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Generalized relative entropies and the capacity of classical-quantum channels

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 نشر من قبل Mil\\'an Mosonyi
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We provide lower and upper bounds on the information transmission capacity of one single use of a classical-quantum channel. The lower bound is expressed in terms of the Hoeffding capacity, that we define similarly to the Holevo capacity, but replacing the relative entropy with the Hoeffding distance. Similarly, our upper bound is in terms of a quantity obtained by replacing the relative entropy with the recently introduced max-relative entropy in the definition of the divergence radius of a channel.

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اقرأ أيضاً

201 - M. Mosonyi , F. Hiai 2009
We show that the quantum $alpha$-relative entropies with parameter $alphain (0,1)$ can be represented as generalized cutoff rates in the sense of [I. Csiszar, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 41, 26-34, (1995)], which provides a direct operational interpretat ion to the quantum $alpha$-relative entropies. We also show that various generalizations of the Holevo capacity, defined in terms of the $alpha$-relative entropies, coincide for the parameter range $alphain (0,2]$, and show an upper bound on the one-shot epsilon-capacity of a classical-quantum channel in terms of these capacities.
373 - Shuzhou Wang , Zhenhua Wang 2020
We initiate the study of relative operator entropies and Tsallis relative operator entropies in the setting of JB-algebras. We establish their basic properties and extend the operator inequalities on relative operator entropies and Tsallis relative o perator entropies to this setting. In addition, we improve the lower and upper bounds of the relative operator $(alpha, beta)$-entropy in the setting of JB-algebras that were established in Hilbert space operators setting by Nikoufar [18, 20]. Though we employ the same notation as in the classical setting of Hilbert space operators, the inequalities in the setting of JB-algebras have different connotations and their proofs requires techniques in JB-algebras.
The set of quantum Gaussian channels acting on one bosonic mode can be classified according to the action of the group of Gaussian unitaries. We look for bounds on the classical capacity for channels belonging to such a classification. Lower bounds c an be efficiently calculated by restricting to Gaussian encodings, for which we provide analytical expressions.
183 - Xiao Yuan 2018
Entropic quantifiers of states lie at the cornerstone of the quantum information theory. While a quantum state can be abstracted as a device that only has outputs, the most general quantum device is a quantum channel that also has inputs. In this wor k, we extend the entropic quantifiers of states to the ones of channels. In the one-shot and asymptotic scenarios, we propose relative entropies of channels under the task of hypothesis testing. Then, we define the entropy of channels based on relative entropies from the target channel to the completely depolarising channel. We also study properties of relative entropies of channels and the interplay with entanglement. Finally, based on relative entropies of channels, we propose general resource theories of channels and discuss the coherence of general channels and measurements, and the entanglement of channels.
192 - Stefan Hollands 2020
We define a new divergence of von Neumann algebras using a variational expression that is similar in nature to Kosakis formula for the relative entropy. Our divergence satisfies the usual desirable properties, upper bounds the sandwiched Renyi entrop y and reduces to the fidelity in a limit. As an illustration, we use the formula in quantum field theory to compute our divergence between the vacuum in a bipartite system and an orbifolded -- in the sense of conditional expectation -- system in terms of the Jones index. We take the opportunity to point out entropic certainty relation for arbitrary von Neumann subalgebras of a factor related to the relative entropy. This certainty relation has an equivalent formulation in terms of error correcting codes.
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