In arXiv:0805.2192, we set up a gauge-theoretic equation on symplectic 6-manifolds, which is a version of the Hermitian-Einstein equation perturbed by Higgs fields, and call Donaldson-Thomas equation, to analytically approach the Donaldson-Thomas inv
ariants. In this article, we consider the equation on compact Kahler threefolds, and study some of analytic properties of solutions to them, using analytic methods in higher-dimensional Yang-Mills theory developed by Nakajima and Tian with some additional arguments concerning an extra non-linear term coming from the Higgs fields. We prove that a sequence of solutions to the Donaldson-Thomas equation of a unitary vector bundle over a compact Kahler threefold has a converging subsequence outside a closed subset whose real 2-dimensional Hausdorff measure is finite, provided that the L^2-norms of the Higgs fields are uniformly bounded. We also prove an n/2-compactness theorem of solutions to the equations on compact Kahler threefolds.
We consider a version of Hermitian-Einstein equation but perturbed by a Higgs field with a solution called a Donaldson-Thomas instanton on compact Kahler threefolds. The equation could be thought of as a generalization of the Hitchin equation on Riem
ann surfaces to Kahler threefolds. In the appendix of arXiv:0805.2192, following an analogy with the Hitchin equation, we introduced a stability condition for a pair consisting of a locally-free sheaf over a compact Kahler threefold and a section of the associated sheaf of the endomorphisms tensored by the canonical bundle of the threefold. In this article, we prove a Hitchin--Kobayashi-type correspondence for this and the Donaldson-Thomas instanton on compact Kahler threefolds.
In alignment with a programme by Donaldson and Thomas [DT], Thomas [Th] constructed a deformation invariant for smooth projective Calabi-Yau threefolds, which is now called the Donaldson-Thomas invariant, from the moduli space of (semi-)stable sheave
s by using algebraic geometry techniques. In the same paper [Th], Thomas noted that certain perturbed Hermitian-Einstein equations might possibly produce an analytic theory of the invariant. This article sets up the equations on symplectic 6-manifolds, and gives the local model and structures of the moduli space coming from the equations. We then describe a Hitchin-Kobayashi style correspondence for the equations on compact Kahler threefolds, which turns out to be a special case of results by Alvarez-Consul and Garcia-Prada [AG].
We construct balanced metrics on the family of non-Kahler Calabi-Yau threefolds that are obtained by smoothing after contracting $(-1,-1)$-rational curves on Kahler Calabi-Yau threefold. As an application, we construct balanced metrics on complex man
ifolds diffeomorphic to connected sum of $kgeq 2$ copies of $S^3times S^3$.
We formulate the deformation theory for instantons on nearly Kahler six-manifolds using spinors and Dirac operators. Using this framework we identify the space of deformations of an irreducible instanton with semisimple structure group with the kerne
l of an elliptic operator, and prove that abelian instantons are rigid. As an application, we show that the canonical connection on three of the four homogeneous nearly Kahler six-manifolds G/H is a rigid instanton with structure group H. In contrast, these connections admit large spaces of deformations when regarded as instantons on the tangent bundle with structure group SU(3).