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Geometric Computational Electrodynamics with Variational Integrators and Discrete Differential Forms

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 نشر من قبل Ari Stern
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we develop a structure-preserving discretization of the Lagrangian framework for electromagnetism, combining techniques from variational integrators and discrete differential forms. This leads to a general family of variational, multisymplectic numerical methods for solving Maxwells equations that automatically preserve key symmetries and invariants. In doing so, we demonstrate several new results, which apply both to some well-established numerical methods and to new methods introduced here. First, we show that Yees finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme, along with a number of related methods, are multisymplectic and derive from a discrete Lagrangian variational principle. Second, we generalize the Yee scheme to unstructured meshes, not just in space but in 4-dimensional spacetime. This relaxes the need to take uniform time steps, or even to have a preferred time coordinate at all. Finally, as an example of the type of methods that can be developed within this general framework, we introduce a new asynchronous variational integrator (AVI) for solving Maxwells equations. These results are illustrated with some prototype simulations that show excellent energy and conservation behavior and lack of spurious modes, even for an irregular mesh with asynchronous time stepping.

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In this paper, we present a numerical technique for performing Lie advection of arbitrary differential forms. Leveraging advances in high-resolution finite volume methods for scalar hyperbolic conservation laws, we first discretize the interior produ ct (also called contraction) through integrals over Eulerian approximations of extrusions. This, along with Cartans homotopy formula and a discrete exterior derivative, can then be used to derive a discrete Lie derivative. The usefulness of this operator is demonstrated through the numerical advection of scalar fields and 1-forms on regular grids.
We study the two primary families of spaces of finite element differential forms with respect to a simplicial mesh in any number of space dimensions. These spaces are generalizations of the classical finite element spaces for vector fields, frequentl y referred to as Raviart-Thomas, Brezzi-Douglas-Marini, and Nedelec spaces. In the present paper, we derive geometric decompositions of these spaces which lead directly to explicit local bases for them, generalizing the Bernstein basis for ordinary Lagrange finite elements. The approach applies to both families of finite element spaces, for arbitrary polynomial degree, arbitrary order of the differential forms, and an arbitrary simplicial triangulation in any number of space dimensions. A prominent role in the construction is played by the notion of a consistent family of extension operators, which expresses in an abstract framework a sufficient condition for deriving a geometric decomposition of a finite element space leading to a local basis.
The goal of this paper is to develop energy-preserving variational integrators for time-dependent mechanical systems with forcing. We first present the Lagrange-dAlembert principle in the extended Lagrangian mechanics framework and derive the extende d forced Euler-Lagrange equations in continuous-time. We then obtain the extended forced discrete Euler-Lagrange equations using the extended discrete mechanics framework and derive adaptive time step variational integrators for time-dependent Lagrangian systems with forcing. We consider two numerical examples to study the numerical performance of energy-preserving variational integrators. First, we consider the example of a nonlinear conservative system to illustrate the advantages of using adaptive time-stepping in variational integrators. We show a trade-off between energy-preserving performance and accurate discrete trajectories while choosing an initial time step. In addition, we demonstrate how the implicit equations become more ill-conditioned as the adaptive time step increases through a condition number analysis. As a second example, we numerically simulate a damped harmonic oscillator using the adaptive time step variational integrator framework. The adaptive time step increases monotonically for the dissipative system leading to unexpected energy behavior.
A fixed time-step variational integrator cannot preserve momentum, energy, and symplectic form simultaneously for nonintegrable systems. This barrier can be overcome by treating time as a discrete dynamic variable and deriving adaptive time-step vari ational integrators that conserve the energy in addition to being symplectic and momentum-preserving. Their utility, however, is still an open question due to the numerical difficulties associated with solving the governing discrete equations. In this work, we investigate the numerical performance of energy-preserving, adaptive time-step variational integrators. First, we compare the time adaptation and energy performance of the energy-preserving adaptive algorithm with the adaptive variational integrator for Keplers problem. We also study the effect of variable precision arithmetic on the energy conservation properties. Second, we apply tools from Lagrangian backward error analysis to investigate numerical stability of the energy-preserving adaptive algorithm. Finally, we consider a simple mechanical system example to illustrate our backward stability approach by constructing a modified Lagrangian for the modified equation of an energy-preserving, adaptive time-step variational integrator.
We consider the numerical approximation of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, which describes the dynamics of the magnetization in ferromagnetic materials. In addition to the classical micromagnetic contributions, the energy comprises the Dzyalosh inskii-Moriya interaction, which is the most important ingredient for the enucleation and the stabilization of chiral magnetic skyrmions. We propose and analyze three tangent plane integrators, for which we prove (unconditional) convergence of the finite element solutions towards a weak solution of the problem. The analysis is constructive and also establishes existence of weak solutions. Numerical experiments demonstrate the applicability of the methods for the simulation of practically relevant problem sizes.
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