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Stellar and Circumstellar Properties of the Pre-Main Sequence Binary GV Tau from Infrared Spectroscopy

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 نشر من قبل Greg Doppmann
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report spatially resolved spectroscopy of both components of the low-mass pre-main-sequence binary GV Tau. High resolution spectroscopy in the K- and L-bands is used to characterize the stellar properties of the binary and to explore the nature of the circumstellar environment. We find that the southern component, GV Tau S, is a radial velocity variable, possibly as a result of an unseen low-mass companion. The strong warm gaseous HCN absorption reported previously toward GV Tau S (Gibb et al. 2007) was not present during the epoch of our observations. Instead, we detect warm (~500 K) molecular absorption with similar properties toward the northern infrared companion, GV Tau N. At the epoch of our observations, the absorbing gas toward GV Tau N was approximately at the radial velocity of the GV Tau molecular envelope, but it was redshifted with respect to the star by ~13 km/s. One interpretation of our results is that GV Tau N is also a binary and that most of the warm molecular absorption arises in a circumbinary disk viewed close to edge-on.

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We present new sub-arcsecond (0.7) Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) observations of the 1.3 mm continuum emission from circumstellar disks around 11 low and intermediate mass pre-main sequence stars. High resolution ob servations for 3 additional sources were obtained from literature. In all cases the disk emission is spatially resolved. We adopt a self consistent accretion disk model based on the similarity solution for the disk surface density and constrain the dust radial density distribution on spatial scales of about 40 AU. Disk surface densities appear to be correlated with the stellar ages where the characteristic disk radius increases from ~ 20 AU to 100 AU over about 5 Myr. This disk expansion is accompanied by a decrease in the mass accretion rate, suggesting that our sample disks form an evolutionary sequence. Interpreting our results in terms of the temporal evolution of a viscous $alpha$-disk, we estimate (i) that at the beginning of the disk evolution about 60% of the circumstellar material was located inside radii of 25--40 AU, (ii) that disks formed with masses from 0.05 to 0.4 M$_{sun}$ and (iii) that the viscous timescale at the disk initial radius is about 0.1-0.3 Myr. Viscous disk models tightly link the surface density $Sigma(R)$ with the radial profile of the disk viscosity $ u(R) propto R^{gamma}$. We find values of $gamma$ ranging from -0.8 to 0.8, suggesting that the viscosity dependence on the orbital radius can be very different in the observed disks. Adopting the $alpha$ parameterization for the viscosity, we argue that $alpha$ must decrease with the orbital radius and that it may vary between 0.5 and $10^{-4}$. (abridged)
K2 observations of the weak-lined T Tauri binary V928 Tau A+B show the detection of a single, asymmetric eclipse which may be due to a previously unknown substellar companion eclipsing one component of the binary with an orbital period $>$ 66 days. O ver an interval of about 9 hours, one component of the binary dims by around 60%, returning to its normal brightness about 5 hours later. From modeling of the eclipse shape we find evidence that the eclipsing companion may be surrounded by a disk or a vast ring system. The modeled disk has a radius of $0.9923,pm,0.0005,R_*$, with an inclination of $56.78,pm, 0.03^circ$, a tilt of $41.22,pm,0.05^circ$, an impact parameter of $-0.2506,pm,0.0002,R_*$ and an opacity of 1.00. The occulting disk must also move at a transverse velocity of $6.637,pm,0.002,R_*,mathrm{day}^{-1}$, which depending on whether it orbits V928 Tau A or B, corresponds to approximately 73.53 or 69.26 $mathrm{km s}^{-1}$. A search in ground based archival data reveals additional dimming events, some of which suggest periodicity, but no unambiguous period associated with the eclipse observed by K2. We present a new epoch of astrometry which is used to further refine the orbit of the binary, presenting a new lower bound of 67 years, and constraints on the possible orbital periods of the eclipsing companion. The binary is also separated by 18 ($sim$2250 au) from the lower mass CFHT-BD-Tau 7, which is likely associated with V928 Tau A+B. We also present new high dispersion optical spectroscopy that we use to characterize the unresolved stellar binary.
