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Features of spin-charge separation in the equilibrium conductance through finite rings

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 نشر من قبل Julian Rincon
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We calculate the conductance through rings with few sites $L$ described by the $t-J$ model, threaded by a magnetic flux $Phi$ and weakly coupled to conducting leads at two arbitrary sites. The model can describe a circular array of quantum dots with large charging energy $U$ in comparison with the nearest-neighbor hopping $t$. We determine analytically the particular values of $Phi$ for which a depression of the transmittance is expected as a consequence of spin-charge separation. We show numerically that the equilibrium conductance at zero temperature is depressed at those particular values of $Phi $ for most systems, in particular at half filling, which might be easier to realize experimentally.

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اقرأ أيضاً

165 - Julian Rincon , K. Hallberg , 2008
We study the conductance through Aharonov-Bohm finite ladder rings with strongly interacting electrons, modelled by the prototypical t-J model. For a wide range of parameters we observe characteristic dips in the conductance as a function of magnetic flux, predicted so far only in chains which are a signature of spin and charge separation. These results open the possibility of observing this peculiar many-body phenomenon in anisotropic ladder systems and in real nanoscopic devices.
76 - Z.Y. Weng , D.N. Sheng , 2001
In the presence of nonlocal phase shift effects, a quasiparticle can remain topologically stable even in a spin-charge separation state due to the confinement effect introduced by the phase shifts at finite doping. True deconfinement only happens in the zero-doping limit where a bare hole can lose its integrity and decay into holon and spinon elementary excitations. The Fermi surface structure is completely different in these two cases, from a large band-structure-like one to four Fermi points in one-hole case, and we argue that the so-called underdoped regime actually corresponds to a situation in between.
The zero-temperature magnetic field-dependent conductance of electrons through a one-dimensional non-interacting tight-binding chain with an interacting {it side} dot is reviewed and analized further. When the number of electrons in the dot is odd, a nd the Kondo effect sets in at the impurity site, the conductance develops a wide minimum as a function of the gate voltage, being zero at the unitary limit. Application of a magnetic field progressively destroys the Kondo effect and, accordingly, the conductance develops pairs of dips separated by $U$, where $U$ is the repulsion between two electrons at the impurity site. Each one of the two dips in the conductance corresponds to a perfect spin polarized transmission, opening the possibility for an optimum spin filter. The results are discussed in terms of Fano resonances between two interfering transmission channels, applied to recent experimental results, and compared with results corresponding to the standard substitutional configuration, where the dot is at the central site of the non-interacting chain.
125 - Z.Y. Weng , D.N. Sheng , 1999
Quasiparticle properties are explored in an effective theory of the $t-J$ model which includes two important components: spin-charge separation and unrenormalizable phase shift. We show that the phase shift effect indeed causes the system to be a non -Fermi liquid as conjectured by Anderson on a general ground. But this phase shift also drastically changes a conventional perception of quasiparticles in a spin-charge separation state: an injected hole will remain {em stable} due to the confinement of spinon and holon by the phase shift field despite the background is a spinon-holon sea. True {em deconfinement} only happens in the {em zero-doping} limit where a bare hole will lose its integrity and decay into holon and spinon elementary excitations. The Fermi surface structure is completely different in these two cases, from a large band-structure-like one to four Fermi points in one-hole case, and we argue that the so-called underdoped regime actually corresponds to a situation in between, where the ``gap-like effect is amplified further by a microscopic phase separation at low temperature. Unique properties of the single-electron propagator in both normal and superconducting states are studied by using the equation of motion method. We also comment on some of influential ideas proposed in literature related to the Mott-Hubbard insulator and offer a unified view based on the present consistent theory.
We consider the repulsive Hubbard model in one dimension and show the different mechanisms present in the charge and spin separation phenomena for an electron, at half filling and bellow half filling. We also comment recent experimental results.
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