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Hierarchies of Biocomplexity: modeling lifes energetic complexity

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 نشر من قبل Bradly Alicea
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث علم الأحياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Bradly Alicea

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In this paper, a model for understanding the effects of selection using systems- level computational approaches is introduced. A number of concepts and principles essential for understanding the motivation for constructing the model will be introduced first. This will be followed by a description of parameters, measurements, and graphical representations used in the model. Four possible outcomes for this model are then introduced and described. In addition, the relationship of relative fitness to selection is described. Finally, the consequences and potential lessons learned from the model are discussed.

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Movement is fundamental to life, shaping population dynamics, biodiversity patterns, and ecosystem structure. Recent advances in tracking technology have enabled fundamental questions about movement to be tackled, leading to the development of the mo vement ecology framework (MEF), considered a milestone in the field [1]. The MEF introduced an integrative theory of organismal movement, linking internal state, motion capacity and navigation capacity to external factors. Here, a decade later, we investigated the current state of research in the field. Using a text mining approach on >8000 peer-reviewed papers in movement ecology, we explored the main research topics, evaluated the impact of the MEF, and assessed changes in the use of technological devices, software and statistical methods. The number of publications has increased considerably and there have been major technological changes in the past decade (i.e.~increased use of GPS devices, accelerometers and video cameras, and a convergence towards R), yet we found that research focuses on the same questions, specifically, on the effect of environmental factors on movement and behavior. In practice, it appears that movement ecology research does not reflect the MEF. We call on researchers to transform the field from technology-driven to embrace interdisciplinary collaboration, in order to reveal key processes underlying movement (e.g.~navigation), as well as evolutionary, physiological and life-history consequences of particular strategies.
Population structure induced by both spatial embedding and more general networks of interaction, such as model social networks, have been shown to have a fundamental effect on the dynamics and outcome of evolutionary games. These effects have, howeve r, proved to be sensitive to the details of the underlying topology and dynamics. Here we introduce a minimal population structure that is described by two distinct hierarchical levels of interaction. We believe this model is able to identify effects of spatial structure that do not depend on the details of the topology. We derive the dynamics governing the evolution of a system starting from fundamental individual level stochastic processes through two successive meanfield approximations. In our model of population structure the topology of interactions is described by only two parameters: the effective population size at the local scale and the relative strength of local dynamics to global mixing. We demonstrate, for example, the existence of a continuous transition leading to the dominance of cooperation in populations with hierarchical levels of unstructured mixing as the benefit to cost ratio becomes smaller then the local population size. Applying our model of spatial structure to the repeated prisoners dilemma we uncover a novel and counterintuitive mechanism by which the constant influx of defectors sustains cooperation. Further exploring the phase space of the repeated prisoners dilemma and also of the rock-paper-scissor game we find indications of rich structure and are able to reproduce several effects observed in other models with explicit spatial embedding, such as the maintenance of biodiversity and the emergence of global oscillations.
141 - Bradly Alicea 2013
This paper will introduce a theory of emergent animal social complexity using various results from computational models and empirical results. These results will be organized into a vertical model of social complexity. This will support the perspecti ve that social complexity is in essence an emergent phenomenon while helping to answer two interrelated questions. The first of these involves how behavior is integrated at units of analysis larger than the individual organism. The second involves placing aggregate social events into the context of processes occurring within individual organisms over time (e.g. genomic and physiological processes). By using a complex systems perspective, five principles of social complexity can be identified. These principles suggest that lower-level mechanisms give rise to high-level mechanisms, ultimately resulting in metastable networks of social relations. These network structures then constrain lower-level phenomena ranging from transient, collective social groups to physiological regulatory mechanisms within individual organisms. In conclusion, the broader implications and drawbacks of applying the theory to a diversity of natural populations will be discussed.
150 - J. M. Zaldivar 2009
Pristine coastal shallow systems are usually dominated by extensive meadows of seagrass species, which are assumed to take advantage of nutrient supply from sediment. An increasing nutrient input is thought to favour phytoplankton, epiphytic microalg ae, as well as opportunistic ephemeral macroalgae that coexist with seagrasses. The primary cause of shifts and succession in the macrophyte community is the increase of nutrient load to water; however temperature plays also an important role. A competition model between rooted seagrass (Zostera marina), macroalgae (Ulva sp), and phytoplankton has been developed to analyse the succession of primary producer communities in these systems. Successions of dominance states, with different resilience characteristics, are found when modifying the input of nutrients and the seasonal temperature and light intensity forcing.
Growing mixtures of annual arable crop species or genotypes is a promising way to improve crop production without increasing agricultural inputs. To design optimal crop mixtures, choices of species, genotypes, sowing proportion, plant arrangement, an d sowing date need to be made but field experiments alone are not sufficient to explore such a large range of factors. Crop modeling allows to study, understand and ultimately design cropping systems and is an established method for sole crops. Recently, modeling started to be applied to annual crop mixtures as well. Here, we review to what extent crop simulation models and individual-based models are suitable to capture and predict the specificities of annual crop mixtures. We argued that: 1) The crop mixture spatio-temporal heterogeneity (influencing the occurrence of ecological processes) determines the choice of the modeling approach (plant or crop centered). 2) Only few crop models (adapted from sole crop models) and individual-based models currently exist to simulate annual crop mixtures. 3) Crop models are mainly used to address issues related to crop mixtures management and to the integration of crop mixtures into larger scales such as the rotation, whereas individual-based models are mainly used to identify plant traits involved in crop mixture performance and to quantify the relative contribution of the different ecological processes (niche complementarity, facilitation, competition, plasticity) to crop mixture functioning. This review highlights that modeling of annual crop mixtures is in its infancy and gives to model users some important keys to choose the model based on the questions they want to answer, with awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the modeling approaches.
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