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Outflowing atomic and molecular gas at $z sim 0.67$ towards 1504+377

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 نشر من قبل Nissim Kanekar
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Nissim Kanekar

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We report the detection of OH 1667 MHz and wide HI 21cm absorption at $z sim 0.67$ towards the red quasar 1504+377, with the Green Bank Telescope and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. The HI 21cm absorption extends over a velocity range of $sim 600$ km/s blueward of the quasar redshift ($z=0.674$), with the new OH 1667 MHz absorption component at $sim -430$ kms, nearly coincident with earlier detections of mm-wave absorption at $z sim 0.6715$. The atomic and molecular absorption appear to arise from a fast gas outflow from the quasar, with a mass outflow rate ${dot M} sim 12 M_odot$ yr$^{-1}$ and a molecular hydrogen fraction $f_{rm H_2} equiv (N_{rm H_2}/N_{rm HI}) sim 0.2$. The radio structure of 1504+377 is consistent with the outflow arising due to a jet-cloud interaction, followed by rapid cooling of the cloud material. The observed ratio of HCO$^+$ to OH column densities is $sim 20$ times higher than typical values in Galactic and high-$z$ absorbers. This could arise due to small-scale structure in the outflowing gas on sub-parsec scales, which would also explain the observed variability in the HI 21cm line.

