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Evidence for the pair-breaking process in 116,117Sn

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 نشر من قبل Ann-Cecilie Larsen
 تاريخ النشر 2009
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The nuclear level densities of 116,117Sn below the neutron separation energy have been determined experimentally from the (3He,alpha gamma) and (3He,3He gamma) reactions, respectively. The level densities show a characteristic exponential increase and a difference in magnitude due to the odd-even effect of the nuclear systems. In addition, the level densities display pronounced step-like structures that are interpreted as signatures of subsequent breaking of nucleon pairs.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We have studied natural parity states in $^{26}$Mg via the $^{22}$Ne($^{6}$Li,d)$^{26}$Mg reaction. Our method significantly improves the energy resolution of previous experiments and, as a result, we report the observation of a natural parity state in $^{26}$Mg. Possible spin-parity assignments are suggested on the basis of published $gamma$-ray decay experiments. The stellar rate of the $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,$gamma$)$^{26}$Mg reaction is reduced and may give rise to an increase in the production of s-process neutrons via the $^{22}$Ne($alpha$,n)$^{25}$Mg reaction.
124 - A. Astier , M.-G. Porquet 2013
The close similarity between the shell structures in the 132Sn and 208Pb regions is a well known phenomenon. Thus, using the correspondence between the high-j orbits located above the Z=50 and Z=82 shell gaps, we discuss the evolutions of the fully a ligned states with one broken proton pair in the N=82 and N=126 isotones. A long-lived isomeric state was discovered in 217Pa more than thirty years ago and despite two other experiments giving new experimental results, the discussions on its main properties (spin, parity, configuration) remained inconclusive. Then, using the comparison with the I^pi=17/2^+ isomeric state recently measured in 139La, the isomeric state of 217Pa is assigned as the fully aligned state of the (pi h_{9/2})^2(pi f_{7/2})^1 configuration.
The recent experimental observation of isospin symmetry breaking (ISB) in the ground states of the $T=3/2$ mirror pair $^{73}$Sr - $^{73}$Br is theoretically studied using large-scale shell model calculations. The large valence space and the successf ul PFSDG-U effective interaction used for the nuclear part of the problem capture possible structural changes and provide a robust basis to treat the ISB effects of both electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic origin. The calculated shifts and mirror-energy-differences are consistent with the inversion of the $I^{pi}$= 1/2$^{-}, 5/2^{-}$ states between $^{73}$Sr - $^{73}$Br, and suggest that the role played by the Coulomb interaction is dominant. An isospin breaking contribution of nuclear origin is estimated to be $approx 25$ keV.
New spectra from the FINUDA experiment of the Non Mesonic Weak Decay (NMWD) proton kinetic energy for 9(Lambda)Be, 11(Lambda)B, 12(Lambda)C, 13(Lambda)C, 15 (Lambda)N and 16(Lambda)O are presented and discussed along with the published data on 5(Lamb da)He and 7(Lambda)Li. Exploiting the large mass number range and the low energy threshold (15 MeV) for the proton detection of FINUDA, an evaluation of both Final State Interactions (FSI) and the two nucleon induced NMWD contributions to the decay process has been done. Based on this evaluation, a linear dependence of FSI on the hypernuclear mass number A is found and for the two nucleon stimulated decay rate the experimental value of Gamma2/Gammap=0.43+-0.25 is determined for the first time. A value for the two nucleon stimulated decay rate to the total decay rate Gamma2/GammaNMWD=0.24+-0.10 is also extracted.
149 - A. J. Baltz 2007
A new lowest order QED calculation for RHIC e+ e- pair production has been carried out with a phenomenological treatment of the Coulomb dissociation of the heavy ion nuclei observed in the STAR ZDC triggers. The lowest order QED result for the experi mental acceptance is nearly two standard deviations larger than the STAR data. A corresponding higher order QED calculation is consistent with the data.
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