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Is Sr2RuO4 a triplet superconductor?

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 نشر من قبل Kazushige Machida
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The field dependence of the specific heat gamma(H) at lower temperatures in Sr2RuO4 is analyzed by solving microscopic Eilenberger equation numerically. We find that systematic gamma(H) behaviors from a concaved sqrt H to a convex H^{alpha} (alpha>1) under H orientation change are understood by taking account of the Pauli paramagnetic effect. The magnetizations are shown to be consistent with it. This implies either a singlet pairing or a triplet one with d-vector locked in the basal plane, which allows us to explain other mysteries of this compound in a consistent way.

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اقرأ أيضاً

165 - C. Kallin , A. J. Berlinsky 2009
Much excitement surrounds the possibility that strontium ruthenate exhibits chiral p-wave superconducting order. Such order would be a solid state analogue of the A phase of He-3, with the potential for exotic physics relevant to quantum computing. W e take a critical look at the evidence for such time-reversal symmetry breaking order. The possible superconducting order parameter symmetries and the evidence for and against chiral p-wave order are reviewed, with an emphasis on the most recent theoretical predictions and experimental observations. In particular, attempts to reconcile experimental observations and theoretical predictions for the spontaneous supercurrents expected at sample edges and domain walls of a chiral p-wave superconductor and for the polar Kerr effect, a key signature of broken time-reversal symmetry, are discussed.
272 - X. Cai , Y. A. Ying , N. E. Staley 2012
Odd-parity, spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 has been found to feature exotic vortex physics including half-flux quanta trapped in a doubly connected sample and the formation of vortex lattices at low fields. The consequences of these vortex state s on the low-temperature magnetoresistive behavior of mesoscopic samples of Sr2RuO4 were investigated in this work using ring device fabricated on mechanically exfoliated single crystals of Sr2RuO4 by photolithography and focused ion beam. With the magnetic field applied perpendicular to the in-plane direction, thin-wall rings of Sr2RuO4 were found to exhibit pronounced quantum oscillations with a conventional period of the full-flux quantum even though the unexpectedly large amplitude and the number of oscillations suggest the observation of vortex-flow-dominated magnetoresistance oscillations rather than a conventional Little-Parks effect. For rings with a thick wall, two distinct periods of quantum oscillations were found in high and low field regimes, respectively, which we argue to be associated with the lock-in of a vortex lattice in these thick-wall rings. No evidence for half-flux-quantum resistance oscillations were identified in any sample measured so far without the presence of an in-plane field.
We have obtained strong experimental evidence for the full determination of the superconducting gap structure in all three bands of the spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 for the first time. We have extended the measurements of the field-orientation dependent specific heat to include conical field rotations consisting of in-plane azimuthal angle phi-sweeps at various polar angles theta performed down to 0.1 K. Clear 4-fold oscillations of the specific heat and a rapid suppression of it by changing theta are explained only by a compensation from two types of bands with anti-phase gap anisotropies with each other. The results indicate that the active band, responsible for the superconducting instability, is the gamma-band with the lines of gap minima along the [100] directions, and the passive band is the alpha- and beta-bands with the lines of gap minima or zeros along the [110] directions in their induced superconducting gaps. We also demonstrated the scaling of the specific heat for the field in the c-direction, which supports the line-node-like gap structures running along the kz direction.
We report on tunneling spectroscopy measurements using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) on the spin triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4. We find a negligible density of states close to the Fermi level and a fully opened gap with a value of $Delta$=0. 28 meV, which disappears at T$_c$ = 1.5 K. $Delta$ is close to the result expected from weak coupling BCS theory ($Delta_0$=1.76kBT$_c$ = 0.229 meV). Odd parity superconductivity is associated with a fully isotropic gap without nodes over a significant part of the Fermi surface.
This review presents a summary and evaluations of the superconducting properties of the layered ruthenate Sr2RuO4 as they are known in the autumn of 2011. This paper appends the main progress that has been made since the preceding review by Mackenzie and Maeno was published in 2003. Here, special focus is placed on the critical evaluation of the spin-triplet, odd-parity pairing scenario applied to Sr2RuO4. After an introduction to superconductors with possible odd-parity pairing, accumulated evidence for the pairing symmetry of Sr2RuO4 is examined. Then, significant recent progress on the theoretical approaches to the superconducting pairing by Coulomb repulsion is reviewed. A section is devoted to some experimental properties of Sr2RuO4 that seem to defy simple explanations in terms of currently available spin-triplet scenario. The next section deals with some new developments using eutectic boundaries and micro-crystals, which reveals novel superconducting phenomena related to chiral edge states, odd-frequency pairing states, and half-fluxoid states. Some of these properties are intimately connected with the properties as a topological superconductor. The article concludes with a summary of knowledge emerged from the study of Sr2RuO4 that are now more widely applied to understand the physics of other unconventional superconductors, as well as with a brief discussion of relatively unexplored but promising areas of ongoing and future studies of Sr2RuO4.
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