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Symmetric and Asymmetric Asynchronous Interaction

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 نشر من قبل Rob van Glabbeek
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate classes of systems based on different interaction patterns with the aim of achieving distributability. As our system model we use Petri nets. In Petri nets, an inherent concept of simultaneity is built in, since when a transition has more than one preplace, it can be crucial that tokens are removed instantaneously. When modelling a system which is intended to be implemented in a distributed way by a Petri net, this built-in concept of synchronous interaction may be problematic. To investigate this we consider asynchronous implementations of nets, in which removing tokens from places can no longer be considered as instantaneous. We model this by inserting silent (unobservable) transitions between transitions and some of their preplaces. We investigate three such implementations, differing in the selection of preplaces of a transition from which the removal of a token is considered time consuming, and the possibility of collecting the tokens in a given order. We investigate the effect of these different transformations of instantaneous interaction into asynchronous interaction patterns by comparing the behaviours of nets before and after insertion of the silent transitions. We exhibit for which classes of Petri nets we obtain equivalent behaviour with respect to failures equivalence. It turns out that the resulting hierarchy of Petri net classes can be described by semi-structural properties. For two of the classes we obtain precise characterisations; for the remaining class we obtain lower and upper bounds. We briefly comment on possible applications of our results to Message Sequence Charts.

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When considering distributed systems, it is a central issue how to deal with interactions between components. In this paper, we investigate the paradigms of synchronous and asynchronous interaction in the context of distributed systems. We investigat e to what extent or under which conditions synchronous interaction is a valid concept for specification and implementation of such systems. We choose Petri nets as our system model and consider different notions of distribution by associating locations to elements of nets. First, we investigate the concept of simultaneity which is inherent in the semantics of Petri nets when transitions have multiple input places. We assume that tokens may only be taken instantaneously by transitions on the same location. We exhibit a hierarchy of `asynchronous Petri net classes by different assumptions on possible distributions. Alternatively, we assume that the synchronisations specified in a Petri net are crucial system properties. Hence transitions and their preplaces may no longer placed on separate locations. We then answer the question which systems may be implemented in a distributed way without restricting concurrency, assuming that locations are inherently sequential. It turns out that in both settings we find semi-structural properties of Petri nets describing exactly the problematic situations for interactions in distributed systems.
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