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Swift uncovers that SAX J0840.7+2248 is not an X-ray Binary, but BeppoSAX X-ray Rich GRB 980429

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 نشر من قبل Patrizia Romano
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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During our Swift/XRT program to obtain X-ray positions at arcsecond level for a sample of Galactic X-ray binaries, we discovered that SAX J0840.7+2248 is not a binary, but rather BeppoSAX/WFC+GRBM X-ray Rich GRB 980429. Here we report on this discovery and on the properties of this long, X-ray rich gamma-ray burst, from prompt to (very) late followup.

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اقرأ أيضاً

59 - M. Feroci 2001
We present the X- and $gamma$-ray detection of GRB 990704 and the discovery and study of its X-ray afterglow, 1SAX J1219.5-0350. Two pointed BeppoSAX observations with the narrow field instruments were performed on this source, separated in time by o ne week. The decay of the X-ray flux within the first observation appears unusually slow, being best-fit by a power law with negative index 0.83$pm$0.16. Such a slow decay is consistent with the non-detection in our second observation, but its back-extrapolation to the time of the GRB largely underestimates the detected GRB X-ray prompt emission. In addition, the GRB prompt event shows, among the BeppoSAX-WFC detected sample, unprecedentedly high ratios of X- and gamma-ray peak fluxes (F$_{2-10 keV}$/F$_{40-700 keV}$$sim$0.6, and F$_{2-26 keV}$/F$_{40-700 keV}$$sim$1.6) and fluences (S$_{2-10 keV}$/S$_{40-700 keV}$$sim$1.5 and S$_{2-26 keV}$/S$_{40-700 keV}$$sim$2.8), making it, among the BeppoSAX arcminute-localized GRBs, the closest to the recently discovered class of Fast X-ray Transients.
424 - N. Rea 2011
We report on a 63ks Chandra observation of the X-ray transient Swift J195509.6+261406 discovered as the afterglow of what was first believed to be a long duration Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB 070610). The outburst of this source was characterized by unique o ptical flares on timescales of second or less, morphologically similar to the short X-ray bursts usually observed from magnetars. Our Chandra observation was performed ~2 years after the discovery of the optical and X-ray flaring activity of this source, catching it in its quiescent state. We derive stringent upper limits on the quiescent emission of Swif J195509.6+261406 which argues against the possibility of this object being a typical magnetar. Our limits show that the most viable interpretation on the nature of this peculiar bursting source, is a binary system hosting a black hole or a neutron star with a low mass companion star (< 0.12 M_{odot}), and with an orbital period smaller than a few hours.
We report on multi-band observations of the transient source Swift J0840.7-3516, which was detected in outburst in 2020 February by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. The outburst episode lasted just ~5 days, during which the X-ray luminosity quickl y decreased from ~3E37 erg/s at peak down to ~5E33 erg/s in quiescence (0.3-10 keV; at 10 kpc). Such a marked and rapid decrease in the flux was also registered at UV and optical wavelengths. In outburst, the source showed considerable aperiodic variability in the X-rays on timescales as short as a few seconds. The spectrum of the source in the energy range 0.3-20 keV was well described by a thermal, blackbody-like, component plus a non-thermal, power law-like, component and it softened considerably as the source returned to quiescence. The spectrum of the optical counterpart in quiescence showed broad emission features associated mainly with ionised carbon and oxygen, superposed on a blue continuum. No evidence for bright continuum radio emission was found in quiescence. We discuss possible scenarios for the nature of this source, and show that the observed phenomenology points to a transient ultra-compact X-ray binary system.
116 - P. Meszaros 2002
We investigate the relationship between the quasi-thermal baryon-related photosphere in relativistic outflows, and the internal shocks arising outside them, which out to a limiting radius may be able to create enough pairs to extend the optically thi ck region. Variable gamma-ray light curves are likely to arise outside this limiting pair-forming shock radius, while X-ray excess bursts may arise from shocks occurring below it; a possible relation to X-ray flashes is discussed. This model leads to a simple physical interpretation of the observational gamma-ray variability-luminosity relation.
120 - M. De Pasquale 2005
We present the X-ray afterglow catalog of BeppoSAX from the launch of the satellite to the end of the mission. Thirty-three X-ray afterglows were securely identified based on their fading behavior out of 39 observations. We have extracted the continu um parameters (decay index, spectral index, flux, absorption) for all available afterglows. We point out a possible correlation between the X-ray afterglow luminosity and the energy emitted during the prompt $gamma$-ray event. We do not detect a significant jet signature within the afterglows, implying a lower limit on the beaming angle, neither a standard energy release when X-ray fluxes are corrected for beaming. Our data support the hypothesis that the burst should be surrounded by an interstellar medium rather than a wind environment, and that this environment should be dense. This may be explained by a termination shock located near the burst progenitor. We finally point out that some dark bursts may be explained by an intrinsic faintness of the event, while others may be strongly absorbed.
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