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Supersymmetric inflation and baryogenesis via Extra-Flat directions of the MSSM

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 نشر من قبل Osamu Seto
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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One interpretation of proton stability is the existence of extra-flat directions of the MSSM, in particular $u^{c}u^{c}d^{c}e^{c}$ and $QQQL$, where the operators lifting the potential are suppressed by a mass scale $Lambda$ which is much larger than the Planck mass, $ Lambda gae 10^{26} GeV$. Using D-term hybrid inflation as an example, we show that such flat directions can serve as the inflaton in SUSY inflation models. The resulting model is a minimal version of D-term inflation which requires the smallest number of additional fields. In the case where $Q$-balls form from the extra-flat direction condensate after inflation, successful Affleck-Dine baryogenesis is possible if the suppression mass scale is $gae 10^{31}-10^{35} GeV$. In this case the reheating temperature from $Q$-ball decay is in the range $3-100 GeV$, while observable baryon isocurvature perturbations and non-thermal dark matter are possible. In the case of extra-flat directions with a large $t$ squark component, there no $Q$-ball formation and reheating is via conventional condensate decay. In this case the reheating temperature is in the range $1-100 TeV$, naturally evading thermal gravitino overproduction while allowing sphaleron erasure of any large B-L asymmetry.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider a possibility that one of the flat directions in the minimal supersymmetric standard model plays the role of the inflaton field and realizes large-field inflation. This is achieved by introducing a generalized shift symmetry on the flat d irection, which enables us to control the inflaton potential over large field values. After inflation, higher order terms allowed by the generalized shift symmetry automatically cause a helical motion of the field to create the baryon number of the universe, while baryonic isocurvature fluctuations are suppressed.
Within the MSSM we propose the chaotic inflationary scenario in which the inflaton field is a combination of sleptons and the Higgs field states evolving along the $D$-term flat direction. In the inflation and postinflation reheating processes, a dec isive role is played by the MSSM Yukawa superpotential. The vacuum energy during the inflationary era is mainly from the muonic Yukawa coupling, while the inflaton decay and subsequent reheating process dominantly proceeds due to the strange quark Yukawa term. Because of these, the presented scenario is predictive and the results obtained agree well with cosmological observations. In particular, the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio are respectively, $n_ssimeq 0.966$ and $r=0.00117$. The reheating temperature is found to be $T_rsimeq 7.2times 10^7$ GeV.
Electroweak baryogenesis provides an attractive explanation of the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry that relies on physics at the weak scale and thus it is testable at present and near future high-energy physics experiments. Although this sc enario may not be realized within the Standard Model, it can be accommodated within the MSSM provided there are new CP-violating phases and the lightest stop mass is smaller than the top-quark mass. In this work we provide an evaluation of the values of the stop (m_{tilde t}) and Higgs (m_H) masses consistent with the requirements of electroweak baryogenesis based on an analysis that makes use of the renormalization group improved Higgs and stop potentials, and including the dominant two-loop effects at high temperature. We find an allowed window in the (m_{tilde t},m_H)-plane, consistent with all present experimental data, where there is a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition and where the electroweak vacuum is metastable but sufficiently long-lived. In particular we obtain absolute upper bounds on the Higgs and stop masses, m_Hlesssim 127 GeV and m_{tilde t}lesssim 120 GeV, implying that this scenario will be probed at the LHC.
We analyze the quantum transport equations for supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis including previously neglected bottom and tau Yukawa interactions and show that they imply the presence of a previously unrecognized dependence of the cosmic baryo n asymmetry on the spectrum of third generation quark and lepton superpartners. For fixed values of the CP-violating phases in the supersymmetric theory, the baryon asymmetry can vary in both magnitude and sign as a result of the squark and slepton mass dependence. For light, right-handed top and bottom quark superpartners, the baryon number creation can be driven primarily by interactions involving third generation leptons and their superpartners.
Inflationary scenarios motivated by the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) where five scalar fields are non-minimally coupled to gravity are considered. The potential of the model and the function of non-minimal coupling are polynomials of two Higgs doublet convolutions. We show that the use of the strong coupling approximation allows to obtain inflationary parameters in the case when a combination of the four scalar fields plays a role of inflaton. Numerical calculations show that the cosmological evolution leads to inflationary scenarios fully compatible with observational data for different values of the MSSM mixing angle $beta$.
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