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We present the results of HI spectral stacking analysis of Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) observations targeting the COSMOS field. The GMRT data cube contains 474 field galaxies with redshifts known from the zCOSMOS-bright 10k catalogue. Spec tra for the galaxies are co-added and the stacked spectrum allows us to make a $sim 3sigma$ measurement of the average HI mass. Using this average HI mass along with the integral optical $B$-band luminosity of the galaxies and the luminosity density of the COSMOS field, a volume normalisation is applied to obtain the cosmic HI mass density ($Omega_{rm HI}$). We find a cosmic HI mass density of $Omega_{rm HI}$ = (0.42 $pm$ 0.16) $times$ 10$^{-3}$ at $z sim 0.37$, which is the highest-redshift measurement of $Omega_{rm HI}$ ever made using HI spectral stacking. The value we obtained for $Omega_{rm HI}$ at $z sim 0.37$ is consistent with that measured from large blind 21-cm surveys at $z = 0$ as well as measurements from other HI stacking experiments at lower redshifts. Our measurement in conjunction with earlier measurements indicates that there has been no significant evolution of HI gas abundance over the last 4 Gyr. A weighted mean of $Omega_{rm HI}$ from all 21-cm measurements at redshifts $z lesssim 0.4$ gives $Omega_{rm HI}$ = (0.35 $pm$ 0.01) $times$ 10$^{-3}$. The $Omega_{rm HI}$ measured (from HI 21-cm emission measurements) at $z lesssim 0.4$ is however approximately half that measured from Damped Lyman-$alpha$ Absorption (DLA) systems at $z gtrsim 2$. Deeper surveys with existing and upcoming instruments will be critical to understand the evolution of $Omega_{rm HI}$ in the redshift range intermediate between $z sim 0.4$ and the range probed by DLA observations.
We present the results of interferometric spectral line observations of Arp 220 at 3.5mm and 1.2mm from the Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI), imaging the two nuclear disks in H$^{13}$CN$(1 - 0)$ and $(3 - 2)$, H$^{13}$CO$^+(1 - 0)$ and $(3 - 2)$ , and HN$^{13}$C$(3 - 2)$ as well as SiO$(2 - 1)$ and $(6 - 5)$, HC$^{15}$N$(3 - 2)$, and SO$(6_6 - 5_5)$. The gas traced by SiO$(6 - 5)$ has a complex and extended kinematic signature including a prominent P Cygni profile, almost identical to previous observations of HCO$^+(3 - 2)$. Spatial offsets $0.1$ north and south of the continuum centre in the emission and absorption of the SiO$(6 - 5)$ P Cygni profile in the western nucleus (WN) imply a bipolar outflow, delineating the northern and southern edges of its disk and suggesting a disk radius of $sim40$ pc, consistent with that found by ALMA observations of Arp 220. We address the blending of SiO$(6 - 5)$ and H$^{13}$CO$^+(3 - 2)$ by considering two limiting cases with regards to the H$^{13}$CO$^+$ emission throughout our analysis. Large velocity gradient (LVG) modelling is used to constrain the physical conditions of the gas and to infer abundance ratios in the two nuclei. Our most conservative lower limit on the [H$^{13}$CN]/[H$^{13}$CO$^+$] abundance ratio is 11 in the WN, cf. 0.10 in the eastern nucleus (EN). Comparing these ratios to the literature we argue on chemical grounds for an energetically significant AGN in the WN driving either X-ray or shock chemistry, and a dominant starburst in the EN.
236 - K. C. Harrington 2019
We report the detection of the far-infrared (FIR) fine-structure line of singly ionised nitrogen, Nplusa, within the peak epoch of galaxy assembly, from a strongly lensed galaxy, hereafter ``The Red Radio Ring; the RRR, at z = 2.55. We combine new ob servations of the ground-state and mid-J transitions of CO (J$_{rm up} =$ 1,5,8), and the FIR spectral energy distribution (SED), to explore the multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) properties of the RRR. All line profiles suggest that the HII regions, traced by Nplusa, and the (diffuse and dense) molecular gas, traced by the CO, are co-spatial when averaged over kpc-sized regions. Using its mid-IR-to-millimetre (mm) SED, we derive a non-negligible dust attenuation of the Nplusa line emission. Assuming a uniform dust screen approximation results a mean molecular gas column density $> 10^{24}$, cm$^{-2}$, with a molecular gas-to-dust mass ratio of 100. It is clear that dust attenuation corrections should be accounted for when studying FIR fine-structure lines in such systems. The attenuation corrected ratio of $L_{rm NII205} / L_{rm IR(8-1000mu m)} = 2.7 times 10^{-4}$ is consistent with the dispersion of local and $z >$ 4 SFGs. We find that the lower-limit, Nplusa -based star-formation rate (SFR) is less than the IR-derived SFR by a factor of four. Finally, the dust SED, CO line SED and $L_{rm NII205}$ line-to-IR luminosity ratio of the RRR is consistent with a starburst-powered ISM.
64 - N. Kanekar 2007
We report the GMRT detection of HI 21cm absorption from the $z sim 3.39$ damped Lyman-$alpha$ absorber (DLA) towards PKS 0201+113, the highest redshift at which 21cm absorption has been detected in a DLA. The absorption is spread over $sim 115$ km s$ ^{-1}$ and has two components, at $z = 3.387144 (17)$ and $z = 3.386141 (45)$. The stronger component has a redshift and velocity width in agreement with the tentative detection of Briggs et al. (1997), but a significantly lower optical depth. The core size and DLA covering factor are estimated to be $lesssim 100$ pc and $f sim 0.69$, respectively, from a VLBA 328 MHz image. If one makes the conventional assumption that the HI column densities towards the optical and radio cores are the same, this optical depth corresponds to a spin temperature of $ts sim [(955 pm 160) times (f/0.69)] $ K. However, this assumption may not be correct, given that no metal-line absorption is seen at the redshift of the stronger 21cm component, indicating that this component does not arise along the line of sight to the optical QSO, and that there is structure in the 21cm absorbing gas on scales smaller than the size of the radio core. We model the 21cm absorbing gas as having a two-phase structure with cold dense gas randomly distributed within a diffuse envelope of warm gas. For such a model, our radio data indicate that, even if the optical QSO lies along a line-of-sight with a fortuitously high ($sim 50$%) cold gas fraction, the average cold gas fraction is low, ($lesssim 17%$), when averaged over the the spatial extent of the radio core. Finally, the large mismatch between peak 21cm and optical redshifts and the complexity of both profiles makes it unlikely that the $z sim 3.39$ DLA will be useful in tests of fundamental constant evolution.
We have recently developed a post-processing framework to estimate the abundance of atomic and molecular hydrogen (HI and H2, respectively) in galaxies in large-volume cosmological simulations. Here we compare the HI and H2 content of IllustrisTNG ga laxies to observations. We mostly restrict this comparison to $z approx 0$ and consider six observational metrics: the overall abundance of HI and H2, their mass functions, gas fractions as a function of stellar mass, the correlation between H2 and star formation rate, the spatial distribution of gas, and the correlation between gas content and morphology. We find generally good agreement between simulations and observations, particularly for the gas fractions and the HI mass-size relation. The H2 mass correlates with star formation rate as expected, revealing an almost constant depletion time that evolves up to z = 2 as observed. However, we also discover a number of tensions with varying degrees of significance, including an overestimate of the total neutral gas abundance at z = 0 by about a factor of two and a possible excess of satellites with no or very little neutral gas. These conclusions are robust to the modelling of the HI/H2 transition. In terms of their neutral gas properties, the IllustrisTNG simulations represent an enormous improvement over the original Illustris run. All data used in this paper are publicly available as part of the IllustrisTNG data release.
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