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Design of a Nanometer Beam Size Monitor for ATF2

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 نشر من قبل Taikan Suehara
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We developed an electron beam size monitor for extremely small beam sizes. It uses a laser interference fringe for a scattering target with the electron beam. Our target performance is < 2 nm systematic error for 37 nm beam size and < 10% statistical error in a measurement using 90 electron bunches for 25 - 6000 nm beam size. A precise laser interference fringe control system using an active feedback function is incorporated to the monitor to achieve the target performance. We describe an overall design, implementations, and performance estimations of the monitor.

قيم البحث

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The beam test for the Shintake monitor succeeded in measuring signal modulation with the laser interference fringe pattern in November 2009. We have studied the error sources, and evaluated the systematic error to be less than 30% for 1 minute measur ements. This paper centers on the evaluation of the Shintake monitor performance through analyzing beam tests deta. Most systematic error sources are well understood, enabling accurate measurement of the beam size when it reaches 37 nm.
A beam size monitor so called Shintake monitor, which uses the inverse Compton scattering between the laser interference fringe and the electron beam was designed for and installed at ATF2. The commissioning at ATF2 was started in the end of 2008 and succeeded in the measurement of the fringe pattern from the scattered gamma-rays. The present status of the Shintake monitor is described here.
The current generation of short baseline neutrino experiments is approaching intrinsic source limitations in the knowledge of flux, initial neutrino energy and flavor. A dedicated facility based on conventional accelerator techniques and existing inf rastructures designed to overcome these impediments would have a remarkable impact on the entire field of neutrino oscillation physics. It would improve by about one order of magnitude the precision on $ u_mu$ and $ u_e$ cross sections, enable the study of electroweak nuclear physics at the GeV scale with unprecedented resolution and advance searches for physics beyond the three-neutrino paradigm. In turn, these results would enhance the physics reach of the next generation long baseline experiments (DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande) on CP violation and their sensitivity to new physics. In this document, we present the physics case and technology challenge of high precision neutrino beams based on the results achieved by the ENUBET Collaboration in 2016-2018. We also set the R&D milestones to enable the construction and running of this new generation of experiments well before the start of the DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande data taking. We discuss the implementation of this new facility at three different level of complexity: $ u_mu$ narrow band beams, $ u_e$ monitored beams and tagged neutrino beams. We also consider a site specific implementation based on the CERN-SPS proton driver providing a fully controlled neutrino source to the ProtoDUNE detectors at CERN.
We describe the design and performance of optical elements for an x-ray beam size monitor (xBSM), a device measuring $e^+$ and $e^-$ beam sizes in the CESR-TA storage ring. The device can measure vertical beam sizes of $10-100~mu$m on a turn-by-turn, bunch-by-bunch basis at $e^pm$ beam energies of $sim2-5~$GeV. X-rays produced by a hard-bend magnet pass through a single- or multiple-slit (coded aperture) optical element onto a detector. The coded aperture slit pattern and thickness of masking material forming that pattern can both be tuned for optimal resolving power. We describe several such optical elements and show how well predictions of simple models track measured performances.
The CMS beam and radiation monitoring subsystem BCM1F (Fast Beam Condition Monitor) consists of 8 individual diamond sensors situated around the beam pipe within the pixel detector volume, for the purpose of fast bunch-by-bunch monitoring of beam bac kground and collision products. In addition, effort is ongoing to use BCM1F as an online luminosity monitor. BCM1F will be running whenever there is beam in LHC, and its data acquisition is independent from the data acquisition of the CMS detector, hence it delivers luminosity even when CMS is not taking data. A report is given on the performance of BCM1F during LHC run I, including results of the van der Meer scan and on-line luminosity monitoring done in 2012. In order to match the requirements due to higher luminosity and 25 ns bunch spacing, several changes to the system must be implemented during the upcoming shutdown, including upgraded electronics and precise gain monitoring. First results from Run II preparation are shown.
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