analyzed in detail for a fermionic Ising SG (FISG) model in the presence of a magnetic transverse field $Gamma$. The fermionic path integral formalism, replica method and static approach have been used to obtain the thermodynamic potential within one step replica symmetry breaking ansatz. The replica symmetry (RS) results show that the SG phase is always unstable against the replicon. Moreover, the two other eigenvalues $lambda_{pm}$ of the Hessian matrix (related to the diagonal elements of the replica matrix) can indicate an additional instability to the SG phase, which enhances when $Gamma$ is increased. Therefore, this result suggests that the study of the replicon can not be enough to guarantee the RS stability in the present quantum FISG model, especially near the quantum critical point. In particular, the FISG model allows changing the occupation number of sites, so one can get a first order transition when the chemical potential exceeds a certain value. In this region, the replicon and the $lambda_{pm}$ indicate instability problems for the SG solution close to all range of first order boundary.

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In this work it is studied the Hopfield fermionic spin glass model which allows interpolating from trivial randomness to a highly frustrated regime. Therefore, it is possible to investigate whether or not frustration is an essential ingredient which would allow this magnetic disordered model to present naturally inverse freezing by comparing the two limits, trivial randomness and highly frustrated regime and how different levels of frustration could affect such unconventional phase transition. The problem is expressed in the path integral formalism where the spin operators are represented by bilinear combinations of Grassmann variables. The Grand Canonical Potential is obtained within the static approximation and one-step replica symmetry breaking scheme. As a result, phase diagrams temperature {it versus} the chemical potential are obtained for several levels of frustration. Particularly, when the level of frustration is diminished, the reentrance related to the inverse freezing is gradually suppressed.
We investigate the inverse freezing in the fermionic Ising spin-glass (FISG) model in a transverse field $Gamma$. The grand canonical potential is calculated in the static approximation, replica symmetry and one-step replica symmetry breaking Parisi scheme. It is argued that the average occupation per site $n$ is strongly affected by $Gamma$. As consequence, the boundary phase is modified and, therefore, the reentrance associated with the inverse freezing is modified too.
Which is the field-theory for the spin-glass phase transition in a magnetic field? This is an open question in less than six dimensions. So far, perturbative computations have not found a stable fixed-point for the renormalization group flow. We tack le this problem through a numerical analysis of the Ising spin glass in four spatial dimensions (data obtained from the Janus collaboration) and in the Bethe lattice. We find strong numerical evidence supporting that the phase transition of the four dimensional Ising spin glass in a field is described by a replica-symmetric Hamiltonian.
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177 - I. Paga , Q. Zhai , M. Baity-Jesi 2021
The synergy between experiment, theory, and simulations enables a microscopic analysis of spin-glass dynamics in a magnetic field in the vicinity of and below the spin-glass transition temperature $T_mathrm{g}$. The spin-glass correlation length, $xi (t,t_mathrm{w};T)$, is analysed both in experiments and in simulations in terms of the waiting time $t_mathrm{w}$ after the spin glass has been cooled down to a stabilised measuring temperature $T<T_mathrm{g}$ and of the time $t$ after the magnetic field is changed. This correlation length is extracted experimentally for a CuMn 6 at. % single crystal, as well as for simulations on the Janus II special-purpose supercomputer, the latter with time and length scales comparable to experiment. The non-linear magnetic susceptibility is reported from experiment and simulations, using $xi(t,t_mathrm{w};T)$ as the scaling variable. Previous experiments are reanalysed, and disagreements about the nature of the Zeeman energy are resolved. The growth of the spin-glass magnetisation in zero-field magnetisation experiments, $M_mathrm{ZFC}(t,t_mathrm{w};T)$, is measured from simulations, verifying the scaling relationships in the dynamical or non-equilibrium regime. Our preliminary search for the de Almeida-Thouless line in $D=3$ is discussed.
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