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Low temperature magnetization of the S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet ZnCu_3(OH)_6Cl_2

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 نشر من قبل Fabrice Bert
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The dc-magnetization of the unique S=1/2 kagome antiferromagnet Herbertsmithite has been measured down to 0.1K. No sign of spin freezing is observed in agreement with former muSR and ac-susceptibility results. The low temperature magnetic response is dominated by a defect contribution which exhibits a new energy scale $simeq 1$ K, likely reflecting the coupling of the defects. The defect component is saturated at low temperature by H>8T applied magnetic fields which enables us to estimate an upper bound for the non saturated intrinsic kagome susceptibility at T=1.7K.

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128 - F. Bert , D. Bono , P. Mendels 2005
Volborthite compound is one of the very few realizations of S=1/2 quantum spins on a highly frustrated kagome-like lattice. Low-T SQUID measurements reveal a broad magnetic transition below 2K which is further confirmed by a peak in the 51V nuclear s pin relaxation rate (1/T1) at 1.4K$pm$0.2K. Through 51V NMR, the ground state (GS) appears to be a mixture of different spin configurations, among which 20% correspond to a well defined short range order, possibly of the $sqrt{3} times sqrt{3}$ type. While the freezing involve all the Cu$^{2+}$ spins, only 40% of the copper moment is actually frozen which suggests that quantum fluctuations strongly renormalize the GS.
We determine dynamical response functions of the S=1/2 Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice based on large-scale exact diagonalizations combined with a continued fraction technique. The dynamical spin structure factor has importan t spectral weight predominantly along the boundary of the extended Brillouin zone and energy scans reveal broad response extending over a range of 2 sim 3J concomitant with pronounced intensity at lowest available energies. Dispersive features are largely absent. Dynamical singlet correlations -- which are relevant for inelastic light probes -- reveal a similar broad response, with a high intensity at low frequencies omega/J lesssim 0.2J. These low energy singlet excitations do however not seem to favor a specific valence bond crystal, but instead spread over many symmetry allowed eigenstates.
We clarify the existence of several magnetization plateaux for the kagome $S=1/2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model in a magnetic field. Using approximate or exact localized magnon eigenstates, we are able to describe in a similar manner the plateau states that occur for magnetization per site $m=1/3$, $5/9$, and $7/9$ of the saturation value. These results are confirmed using large-scale Exact Diagonalization on lattices up to 63 sites.
496 - T. Ono , K. Morita , M. Yano 2009
Hexagonal antiferromagnets Cs$_2$Cu$_3$MF$_{12}$ (M = Zr, Hf and Sn) have uniform Kagome lattices of Cu$^{2+}$ with S = 1/2, whereas Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ has a 2a by 2a enlarged cell as compared with the uniform Kagome lattice. The crystal data of Cs$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ synthesized first in the present work are reported. We performed magnetic susceptibility measurements on this family of Kagome antiferromagnet using single crystals. In the Cs$_2$Cu$_3$MF$_{12}$ systems, structural phase transitions were observed at $T_t = 225$ K, 172 K and 185 K for M = Zr, Hf and Sn, respectively. The magnetic susceptibilities observed for $T > T_t$ are almost perfectly described using theoretical results obtained by exact diagonalization for the 24-site Kagome cluster with $J/k_B = 244$ K, 266 K and 240 K, respectively. Magnetic ordering accompanied by the weak ferromagnetic moment occurs at $T_N = 23.5$ K, 24.5 K and 20.0 K, respectively. The origins of the weak ferromagnetic moment should be ascribed to the lattice distortion that breaks the hexagonal symmetry of the exchange network for $T < T_t$ and the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ is magnetically described as a modified Kagome antiferromagnet with four types of neighboring exchange interaction. Neither structural nor magnetic phase transition was observed in Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$. Its magnetic ground state was found to be a spin singlet with a triplet gap. Using exact diagonalization for a 12-site Kagome cluster, we analyzed the magnetic susceptibility and evaluated individual exchange interactions. The causes leading to the different ground states in Cs$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ and Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ are discussed.
Despite tremendous investigations, a quantum spin liquid state realized in spin-1/2 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet remains largely elusive. In herbertsmithite ZnCu$_3$(OH)$_6$Cl$_2$, a quantum spin liquid candidate on the perfect kagome lattice, p recisely characterizing the intrinsic physics of the kagome layers is extremely challenging due to the presence of interlayer Cu/Zn antisite disorder within its crystal structure. Here we measured the specific heat and thermal conductivity of single crystal herbertsmithite in magnetic fields with high resolution. Our results are highlighted by the excellent scaling collapse of the intrinsic magnetic specific heat contribution arising from the kagome layers as a function of $T/H$ (temperature/magnetic field). In addition, no residual linear term in the thermal conductivity $kappa/T(Trightarrow 0)$ is observed in zero and applied magnetic fields, indicating the absence of itinerant gapless excitations. These results suggest a new picture for a quantum spin liquid state of the kagome layers of herbertsmithite, wherein localized orphan spins arise and interact with random exchanges in conjunction with a non-itinerant quantum spin liquid.
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