293 - G. W. Doppmann 2003
We present high resolution (R=50,000) spectra at 2.2 um of 16 young stars in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud. Photospheric features are detected in the spectra of 11 of these sources, all Class II young stellar objects. In 10 of these sources, we measure effective temperatures, continuum veiling, and vsini rotation from the shapes and strengths of atomic photospheric lines by comparing to spectral synthesis models at 2.2 um. We measure surface gravities in 2 stars from the integrated line flux ratio of the 12CO line region at 2.3 um and the Na I line region at 2.2 um. Although the majority (8/10) of the Class II stars have similar effective temperatures (3530 K +/-100 K), they exhibit a large spread in bolometric luminosities (factor ~8), as derived from near-IR photometry. In the two stars where we have surface gravity measurements from spectroscopy, the photometrically derived luminosities are systematically higher than the spectroscopic luminosities. Our spectroscopic luminosities result in older ages on the H-R diagram than is suggested by photometry at J or K. Most of our sources show a substantially larger amount of continuum excess than stellar flux at 2.2 um. The derived veiling values at K appear correlated with mid-IR disk luminosity, and with Brackett gamma equivalent width, corrected for veiling. The derived vsini rotation is substantial (12-39 km s-1), but systematically less than the rotation measured in Class I.5 (flat) and Class I sources from other studies in Ophiuchus.
194 - G. W. Doppmann 2003
We describe a technique for deriving effective temperatures, surface gravities, rotation velocities, and radial velocities from high resolution near-IR spectra. The technique matches the observed near-IR spectra to spectra synthesized from model atmo spheres. For pre-main sequence stars, we use the same matching process to also measure the amount of excess near-IR emission. The information derived from high resolution spectra comes from line shapes and the relative line strengths of closely spaced lines. The values for the stellar parameters we derive are therefore independent of those derived from low resolution spectroscopy and photometry. The new method offers the promise of improved accuracy in placing young stellar objects on evolutionary model tracks. We discuss the possible systematic effects on our determination of the stellar parameters and evaluate the accuracy of the results derivable from high resolution spectra. The analysis of high resolution near-IR spectra of MK standards shows that the technique gives very accurate values for the effective temperature. The biggest uncertainty in comparing our results with optical spectral typing of MK standards is in the spectral type to effective temperature conversion for the standards themselves. Even including this uncertainty, the 1 sigma difference between the optical and IR temperatures for 3000-5800 K dwarfs is only 140 K. In a companion paper (Doppmann, Jaffe, & White 2003), we present an analysis of heavily extincted young stellar objects rho Oph.
This paper describes the analysis of UVES and GIRAFFE spectra acquired by the Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey in the fields of young clusters whose population includes pre-main sequence (PMS) stars. Both methods that have been extensively used i n the past and new ones developed in the contest of the Gaia-ESO survey enterprise are available and used. The internal precision of these quantities is estimated by inter-comparing the results obtained by such different methods, while the accuracy is estimated by comparison with independent external data, like effective temperature and surface gravity derived from angular diameter measurements, on a sample of benchmarks stars. Specific strategies are implemented to deal with fast rotation, accretion signatures, chromospheric activity, and veiling. The analysis carried out on spectra acquired in young clusters fields during the first 18 months of observations, up to June 2013, is presented in preparation of the first release of advanced data products. Stellar parameters obtained with the higher resolution and larger wavelength coverage from UVES are reproduced with comparable accuracy and precision using the smaller wavelength range and lower resolution of the GIRAFFE setup adopted for young stars, which allows us to provide with confidence stellar parameters for the much larger GIRAFFE sample. Precisions are estimated to be $approx$ 120 K r.m.s. in Teff, $approx$0.3 dex r.m.s. in logg, and $approx$0.15 dex r.m.s. in [Fe/H], for both the UVES and GIRAFFE setups.
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