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Normal forms and uniform approximations for bridge orbit bifurcations

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 نشر من قبل Ken-Ichiro Arita
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss various bifurcation problems in which two isolated periodic orbits exchange periodic ``bridge orbit(s) between two successive bifurcations. We propose normal forms which locally describe the corresponding fixed point scenarios on the Poincare surface of section. Uniform approximations for the density of states for an integrable Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom are derived and successfully reproduce the numerical quantum-mechanical results.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

110 - S. Huang , C. Chandre , T. Uzer 2006
The multiphoton ionization of hydrogen by a strong bichromatic microwave field is a complex process prototypical for atomic control research. Periodic orbit analysis captures this complexity: Through the stability of periodic orbits we can match qual itatively the variation of experimental ionization rates with a control parameter, the relative phase between the two modes of the field. Moreover, an empirical formula reproduces quantum simulations to a high degree of accuracy. This quantitative agreement shows how short periodic orbits organize the dynamics in multiphoton ionization.
The phase-space structure of two families of galactic potentials is approximated with a resonant detuned normal form. The normal form series is obtained by a Lie transform of the series expansion around the minimum of the original Hamiltonian. Attent ion is focused on the quantitative predictive ability of the normal form. We find analytical expressions for bifurcations of periodic orbits and compare them with other analytical approaches and with numerical results. The predictions are quite reliable even outside the convergence radius of the perturbation and we analyze this result using resummation techniques of asymptotic series.
206 - S. Huang , C. Chandre , T. Uzer 2007
We investigate the multiphoton ionization of hydrogen driven by a strong bichromatic microwave field. In a regime where classical and quantum simulations agree, periodic orbit analysis captures the mechanism: Through the linear stability of periodic orbits we match qualitatively the variation of experimental ionization rates with control parameters such as the amplitudes of the two modes of the field or their relative phases. Moreover, we discuss an empirical formula which reproduces quantum simulations to a high degree of accuracy. This quantitative agreement shows the mechanism by which short periodic orbits organize the dynamics in multiphoton ionization. We also analyze the effect of longer pulse durations. Finally we compare our results with those based on the peak amplitude rule. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses are implemented for different mode locked fields. In parameter space, the localization of the period doubling and halving allows one to predict the set of parameters (amplitudes and phase lag) where ionization occurs.
220 - Fabrizio Catanese 2015
We discuss the history of the monodromy theorem, starting from Weierstrass, and the concept of monodromy group. From this viewpoint we compare then the Weierstrass , the Legendre and other normal forms for elliptic curves, explaining their geometric meaning and distinguishing them by their stabilizer in P SL(2,Z) and their monodromy. Then we focus on the birth of the concept of the Jacobian variety, and the geometrization of the theory of Abelian functions and integrals. We end illustrating the methods of complex analysis in the simplest issue, the difference equation $f(z) = g(z+1) - g(z)$ on $mathbb C$.
In this paper we study the breakdown of normal hyperbolicity and its consequences for reaction dynamics; in particular, the dividing surface, the flux through the dividing surface (DS), and the gap time distribution. Our approach is to study these qu estions using simple, two degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian models where calculations for the different geometrical and dynamical quantities can be carried out exactly. For our examples, we show that resonances within the normally hyperbolic invariant manifold may, or may not, lead to a `loss of normal hyperbolicity. Moreover, we show that the onset of such resonances results in a change in topology of the dividing surface, but does not affect our ability to define a DS. The flux through the DS varies continuously with energy, even as the energy is varied in such a way that normal hyperbolicity is lost. For our examples the gap time distributions exhibit singularities at energies corresponding to the existence of homoclinic orbits in the DS, but these singularities are not associated with loss of normal hyperbolicity.
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